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Goodwill? Union? Really? NF


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I heard this morning they were closing doors, sad news. But to learn it,s unionized? WTH.


I will tell ya, I have bought some fine cloths from this establishment here in Barrie. If you look , you can find great deals. 2 years ago, I grabbed a 400 suit for 40 dollars. New never worn, made in Italy leather dress shoes. Leather soles to add. That you dont get eveyday for 20 bucks.


It,s a great way for many people, families, to save money. There is nothing wrong with the stuff they sell. They wash everything, yet, anything I bought from there, I had washed or dry cleaned before using it. Many t.shirts,shorts, track pants I have bought there for 1/8 the price of new at the big stores.


Goodwill, union ? I have seen it all now. I thought they were here for the people, not them selves.





Edited by Brian B
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That seems crazy, dunno if it affects the Hamilton one in any way but its a pretty big outfit, I have done some renovation work in their offices and there are a lot of special needs people at work for them, and from appearances, the management weren't making off like bandits the two of them drive older Hyundai's, hopefully it doesn't change anything for them

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Kinda funny how in this day and age with soaring prices and all, you'd think a place like that would have more business, not less. Couple that with those crazy salaries and a CEO with a history of spending problems and to me that raises a few flags.



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Kinda funny how in this day and age with soaring prices and all, you'd think a place like that would have more business, not less. Couple that with those crazy salaries and a CEO with a history of spending problems and to me that raises a few flags.





I had no idea of this kind of thing. I thought it was a charity company. Low rent, low pay for the employees. This is a big eye opener for me.

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I can't comment on Goodwill as I never go...but I used to frequent the Value Villages in Oshawa and Whitby. It has really changed in the last 5 years. Still some really good deals to be sure but the pricing has really skyrocketed. Yesterday for example Debbe and I where in Value Village because we had a $10 gift voucher that Santa had put in my stocking at Christmas. Debbe ended up browsing through the women clothing while we where in there. Then we where off to Costco. At Costco she saw some jeans she really liked for $15. Grabbed a pair to try on at home. Got home and loved them. She then told me lots of the women jeans in Value Village where $20...and this is all used stuff donated for free. Something wrong with that picture right there.

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My girlfriends mom lost her job at goodwill yesterday...


The union didn't fight for GW employees to make good money. The employees there made minimum wage.


For a ceo to only make 230,000 a year.. Most Ceo's of chains that large make what...$10,000,000 a year??


Goodwill was used by so many people, who really needed it. its sad that they shut down. Many people are going to be very hard up now.


I was very saddened to hear the news. I went there a few times a month.


I don't know about the aforementioned scams. Or what ever is going on in the background. And to be honest I don't care.


I just feel for the employees that lost their jobs, and the customers who are going to have an even harder time now that the GW doors have been locked.

Edited by N.A.W
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I think it's just the Toronto area that is affected. The stores in Hamilton are doing well with an expansion planned for this year. It's too bad about the mismanagement because they provide jobs to a lot of people who would otherwise never find work..

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230k a year is a low wage for CEO running a company that large, if you disagree you can spend 6 years and 300k-400k to get your MBA then you could do it as well.

Was thinking exactly the same thing. My father in-law had a saying when it came to interviewing for a job. He would say "If you pay peanuts you get monkeys and I have never been someone's Monkey" I had to take him at his word that he used this line as I was never at a job interview of his. I can however say with 100% certainty that he was successful and knowing his personality I could hear him saying the words.


IMHO the CEO salary was low for the position. Those type of jobs and the work they require...well... that's just the way it is.

Edited by crappieperchhunter
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All Barrie and Orrilla locations shut down for now.


I hear ya on the Value village thing Steve. When they started, there was awesome deals and treasures to be found. Now it,s like walking into walmart , the same or higher prices.

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re: Valu Village. young hipsters have discovered it as a source for cheap, hidden gems so not surprised to hear prices have creeped. is it the sole reason, probably not. Some of the locations are in expensive digs. Their store on Queen St. East near Broadview would not be inexpensive I would guess.


I wouldn't be surprised if the landlords jacked up rent to drive them out. The one on Overlea Blvd in Toronto is sitting pretty on what I believe will be the next big developed area. Lots of space and close to the DVP. Gonna happen, just a matter of when and how it's developed (mixed income housing would be ideal).

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From what I have gathered, it seems that their cost of doing business, out stripped their income. Their rents have increased driving their overhead costs beyond their income.

It boggles my mind how they could hire a CEO who has already proven that she cannot control budgets/costs.

It is also my understanding that all GW's will remain closed until a solution is found. Typically, that solution will entail only the most profitable stores have a chance.


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I find it funny that people bash unions when there are job loses. A union doesn't fire people. A bad company fires people.


We have weak labour laws now and bad companies use them to their advantage. It seems to me the only thing the union can do these days is make sure the employees are treated fairly during their time with the company and they get a proper severance package when they're fired( which is usually a better package at most union shops ).

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When I have something I don't need I give it away for free. hopefully the void will be filled by a charity that does the same. Sorry to hear so many have lost jobs. 200k for a CEO of a company that size is a bargain.


A good CEO at that price is a bargain. One who was previously fired for spending irregularities... not so much.

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