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Selling Legal Pot In L.C.B.O. Makes Alot Of Sense. Premier Says. NF


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I get a kick out of the guys that get worried about legalizing it and the increase in drugged driving..What exactly is it that you all think will change...Im going to tell you whats going to change..The government is going to cash in and that's it. There wont be a real increase in anything but tax revenue..There wont be any more or less drugged driving then there is right now..Want to talk bout drugged driving put this in your pipe and smoke it..The wife works at Shoppers Drug mart in the pharmacy, the amount of people getting their opiate scripts higher then a kite and driving around is in the hundreds per week! Id start there if your worried about drugged driving. Nothing like chewing on fentenyl patches driving down the road!

I think you pretty much wacked the nail on the head.

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I get a kick out of the guys that get worried about legalizing it and the increase in drugged driving..What exactly is it that you all think will change...Im going to tell you whats going to change..The government is going to cash in and that's it. There wont be a real increase in anything but tax revenue..There wont be any more or less drugged driving then there is right now..Want to talk bout drugged driving put this in your pipe and smoke it..The wife works at Shoppers Drug mart in the pharmacy, the amount of people getting their opiate scripts higher then a kite and driving around is in the hundreds per week! Id start there if your worried about drugged driving. Nothing like chewing on fentenyl patches driving down the road!

Wow you know my neighbour?

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A friend of my cousins recently went down to California for a wedding, he went to the doctors on day 2 of his trip saying he had migraines, they prescribed him a card for the dispensary within 15 minutes for $50, he was busy once everyone learned he could go to the dispensaries hahaha

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As I said take Colorado weed tax and gross it up to Canadian population about $450 million.


Not quite...using the estimated 5 billion dollars in revenue from sales I quoted previously, take the Ontario tax rate on booze of 33% and use the same percentage for weed which = $1.6666 billion in taxes for Canada..probably lower because other provinces have a lower tax. But Ontario's share still would be about $550 million from pot sales.


Plus you would be employing farmers who would be paying taxes on their businesses and taxes would be applied to every step of way in producing pot.


As for the biker gangs who are deeply entrenched in this business, they are not the sentimentalized fluffy type stuff toys you see on TV. In reality these gangs have absolutely no redeeming qualities and do much harm to society. I'd legalized pot just to choke off this significant revenue stream for these gangs.

Edited by scuro2
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I may as well chime in. I can count on 2 hands the amount of times I have partaken in the sacrament, 1973 where what is now the Red Hill Expressway. The last was a few weekends ago due to peer pressure and I was interested in seeing how it effected my rather significant pain I was experiencing after overdoing it installing a new NG residential furnace here at the cottage and a handful of times in those 23 years. So I am no expert but from my limited experience I drove stoned once and was pulled over for doing 25 KPH in a 50. That was in 90 and the rookie Cop let me go because I believe he had no clue as to what to do. The point being I definitely was impaired and it effected my driving. It was all Cheech and Chong low speed chase. I simply do not enjoy the feeling one gets, I just do not like being hungry and too sleepy to cook.


If this goes nationally and this is legalization as opposed to de criminalizing the predicted revenue stream is far too low at 1.6 billion Samolians. A stream of convicted criminals will be driven from every prison in Canada. These former cons will need to find work and start paying taxes. And buying the stupid stick. Simple.


As far as organized as well as less organized crime all will still their hand in the hat to get their piece. Nothing will change there.


An additional point I would like to make is that Premier Wynne works at warp speed when her caucus sees an opportunity to create a tax stream. Especially when she has the ear of our new young PM. I heard about selling Beer in grocery stores 25 years ago. The PM is in for 15 minutes and you can buy a 6 pac at Fortinos. Although not Federal I believe the PMO had a hand in the move.

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Maybe I'm different, been drinking and doing cannabis occasionally since the late 60's. I hate to say how many times I was behind the wheel with a skinfull of booze back then , drinking you are kinda 7 feet tall and bulletproof doing stupid crap, but with marijuana I only recall trying to drive once, it was horrible cause I was so paranoid I was slowing down for stop signs way ahead of what a normal person would, driving a couple mph below the limit so as to not get stopped, never did it again. In marijuana defense you don't have the " hold my joint and watch this " crazy attitude.

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I've been to Amsterdam, it's like being in a Star Trek episode after being beamed down to a different planet. It and sit's a big World out there. It seems to work there, and well. You can go to see a movie or a live sex show and sit and have a Heineken. I didn't take in the sex show though.

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I've been to Amsterdam, it's like being in a Star Trek episode after being beamed down to a different planet. It and sit's a big World out there. It seems to work there, and well. You can go to see a movie or a live sex show and sit and have a Heineken. I didn't take in the sex show though.

Amsterdamn is kinda cool but I love barcelona!


All through europe however they have beer vending machines in the street, people smoke weed everwhere out in the streets.


Italy, as Im sure you know OI, half the people are drunk or buzzed 24/7, even kids drink a half cup here and there daily.


The culture is waaaay different. Mind you in these places one rarely needs to drive. Trains go everwhere

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I wouldn't say they are drunk Rick, buzzed maybe. I have never seen a fall down drunk in all my travels in Europe, Japan, yes definitely Finland, they are hammered by 5PM on Vodka and hot Tar, the Tar we pave our driveways with, strange. The wine in Italy is around 3% alcohol. Throughout the UK and Europe in my experience the drugs of choice in my observation is Coke and Heroin, not much weed.

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I wouldn't say they are drunk Rick, buzzed maybe. I have never seen a fall down drunk in all my travels in Europe, Japan, yes definitely Finland, they are hammered by 5PM on Vodka and hot Tar, the Tar we pave our driveways with, strange. The wine in Italy is around 3% alcohol. Throughout the UK and Europe in my experience the drugs of choice in my observation is Coke and Heroin, not much weed.

You get my point though. Hard to be drunk when you eat 6lbs of food everyday lol.


I seen waaaaay more weed then anything(besides alcohol) all throughout europe with the exception being italy.


To your point though I think heroin(opiates)are a big problem almost everywhere

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Miss Ambrose would rather poison your children with Pharma meds that cause huge side effects and death!!!!!

(they make lots of money from them.)


They can't make money off of this green plant and is why they don't care about using it!


Rona can find the time to twist reports made by our medical society when money gets involved but she can't seem to read the reports about The Children s lives being saved



Landmark Study Confirms Marijuana Extract Is an Amazing Aid to Prevent Seizures in Epileptic Children
Studies indicate a major effect.
December 20, 2015

The annual meeting of the American Epilepsy Society took place in early December, where the largest study presented there confirmed the astounding benefits of medical cannabis to treat seizures.

Epilepsy affects one in 26 Americans during their lifetime, “with one-third having a form of the condition that resists treatment or effective management.” Children and young adults are particularly affected by this debilitating condition.

The findings of this study add to the growing body of evidence that cannabidiol (CBD), a non-psychoactive extract of cannabis, can provide the best option for treatment-resistant epilepsy.

Of 261 patients given CBD treatment, 45% experienced a significant reduction in seizure frequency, and 9% were seizure-free at 3 months. Some children continued to experience benefits after the trial ended, even one year after.

“In the subsequent periods, which are very encouraging, 9 percent of all patients and 13 percent of those with Dravet Syndrome epilepsy were seizure-free. Many have never been seizure-free before,” said lead author Dr. Orrin Devinsky.

The Free Thought Project has covered many stories of CBD providing miraculous benefits to children suffering from treatment-resistant epileptic seizures. With scientific evidence piling up, it is no longer deniable that cannabis provides a host of medical treatments.

As such, the federal classification of cannabis as a Schedule 1 drug—with no medical benefits—is completely absurd and is a moral affront to millions of people searching for alternatives to Big Pharma products.

Research began in the mid-20th century on medical cannabis was quashed with the government’s War on Drugs, but is being rekindled as states continue to legalize medicinal and recreational use. However, clinical trials take a long time, and they are just beginning.

The call for ending all government roadblocks to medical cannabis research is growing louder and more furious, from doctors and patients alike. Researchers want to explore all options in the quest to cure human ailments.

“As a practitioner, I have had families move to Colorado, and many tried multiple different products,” said Devinsky. “As a doctor, I often don’t feel like I know which of many factors is contributing to a patient doing better or worse. We absolutely need rigorous, scientific data on this.”

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