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Filming a C.O.nf


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There's lots of talk about people with cameras trying to provoke a confrontation with authorities or having a problem with authority.


I'm pretty sure Simon has a GoPro on his head to capture his outdoor adventures.


Thanks Chris, as you say I am filming my outdoor activities like i've done for a decade now…..check out my youtube channel….subscribe……lol…just kidding :angel:. I'm not out for confrontation. I was actually filming as the CO approached as my buddy was reeling in a fish. The CO was actually hiding in the bush watching us….lol…because he witnessed us catch and release a slot fish…which he thanked us for doing. I switched off the camera before he arrived because there is no need to film and it is just out of respect, I know it makes people uneasy, but to be told i'm not allowed to is a whole other matter…especially if it is not the case.


And who the heck is jtracc…."get a life"…..lol…whatever mate…..loving my life thanks all the same.

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Thanks Chris, as you say I am filming my outdoor activities like i've done for a decade now..check out my youtube channel.subscribeloljust kidding :angel:. I'm not out for confrontation. I was actually filming as the CO approached as my buddy was reeling in a fish. The CO was actually hiding in the bush watching us.lolbecause he witnessed us catch and release a slot fishwhich he thanked us for doing. I switched off the camera before he arrived because there is no need to film and it is just out of respect, I know it makes people uneasy, but to be told i'm not allowed to is a whole other matterespecially if it is not the case.


And who the heck is jtracc."get a life"..lolwhatever mate..loving my life thanks all the same.

Yeah jtracc that comment really proved a point, against you.


Chris brock and GWB are bang on IMO


F&A thats pretty crappy you have to deal with this generation of "provacative confrontational filming".


I film alot and never had an issue. Cops or co's.


As I said many times, dont break the law and dont be a prick.


Cops and COs are just out there doing their jobs. They have families and friends too. They arent out to kill innocent people or in most cases criminals either.


Yeah ya got your bad apples but thats just people in general regardless of their profession/status etc

Edited by manitoubass2
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Filming cops is a big thing down here - if you go on U tube the site is loaded with cops being filmed showing cops acting illegally towards citizens - just google police harassment and see what happens - the cops don't like it but a citizen has the right to film them - and if the cops isn't doing anything wrong he shouldn't mind it - it is the only protection a citizen has against a bad cop - God only knows how police treated people before the cameras came along -

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My post got deleted on a public forum so..... Thought this was a fishing forum about fishing and your commenting about video taping a co on your go pro...? Doing his job? Like I said need to get a life dude. How about telling us how the bite is? What's biting? Ice report? Colour of the Swedish pimple? Use your go pro to post some pics and maybe a vid of the action. Maybe you didn't have enough time... Get some guys fired up for the ice season. I don't know, your talking about go proing a co. Really?


Guys like you are the first to whine and complain when you see someone keeping too many fish or fishing for whatever out of season and asking where is a co when you need one.


Ontario FISHING community... FISHING


Who runs this forum anyway?

Edited by jtracc
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I noticed you emphasized "FISHING".


OFC is also a "COMMUNITY".


Perhaps you jtracc should search what that word means?


This is not just a fishing forum. It's friends from all over that through years become involved in other facets of board members lives.


Some many members I've never met, nor fished with, but I've gotten to know them through their posts, whether its their trades, families, pets, food, pastimes etc.


So yeah we all fish and try to post as many reports as we can. Right now is that time the diehards are out fly fishing or toughing harsh softwater conditions, where many of us wait for the hardwater season to begin. So off topic threads come up more than usual.


But anyhow, if you want strictly fishing reports, you control what you click on so ummmmmm.


Or visit other forums that just post nothing but fishing.


Its up to you bud?

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My post got deleted on a public forum so..... Thought this was a fishing forum about fishing and your commenting about video taping a co on your go pro...? Doing his job? Like I said need to get a life dude. How about telling us how the bite is? What's biting? Ice report? Colour of the Swedish pimple? Use your go pro to post some pics and maybe a vid of the action. Maybe you didn't have enough time... Get some guys fired up for the ice season. I don't know, your talking about go proing a co. Really?


Guys like you are the first to whine and complain when you see someone keeping too many fish or fishing for whatever out of season and asking where is a co when you need one.


Ontario FISHING community... FISHING


Who runs this forum anyway?


Jtracc, I have the Gopro with me because I am filming my fishing adventures, it just takes quite a while to download, sort through, piece together, do editing sound etc…etc….and then I have to upload it to youtube at dazzling upload speeds of 0.2mbps (all we get out here in the boonies !!!)


But fear not…..it just finished uploading….here is the video from that afternoon 48 hours ago….minus the part where the CO walks up...let me know what yo think :canadian:


Edited by limeyangler
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I noticed you emphasized "FISHING".

OFC is also a "COMMUNITY".

Perhaps you jtracc should search what that word means?

This is not just a fishing forum. It's friends from all over that through years become involved in other facets of board members lives.

Some many members I've never met, nor fished with, but I've gotten to know them through their posts, whether its their trades, families, pets, food, pastimes etc.

So yeah we all fish and try to post as many reports as we can. Right now is that time the diehards are out fly fishing or toughing harsh softwater conditions, where many of us wait for the hardwater season to begin. So off topic threads come up more than usual.

But anyhow, if you want strictly fishing reports, you control what you click on so ummmmmm.

Or visit other forums that just post nothing but fishing.

Its up to you bud

I like the wink...because it really is up to me.


Fishing "The activity of catching fish, either for food or as a sport"

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Jtracc, I have the Gopro with me because I am filming my fishing adventures, it just takes quite a while to download, sort through, piece together, do editing sound etc…etc….and then I have to upload it to youtube at dazzling upload speeds of 0.2mbps (all we get out here in the boonies !!!)


But fear not…..it just finished uploading….here is the video from that afternoon 48 hours ago….minus the part where the CO walks up...let me know what yo think :canadian:



Nice vid thx for sharing. Few nice eyes there...

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My post got deleted on a public forum so..... Thought this was a fishing forum about fishing and your commenting about video taping a co on your go pro...? Doing his job? Like I said need to get a life dude. How about telling us how the bite is? What's biting? Ice report? Colour of the Swedish pimple? Use your go pro to post some pics and maybe a vid of the action. Maybe you didn't have enough time... Get some guys fired up for the ice season. I don't know, your talking about go proing a co. Really?


Guys like you are the first to whine and complain when you see someone keeping too many fish or fishing for whatever out of season and asking where is a co when you need one.


Ontario FISHING community... FISHING


Who runs this forum anyway?

I do if you don't like the way we run it you are free to leave. We have a broad lateral on topics if it says NF it stands for NOT FISHING. If you read the rules you will see why it was deleted. If you have an issue contact one of the owners my PM is always open.






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He sees the camera on my head and asks if I'm filming, I say no but even if I were I was entitled to do so. He then states that he is pretty sure I'm not allowed to film him, I restate…."oh I'm pretty sure I am"….he then says " I don't think you are, if you are how come Google has to blank out peoples faces?" I said that was different, lol…mumbled something about public/private/profit/i'm not a company etc…etc..I was making it up as I went along (i'm stubborn….lol).






Although I agree you are right, I personally feel that you could have handled the conversation with a little more diplomacy. By say saying you are entitled, could make one feel like you have a chip on your shoulder. This may be the farthest from the truth, but it's these little things that may tarnish the relationship you have built with this CO over the years.

Sometimes I feel it's better to ask another person what they know, before you state your rights (or at least what you think your rights are).


I have read many of your posts over the years and you appear to be a good, honest outdoorsman and parent. Being a parent myself, I always think of my actions and if they are something that I would condone my children to do.


Would you be pleased if you son handled the situation the same way you did?





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My post got deleted on a public forum so..... Thought this was a fishing forum about fishing and your commenting about video taping a co on your go pro...? Doing his job? Like I said need to get a life dude. How about telling us how the bite is? What's biting? Ice report? Colour of the Swedish pimple? Use your go pro to post some pics and maybe a vid of the action. Maybe you didn't have enough time... Get some guys fired up for the ice season. I don't know, your talking about go proing a co. Really?


Guys like you are the first to whine and complain when you see someone keeping too many fish or fishing for whatever out of season and asking where is a co when you need one.


Ontario FISHING community... FISHING


Who runs this forum anyway?

The englishman posts a ton of reports. He asked a reasonable question, in which the answer is yes, it's perfectly legal. He also stated he didn't much care to ambush the CO and turned the camera off, but was a little curious as to the rules when the CO said it was forbidden (the CO was full of crap) So he asked a question.


To recap. 1. Limey=lots of fishing reports. You and I not so much so don't bust his balls about fishing related posts.

2. He was respectful to the CO

3. CO still got defensive and made a statement that made the englishman curious.

4. He asked a valid question and the answer validated his hunch.

5. Open the zipper on your leather mask and get back to doing what you were doing.

6. Have a nice day.

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The englishman posts a ton of reports. He asked a reasonable question, in which the answer is yes, it's perfectly legal. He also stated he didn't much care to ambush the CO and turned the camera off, but was a little curious as to the rules when the CO said it was forbidden (the CO was full of crap) So he asked a question.


To recap. 1. Limey=lots of fishing reports. You and I not so much so don't bust his balls about fishing related posts.

2. He was respectful to the CO

3. CO still got defensive and made a statement that made the englishman curious.

4. He asked a valid question and the answer validated his hunch.

5. Open the zipper on your leather mask and get back to doing what you were doing.

6. Have a nice day.

lol, well played sir, well played *insert a slow hand clap here*
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He sees the camera on my head and asks if I'm filming, I say no but even if I were I was entitled to do so. He then states that he is pretty sure I'm not allowed to film him, I restate…."oh I'm pretty sure I am"….he then says " I don't think you are, if you are how come Google has to blank out peoples faces?" I said that was different, lol…mumbled something about public/private/profit/i'm not a company etc…etc..I was making it up as I went along (i'm stubborn….lol).






Although I agree you are right, I personally feel that you could have handled the conversation with a little more diplomacy. By say saying you are entitled, could make one feel like you have a chip on your shoulder. This may be the farthest from the truth, but it's these little things that may tarnish the relationship you have built with this CO over the years.

Sometimes I feel it's better to ask another person what they know, before you state your rights (or at least what you think your rights are).


I have read many of your posts over the years and you appear to be a good, honest outdoorsman and parent. Being a parent myself, I always think of my actions and if they are something that I would condone my children to do.


Would you be pleased if you son handled the situation the same way you did?







Looking back I was a little hasty and snappy as he never did get a chance to ask me not to film (even though I wasn't) and you make a good point about how I would want my kid to react, I absolutely encourage my kid to challenge me(lol…within reason) and other authority figures, but respectfully and he has some pretty healthy boundaries. I admit I was angered by his question right off the bat, but again I feel my instincts were correct and my annoyance justified because my suspicions about his intentions for asking if I was filming were spot on as he then informs me he thinks I'm not allowed to. Being assertive is a skill…don't always get it right with my communications but I will speak my mind…even if my voice shakes.


BTW. My comments weren't directed at you Limey. I didn't realize you'd turned the camera off. You are a patient guy to put up with the last few posts. Nice video BTW.


Thanks Oggie, I kinda knew this was a provocative subject to post, I prepared myself to be thick skinned for the responses….lol.




The englishman posts a ton of reports. He asked a reasonable question, in which the answer is yes, it's perfectly legal. He also stated he didn't much care to ambush the CO and turned the camera off, but was a little curious as to the rules when the CO said it was forbidden (the CO was full of crap) So he asked a question.


To recap. 1. Limey=lots of fishing reports. You and I not so much so don't bust his balls about fishing related posts.

2. He was respectful to the CO

3. CO still got defensive and made a statement that made the englishman curious.

4. He asked a valid question and the answer validated his hunch.

5. Open the zipper on your leather mask and get back to doing what you were doing.

6. Have a nice day.


Hilarious….thanks Grimace (BTW…I am Canadian…born in Toronto)



lol, well played sir, well played *insert a slow hand clap here*


LOL…GBW…love your responses, thanks man..like Manitou said…spot on!

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Very interesting and informative thread; there's always something new to learn here.




I haven't watched all of your videos; but the one in this thread has to rank close to your best!!!!


Thank you for taking the time to post your adventures.



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