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Who is going to pull the trigger?

Big Cliff

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I see you have asked this question twice now. Im not being a smart as s here, but what do the irish have to do with this? What did they do?


I can only remember something about them blowing up their own land/people. Im not fully educated on this.


Thanks Cram.


They terrorist-bombed the UK for 2 decades.....not unlike what ISIS did in France last week (albeit for very different reasons).


My point is, you don't nuke an entire country just because there are some terrorists hiding there. It's ridiculous.

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They terrorist-bombed the UK for 2 decades.....not unlike what ISIS did in France last week (albeit for very different reasons).


My point is, you don't nuke an entire country just because there are some terrorists hiding there. It's ridiculous.


Thank you for responding. I wasnt sure.

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Cram I agree about nukes.....


It is asinine to use nukes for any reason except in retaliation and then it only makes sense because if you don't the other guy will have no reason not to keep lobbing them


Then again if your are Russia with HUGE oil reserves you can't give away right now with the glut clogging up sales... Having a lot of the oil in the Middle East is glowing green might get your former customers back.

Edited by Canuck2fan
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Its nice we all respectfully can express our thoughts here BUT what if what happened in Paris happenes in Vancouver Toronto Montreal or any other part of our country,,,, watching the news tonight someone was interviewed and in as many words said it is war how many times do u just accept it as an act of terrorism before it becomes war, do u just sit back and take it, till I will not say their name except it begins with I, before they take over the world,,,


Even Russia can work with France and the USA, why the begoly is our pm pulling out of air strikes but willing to send more troops to help out on the ground, who is going to hurt more


AND yes another footnote, our vets who have not got proper help to deal with their issues from being overseas are waiting years for help for defending our rights


BUT we can take thousands of people into this country without proper security checks and don't think the I group is not taking advantage of this situation Belgium police and intelligence is small and way underfunded, I have relatives there, that is why there is so much I training being done there


And also the govt accepts the fact that our medical staff is so under funded that many of the refugees coming to this country with the same disorders of our war vets will not be able to get proper physcological or physciatric attention that they will need to deal with the stress of what they have been thru


This to will be a big drain on our system, bring them in but make sure u know who u are bring in, make sure the govt can deal with those with mental issues who may never be able to work in this country and help out the countries in need right now because guaranteed we will probably need their help before the end of our lifetime


We have had the gift of living in this country for years without direct true war fare, we can grumble but then go out hook up our boat and then go fishing and complain about the wind or the height of the waves,,it can change in a heart beat and once that spirit of fear Is instilled here the I people will fester it for a long time,, The thought of saying if we don't p..s them off the wont p,,s us off if. hello we too are unfortunately going to have to deal with it ,,,since when have the I people been nice to anyone

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Yes, because of NATO


These millenial pukes see fractions as a weakness but a united front acting with extreme prejudice would leave little doubt. Wish Stephen Harper still held the reigns instead of this bleeding heart rookie. "Watch me?" I'm watchin' and all i see is a boat in a storm with no rudder. Just as i expected.

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WW 2, the war with Japan on the Pacific front was ended pretty quick with air power and a couple of bombs after a few years of conventional warfare.


WOW what an interesting view of the situation... The few years of conventional warfare that caused millions of deaths, both in the armed forces who fought and the civilians who had the misfortune to be in the way. Were the only REASON the U.S. got close enough to Japan so they have an air base to sortie from so they could drop the a bombs. The land and naval wars were far more important than a footnote...

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WOW what an interesting view of the situation... The few years of conventional warfare that caused millions of deaths, both in the armed forces who fought and the civilians who had the misfortune to be in the way. Were the only REASON the U.S. got close enough to Japan so they have an air base to sortie from so they could drop the a bombs. The land and naval wars were far more important than a footnote...


Didn't they launch the Do Little Raid, B-25's off a aircraft carrier and bombed Tokyo very early in the war, the first year, I don't think a land base was really necessary.

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I want to know, where do they find all those virgins?


Just musing. French police raided a suspected safe house and killed a couple maggots. One of them was a woman wearing a vest and she blowed up real good . My question is does a female get the same amount of virgins?

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Honest question

If the pm is willing to send more troops over for training why is he so insistent on pulling our fighter planes out of the picture when our counter parts need help


Will we never need their assistance


Does he think the I group will never bother Canada because we aren't combating them with air strikes just ground troops

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Just musing. French police raided a suspected safe house and killed a couple maggots. One of them was a woman wearing a vest and she blowed up real good . My question is does a female get the same amount of virgins?

I would think she'd just get 72 blow up dolls :whistling:

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Honest question

If the pm is willing to send more troops over for training why is he so insistent on pulling our fighter planes out of the picture when our counter parts need help


Will we never need their assistance


Does he think the I group will never bother Canada because we aren't combating them with air strikes just ground troops

Honest answer: you cannot win this war by bombs. Ever, period. First, the UN and Geneva convention would never allow carpet bombing civilians. Second, if we did that, we'd be worse terrorists than IS anyways. Does anyone think that if only the Palestinians had more bombs, peace would follow? How about the reverse - if Israel rains bombs in the Gaza Strip, do you think Hamas will throw up their hands and say "okay Israel, you win"? No chance.


Every time we drop a bomb we create more enemies. There was a link to a great article earlier in this thread about why people join IS. I'm guessing most won't read it. Most of these guys didn't like Saddam, but under him they had a way more prosperous and peaceful life than under "us". The average IS soldier is 27 years old, married with two kids, and while they are Muslim, they do not subscribe to the extreme idealism that IS leadership does. The fact is, a job fighting for IS is the only way they can feed their kids because the U.S. left their country in ruins. The U.S. created this situation in a mad rush to bomb someone (anyone). They had no plan for after the bombs fell, and are now reaping what they have sown.


In fact, the U.S. funded IS when they were under other names because they had a hard on for Assad. Assad is a bad guy, don't get me wrong, but the U.S. is still bumbling around making the middle East worse. Who do they think is going to fill the power vacuum if they topple Assad?


Reality check, there are approximately 30,000 IS troops. There are 1.5M regular and 3M reserve troops in the region (in the armies of "allies" such as Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, etc). None of them have fighting IS on their priority list. I think we should be asking our "allies" why that is, and tell them to clean up their own back yard. I do not believe our troops should be in a combat role there, but we can train and support those that will do the heavy lifting.


At any rate, I am pleased that we are no longer bombing because every orphan or widow we create ends up joining IS to fight the "terrorists" that destroyed their homes and killed their family.


I believe we have to dial back on our own hatred. If we decide that the answer to this problem is to "turn the Middle East into a sheet of glass", then we lose our humanity and become the monsters we claim to hate.

Edited by Dutch01
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As an aside, we often talk about how lucky we are to live in a country like Canada. Well, it truly is luck. Any one of us could have been born in Syria, and if so, we would have to ask ourselves (if we weren't already dead), what lengths will I go to to feed my children?


Look at your children when you go home tonight and think about that. Then think about what lengths these people will go to if you bomb their children.

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