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I just don't know what to do!

Big Cliff

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Another victim of fear mongering lol


NO , this is Liberal Policy




We will take action to get handguns and assault weapons off our streets. Over the last decade, Stephen Harper has steadily weakened our gun laws in ways that make Canadians more vulnerable and communities more dangerous.


We will take pragmatic action to make it harder for criminals to get, and use, handguns and assault weapons. We will:


• repeal changes made by Bill C-42 that allow restricted and prohibited weapons to be freely transported without a permit, and we will put decision-making about weapons restrictions back in the hands of police, not politicians;


• provide $100 million each year to the provinces and territories to support guns and gangs police task forces to take illegal guns off our streets and reduce gang violence;


• modify the membership of the Canadian Firearms Advisory Committee to include knowledgeable law enforcement officers, public health advocates, representatives from women’s groups, and members of the legal community;


• require enhanced background checks for anyone seeking to purchase a handgun or other restricted firearm;


• require purchasers of firearms to show a license when they buy a gun, and require all sellers of firearms to confirm that the license is valid before completing the sale;


• require firearms vendors to keep records of all firearms inventory and sales to assist police in investigating firearms trafficking and other gun crimes;


• immediately implement the imported gun marking regulations that have been repeatedly delayed by Stephen Harper; and


• as part of our investment in border infrastructure, invest in technologies to enhance our border guards’ ability to detect and halt illegal guns from the United States entering into Canada.


We will not create a new national long-gun registry to replace the one that has been dismantled.


We will ensure that Canada becomes a party to the international Arms Trade Treaty.



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Sounds pretty good to me, unless you like what's going on with our neighbors down south?


Edit to add: it all sounds like pretty common sense stuff? I'm surprised half of them aren't already mandated

Edited by Lucas F
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Sounds pretty good to me, unless you like what's going on with our neighbors down south?


Edit to add: it all sounds like pretty common sense stuff? I'm surprised half of them aren't already mandated


Half of it is already, but the Lieberals are giving the unknowing Canadian public the idea that it is not. The backdoor registry through sales is disturbing, nowhere does the firearms advisory mention gun owners but health care and womens groups are included, maybe they should be be involved in fisheries management too :sarcasm: , and The United Nation Treaty thing is the worst, that outfit is a joke .



EDIT: UN Treaty



Edited by dave524
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Whatever the result, hope it's a majority or we will be going through it all over again in a few months. At a cost of more than $200million per election, it might be best to vote so you don't have to soon vote again!




Your right, we don't want a House of commons that has trouble passing all manner of bills...Best if one party is in control and can get things passed without any discussion, then we can kiss our Rivers and Lakes goodbye, not to mention give the Feds the right to arrest us for peaceful protesting! Wait, thats whats been happening since 2011!


Minority Governments are a lot closer to a democracy then Majority Govs...Of course we've slowly forgotten that sort of thing under the current regime!

Edited by Pigeontroller
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One of the problems I am finding is that there is so much misinformation.


One party claims they will do "this", the other claims "that won't work, we'll do this"! Round and round it goes one claim after another. One wrong choice could have a catastrophic effect that your kids, kids will be trying to bail themselves out of.


Almost all the replies I have seen on here so far seem to indicate a choice by heart rather than cold hard facts leading in a logical choice for any one party.

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The most important thing to me as a voter is the economy. Harper's government has done a remarkable job weathering us through the worst Global economic downturn in history. If not for this oil issue recently, which was not created by any decisions made in this country, our economy would be booming.


I heard a radio spot the other day that Trudeau was touting his economic plan as he was the only one that was willing to carry a deficit in his first few years, touting debt as a positive thing...lol. Just like saying the budget will balance itself and the economy will grow from the heart. This guy cant be for real. Hes in Wynnes back pocket too...and look what she has done to this Province lately...yikes.


If you value the economy, theres only one choice.

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Debt is not a bad thing, it's what you do afterwards is what matters. Case in point, we all go through the rounds of debt to get ahead in life. Home buyers is a good example. How many of us have the cash to pony up $600K for their first home? Even condo buyers go into debt with a $400K purchase.


Anyhow, I remember a teacher telling us to vote for the person who promises the least, that way you will never be disappointed. Some of these politicians are promising a first class ticket to the moon and guess what will happen in the end.

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They all make "promises." What does it really mean? It's going to cost us in the long run. it's our money they are playing with and when they need more they hike taxes.


I sat next to a friend of one of the standing cabinet ministers (in my riding) last night for dinner and had to hold back on asking questions about policies, he would have never finished to push him !!!


I have voted for 40 years, the last few Ont provincial governments have been brutal regarding tax hikes.

So they can squander billions.

Who knows where this will take us :(

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Debt is not a bad thing, it's what you do afterwards is what matters. Case in point, we all go through the rounds of debt to get ahead in life. Home buyers is a good example. How many of us have the cash to pony up $600K for their first home? Even condo buyers go into debt with a $400K purchase.


Anyhow, I remember a teacher telling us to vote for the person who promises the least, that way you will never be disappointed. Some of these politicians are promising a first class ticket to the moon and guess what will happen in the end.



Also its not all roses and daisies with Hitler uh I mean Harper http://www.nationaldebtclocks.org/debtclock/canada

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What percentage of your tax dollar goes toward servicing the debt? Jump ahead five years and consider higher interest rates, now what is the percentage? Keep growing that number and no government going forward will have any money for your water or air.


When you go into debt to buy a house you are generally starting with no debt, you don't first go out and max your credit cards. And once you do take the plunge, you work hard and spend prudently for years to pay it off. You don't spend like a drunken sailor and expect somebody else to cover you.

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I have been thinking about whom is getting my vote for months. I have received 2 calls here at home both from PC support staff. Not another call from anyone. I always try and get to know our MP, MPP, Mayor or Councilman. If I have needed them during their term and most importantly how they helped me counts a lot. Dianne Finley is our MPP. Her office helped me immensely when it came to straightening out my CPP contributions that were short due to a clerical mistake 40 years ago. However, she has been absent in the Caledonia/First Nations stand off and near riot in Caledonia, her and her parties silence in the US Steel fiasco here in Haldimand and Hamilton is deafening. So for me it's a tie. Back to square one.


Am I better off, worse off or about the same when it comes to quality of life after being Governed by what ever government that I have lived with since they have come to power. That way I can filter out all the Bull I hear and read about an election. So with that in mind I will vote. Don't ask me who is running for the Libs or NDP, I haven't seen a sign, a card in the mail, a call or absolutely nothing. It looks like they have both conceded. This farm county has been PC since the United Empire Loyalists settled here in 1776.

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i look at the promises and dollar value that the ndp and liberals make and know that the money will be coming out of my pocket, one guy is a lawyer and has refinanced his house something like 22 times yup he knows something about fiscal responsibility the other lives off daddys trust fund hmmm theres some reality there too.

I like harper no bones about it he leads and takes no bull doing it,understands money and how to make a country work, is he perfect hell no, always able to critique a leader, but ask yourself can you do a better job?

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One of the problems I am finding is that there is so much misinformation.


One party claims they will do "this", the other claims "that won't work, we'll do this"! Round and round it goes one claim after another. One wrong choice could have a catastrophic effect that your kids, kids will be trying to bail themselves out of.


Almost all the replies I have seen on here so far seem to indicate a choice by heart rather than cold hard facts leading in a logical choice for any one party.


I see so many people who will forget what HAS been done to us and will vote out of fear caused the people who have done it to us. LOL Sad and the choices are not great.


I can not vote for Harper under any circumstances he has not done anything the resembles being a true conservative? Failed at balanced budgets. Failed at reducing the size of government. Failed at EVERY single social issue important to true conservatives!!! If he had really wanted to ban "anything" he had a majority to ram through any vote for the last 4 yrs so all this crap about what people wear is just a distraction, created by his Aussie lap dog.


The most disappointing thing of all, is that he has proven to be a total coward, more interested in saving his own skin than in being a true leader. Time and time again he has tossed loyal friends, employees and party members under the bus instead of standing tall and admitting he isn't perfect.


The last reason I couldn't vote for the cons is at the riding level is his candidate (trying to replace a useless incumbent) bought the kool aid and has refused to show up for some key debates... If you can't face us the voter in a few 2 hr debates NO WAY am I going to trust you for the next 4 yrs.


Mulcair.... I am not sure the NDP has the apparatus as a whole to run a country that would automatically expect them to fail. I look at the hatchet job everyone is doing to the NDP in Alberta, blaming them for things that any sane person would realize were going to happen to any government their with oil at 40.00 a barrel.


At the local level GREAT candidate, who is open and will stop and talk about the issues..


Trudeau.... Is probably the smartest of them all in that he seems to realize the country needs a TEAM to get things going in the right direction. He wants to open up government and despite what all the neocons would have you believe our best FINANCIAL times in Canada have always been under the Liberals. The economic numbers over the years don't lie.


At the local level the candidate is always at the debates, pounding the pavement and also has a good grasp of the issues.


Greens are a non vote as I think they got like 500 votes out of 70K last time out.


The worst outcome for me would be another Harper majority, next an NDP majority LOL. Still not sure about what to do except anything but Harper we just can't be set back for another 4 yrs.

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