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Another Massacre in the US

Old Ironmaker

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How have we failed the Bubble wrap generation.? Human DNA hasn't changed in 1 or 2 generations, or has it? How dismayed and desperate can a child feel to do this and do it regularly as compared to 20 years ago? Is their future so bleak that the only way to see themselves out is murder and suicide by cop? I know many young kids and they seem to be just fine. They are smarter, more informed, better educated than my generation yet most are very immature for their age compared to us Baby Boomers. Or is it just me? I knew exactly zero kids that were in therapy in their teens in the 70's and 80's. It seems to be common place today for kids to have seen a therapist at least once and I'm speaking from experience with nieces and nephews, God Children of which I have 6 and kids of friends. I don't think that's a bad thing and I know times have changed we seemed to be able to roll with the punches then. I just wish there was an answer, any answer. I saw an abrupt change in teaching and parenting 35 years ago, every kid got a " participation trophy", hell I watched kids soccer games 30 years ago where they didn't keep score because it wasn't about winning or loosing. I said then you have to be crazy. We weren't preparing them for real life, it's all about winning or loosing, one reason I stopped coaching Football. This thing has me deeply concerned. What can I do as Joe Citizen? What can any of us do? I was a Big Brother, coached minor and HS Football, but at 61 I don't know how I can make a difference today. We have many smart people here, what can we do collectively? How about an OFC scholarship program, or a OFC summer camp or mentoring program? I can't just sit here and watch CNN.

I think that statement basically explains it. Never expose children to the real world and what do you expect? I feel very lucky to have avoided that, considering I'm from a fairly well off family and of the same age as what you might consider the "bubble wrap" generation.

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The gun culture of our southern neighbours is as sacred to them as our health care is to us. May God bless the innocent and God dam the killer.


It's crazier here in the states than you may think! A lot of them people getting shot have no healthcare! Or jobs, or much of anything else except a gun.




Follow the Cleveland news for a month, it's enough to make you sick. It seems to be the same all over down here.

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It's crazier here in the states than you may think! A lot of them people getting shot have no healthcare! Or jobs, or much of anything else except a gun.




Follow the Cleveland news for a month, it's enough to make you sick. It seems to be the same all over down here.


I like to think that when we, as Canadians, point out the problems that all those guns bring that we are doing it as your friends rather than out of any sense of smugness or imagined superiority. Leaving aside and Us-Cdn comparison, can anybody say that the Brits, for e.g., are any less free for not having hand guns??

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I like to think that when we, as Canadians, point out the problems that all those guns bring that we are doing it as your friends rather than out of any sense of smugness or imagined superiority. Leaving aside and Us-Cdn comparison, can anybody say that the Brits, for e.g., are any less free for not having hand guns??

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure the police there don't even carry pistols.


edit: and while I'm on that thought, I was captivated by an episode of COPS the other day and my wife noted that the police officer was being very intense with these guys during a routine traffic stop. I thought about it, and then noted the appearance of these guys (grubby looking middle aged white guys), the fact that drugs were found in the car, and the fact that there is a very good chance that one or both of these guys could be armed. Not to say it would have transpired different in Canada, but the fact that anyone can be armed puts everyone on edge.


On topic though: this is a terrible tragedy and I'd ask out of respect for the victims that we not speculate on the circumstances until the facts are irrefutably available.

Edited by netminder
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I like to think that when we, as Canadians, point out the problems that all those guns bring that we are doing it as your friends rather than out of any sense of smugness or imagined superiority. Leaving aside and Us-Cdn comparison, can anybody say that the Brits, for e.g., are any less free for not having hand guns??


Sir, I don't think it is smugness or superiority at all, and I am certainly not offended. For some reason there seems to be a disconnect with a reasonable, rational, behavior in society here in a lot of places, and on a lot of issues!


As an American? I wonder at times how well adjusted some of my fellow citizens are to all the freedoms they have? Some certainly find enough to complain about or be angry at everything.


I don't have answers, only questions, there seems to be no end to the violence.

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Sir, I don't think it is smugness or superiority at all, and I am certainly not offended. For some reason there seems to be a disconnect with a reasonable, rational, behavior in society here in a lot of places, and on a lot of issues!


As an American? I wonder at times how well adjusted some of my fellow citizens are to all the freedoms they have? Some certainly find enough to complain about or be angry at everything.


I don't have answers, only questions, there seems to be no end to the violence.


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can anybody say that the Brits, for e.g., are any less free for not having hand guns??


They are certainly free enough to replace guns with knives in their increasing violent crime rate...


It's very sad to hear about yet another school shooting. I've been through Oregon several times, and spent a good chunk of last fall working in Colorado near Columbine, drove past the school a few times. It seems these tragedies happen more often than not in places you wouldn't suspect, in well to do neighbourhoods. I won't get into the banning guns debate, or even knives in the UK for that matter. I think there are much deeper underlying issues than simply access to guns or knives that lead to these tragedies...and there is no easy answer there.


I will say, however, I think a big part of the problem is our fear mongering style of media system and the coverage these shooters get. That's their moment of fame and recognition. For whatever reasons they feel the need to hurt people, and the media spot light is their incentive or reward. They get their names and faces plastered all over tv channels and internet. I wish that would stop. Pay tribute to the victims, not the criminals.

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Well, according to what I have read here and other places, if only the students and teachers and custodians and lunch room folks were all carrying, none of this would have happened.

Now you all know that I don't subscribe to that theory, but that is what so many of the gun advocates will say.

My gut twists every time we hear about incidents like these. I can't help that think of the loss that not only family and friends have taken, but the society as a whole. Could one of those victims turned out to be the doctor who cures cancer? Discovers a new a completely clean re-newable energy source. All the potential that those people had are now gone and lost to the world for ever.

I guess their right to liberty and freedom don't weigh as heavily as others rights to bare arms and the easy access to them that has been enshrined in the country's mindset.


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There is no way that these kind of shootings can be completely stopped - no different than trying to stop people from getting killed in auto accidents where close to 30,000 to 40,000 die each year - accidents, mistakes, dealing with evil etc. are all part of living on this planet - do away with handguns then the crazies will use rifles or whatever -


At one time it was easier to commit someone to a mental hospital but that was changed years ago - so even if someone acts or looks a little strange not much can be done - and if he wants a gun bad enough he will get it


If you notice most if not all of these shootings have taken place in so called gun free zones - one killer even said that he was going to first shoot up a place but then realized that armed guards were there so he chose another place to do his dirty work - we put armed guards in our banks, in our social security offices, in our court houses but somehow we can't put armed guards in our schools because they are gun free zones - doesn't make sense - if some nut wants to shoot people he knows that there will be no guns in a gun free zone so these schools are his first choice -


Many of these shootings could have been stopped or made less tragic if others with guns were present - the way it is now when someone starts shooting up the place people have to call for help that is often miles away and in the meantime the shooter has time to do much more damage - the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is - with a good guy with a gun -

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There is no way that these kind of shootings can be completely stopped - no different than trying to stop people from getting killed in auto accidents where close to 30,000 to 40,000 die each year - accidents, mistakes, dealing with evil etc. are all part of living on this planet - do away with handguns then the crazies will use rifles or whatever -


At one time it was easier to commit someone to a mental hospital but that was changed years ago - so even if someone acts or looks a little strange not much can be done - and if he wants a gun bad enough he will get it


If you notice most if not all of these shootings have taken place in so called gun free zones - one killer even said that he was going to first shoot up a place but then realized that armed guards were there so he chose another place to do his dirty work - we put armed guards in our banks, in our social security offices, in our court houses but somehow we can't put armed guards in our schools because they are gun free zones - doesn't make sense - if some nut wants to shoot people he knows that there will be no guns in a gun free zone so these schools are his first choice -


Many of these shootings could have been stopped or made less tragic if others with guns were present - the way it is now when someone starts shooting up the place people have to call for help that is often miles away and in the meantime the shooter has time to do much more damage - the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is - with a good guy with a gun -

“So tonight, as those of us who are lucky enough to hug our kids a little closer are thinking about the families who aren’t so fortunate,” the president said in the James S. Brady Press Briefing Room, named for a man severely wounded by a would-be assassin’s bullet, “I’d ask the American people to think about how they can get our government to change these laws, and to save these lives and let these people grow up.”


Mr. Obama said that given the frequency of mass shootings, people had “become numb to this.”

“And what’s become routine, of course, is the response of those who oppose any kind of common-sense gun legislation,” Mr. Obama said. “Right now, I can imagine the press releases being cranked out. ‘We need more guns,’ they’ll argue. ‘Fewer gun-safety laws.’ ”

“Does anybody really believe that?” he asked, his voice rising.

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Your down to quoting Obama? He is about to start WW3 with his insane antics. Go back to Wiki I have more faith in it then him. lol






Are you serious? WW3 ?


Like to hear your thoughts on how this came about.


I also want to see what the next selected Prez does.


One can only hope it,s a women. LMAO

Edited by Brian B
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Never went to Wiki Art, - in fact I intentionally refused to . And lowering to personal insults in response to a statement you don't agree with, as opposed to the message is well.... let's say disappointing.

I have not once passed comment on you, or any of your peers who support the notion of arm the masses, I have merely challenged the position, with empirical data, that more guns result in fewer deaths from guns. I provided statistical proof documented by US scientists, or quoting US governmental agencies.


If there is something in Mr Obama's statement that is factually incorrect, please, I am open to hearing it, provided it is supported by some type of empirical evidence.

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I wish we had a leader here like President Obama. As we are less racist in general, he'd get a lot less criticism.


Its amazing to me that a country could vote G.W. Bush in twice, and supports a complete idiot like D.Trump, but has people questioning the religion and birthplace of their current President!


MORE GUNS, to solve the GUN problem!

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