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Why me lord, update 10-08-15


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I know I have not been your greatest son, but why?



At the age of 4 I was told I would need glasses for a long time. I lived with them my whole young life. Into my teens and adult hood until a month ago.


Back track now,,,,,,,,,,One day I am told I have cataracts starting and glaucoma in my left eye at age 45. The glaucoma scared the crap out of me. Not being able to see in the near future, was not a nice thing to think about. Taking drops everyday.


Dealing with all this eye sight stuff, I always wished I didnt have glasses, and wondered what it would be like to be without them. If I took my glasses off, I couldnt see the end of my nose.


Last month, 6 years later, 47 years after my first pair of glasses,,,,,,,,,,


Im told I will require cataract surgery. Playing with my eyes put some fear in me, but knowing a member here who went through it, put me at ease some what.


Surgery of the first eye came mid May. The next was to be in early June. I have the first one done and right away I am at awe. This was my bad eye. Probly blind at best with it. The next day, I was able to see as far as BBP from the Barrie shoreline. I was so stoked, I couldnt wait for the next eye to be corrected. The day came for the second eye to be done and I couldnt wait. I was even 2 hours early hopeing to get ahead of others, but that dosent happen.LOL


I get the second eye done and I cant believe my eyes. I can see as good as if I had glasses on. Im on cloud nine and my first thought was, need to get me some cool shades. That I did right away.


It,s been a month now and I was enjoying the no need for glasses.On top of the world. That was til yesterday morning.


Nothing out of the norm this day. I was working away reparing a machine and I get this dark shawdow then these huge black floaters in the my left eye. It was like having a fly getting in your eye, but there were no flys around. I shake my head, rub my eyes and it,s still there. Now Im in what the ,,,,,,,,mode. Tell my fellow worker and he says to give my doc a call now. I do and told to get in right away.


I arrive and he has me in on the spot. Quick scan and in go the drops. Another scan mor drops and then he puts on this helmet cam thing. Ok, this aint good I think to myself.


After a few minutes, Im told that the retina is starting to detach from my left eye. He goes on telling me If I see a black wall forming up or across from the right of my eye, I need to get to the ER asap. theres a comforting feeling.


I was like man, I was so happy with my new peeps. Now I have to deal with this.


I know there is much worse health issues out there, but I was on such a high.


Im pissed yes, but I know I still have a beating heart.


This might just be though, the sign to slow me down and relax and put me first for a change. Even if Im only 51, I can deal with that.


There, I got that off my chest.


Oh, I dont blame you lord, I probly deserved it some where along the line. :whistling:



Edited by Brian B
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Wow, that would be tough after getting so close to a cure after so long B. Take it easy and listen to the Dr - its amazing what they can fix these days. It'll all work out - you got lots of good Karma on your side. Sayin' a couple for ya in our house.

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With the eye surgery and methods of treatment we have today, they can repair just about anything regarding vision.

My wife has gone through two cataract surgeries and glaucoma treatment.

She takes her drops every night, its a ritual.

Her specialist told her years ago to buy the best quality sunglasses that are available,

also to wear them even when its cloudy.

My wife also volunteers at the Grimsby hospital and she has a friend there that

has had both retina's detach at different times, had surgery and she is non the worse for it, she is doing really well.

Everything will work out .

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Sorry to hear that B, I'm sure they will get you all fixed up. Pain in the butt though, and I'm with you - anything to do with the eyes is scary. I had a metal fragment removed from my eye earlier this year, and as the guy came towards me with the vibrating needle, I said "You are going to do WHAT with that???"

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Not sure if knowing about my situation would make you feel any better but here I come.


I am 38 and was told by my eye doc 6 months ago that he discovered signs of early retina detachment on my left eye.


Went to see a great specialist in Toronto Western who told me it is not a big deal that couple quick laser patching would do it.


Went back for follow-up last week and was told that the same sign was found on my right eye now ...


Doc assured me that everything will be fine but you know ...

Edited by Okuma-Sheffield
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I'm sorry to hear that too, and I sure hope things work out for ya. I'm not a religious guy, but I do believe that we all have crosses to bear. It's just that some are just much heavier than others. I used to be a big plan ahead kind of guy. You know, save for retirement, life insurance, RRSPs, etc. I still take care of that stuff to some degree, but more and more I find myself trying to make the most of every day as it happens. Life is just to unpredictable to pretend that anything in the future can be set in stone.

Edited by Andy
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I am very sorry to hear that. Yes there is always someone worse off but that is tough to come to terms with when we are talking about loved ones close to us and ourselves, it's just human nature. I have been blessed with better than 20/20, still to this day I occasionally need cheaters depending how my blood glucose levels are. My Dr. says I am her only patient that is on Insulin that doesn't need glasses at 60. I am blessed and appreciate it. My Noni went blind but that was over 35 years ago. They have come a long way in medicine and can actually cure some blind people today. What they can do know with eyes is amazing. My kid brother has worn glasses since he was 5 and had that Lasik surgery and doesn't wear them today, and that was about 20 years ago.


You will be fine bud, I just know it.

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Im 29 had an operation about 3 years ago for a retinal detachment. Mine was from a punch in the face when I was 17. Didn't know anything was wrong for about 8 or 9 years, other then a few floaters here and there. It was the peripheral vision loss that made me go and get checked out. My eye sight will never be the same and for the last year ive been going down to the city once a month to get checked out to try and correct some central vision problems. I was fishing while recovering from the surgery after about a week and a half. Couldn't do any thing physically demanding for a while. Feel free to PM me if you want some first hand experience.


Editing to add some encouragement because that was a pretty negative post, my vision in the operated eye was decent for a couple years after its just been the last year that has been kind of crappy, I did have to get used to a new prescription in my eye after the surgery but it was manageable and my vision loss hasn't gotten any worse.

Edited by livinisfishin
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I hear ya there brian !!! I had 1 detaching retina and a few small tears in the other eye !!! I had to have laser surgery aay the scarbourbough eye institute with dr Cheskes !!!! Great guys and very freindly .... But it did hurt and was not nice !!!! Had to go back a few times to complete the sure feet !!!!! This was about 4yrs ago now

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Brian we have become good friends, as mentioned it is amazing what they can do now a days to correct what we thought years ago was not correctable, get into a mindset that relaxes you, thoughts of family , friends, fishing whatever,,,try to destress and relax, our thoughts and prayers are with u not just in smokey nwt but from family across this country, our prayers will be that u are directed to the best doctors available who can help u with this issue,,this is not just print it is a promise that I will keep daily,,you will need great vision so that when I come back to visit family u will see how handsome I am :tease: I will contact my sister in Kleinburg, she has some terrific conections with much of the hospital staff in the TO area,be positive my friend


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Chin up Brian. Detached retinas are more common than you would think. I've known a few folks have similar problems, and all were scared. All have undergone successsful corrective procedures of one type or another, and have been fine since. I'm sure you will be able to enjoy the same level of successful treatment.

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Anything nasty eye related gives me the old heebie-jeebies bud.


Don't slow down though... ever. Follow Doc advice and get'em worked on again if need be. As they've said above, it's amazing what can be done nowadays for the eyes. You'll keep float tubing where ya wanna be and not unknowingly kicking yourself into the deep blue. ;) lol

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Lots of helpful information if you Google retinal tears/retinal detachment . I had cataract surgery on both eyes. Almost four years ago.Ten days apart. I too was amazed at the outcome. Colours came back to life. Improvement in my vision was unbelievable.

About a year and a half ago I awoke with large floaters in my right eye. Diagnosis: Post retinal tear. Early stages of detached retina. Initially it seemed to heal itself and was monitored closely by my eye surgeon. He was convinced that the bleed had repaired itself and it was hoped that eventually the floaters would disperse. Didn't happen. Just before Christmas last year large dark floaters appeared in my left eye. Circumstances were such that my eye surgeon immediatelty refered me to the best in the business in Hamilton. He saw me the same day. Discovered that the right eye still had a minor bleed and the left eye had three tears. Resulting ina severe hemmorage. I underwent lazer surgery, on both eyes, the following day.

I still contend with floaters. Over time they have become more and more transparent. Some lighting bothers me more than others. My vision for the most part is once again in excellent shape.

This Doctor is renowned. If a trip to Hamilton is not out of the question, I would strongly recommend you see about a referal. Anyone in this and related fields knows of his work.


Send me a pm and I can give you his contact information..


As previously stated. Hang in there. Stay positive. Follow instructions to the letter.

Good luck.

Edited by Roe Bag
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Wow, it seems it,s not as uncommon as I thought.


Thanks everyone for the inspiring posts. Im sure it will be fine. I have a very good eye specialist. DR. Emon. He is well known up here and has even corrected the sight of owner of the plant I work for. I have 100% trust in him.


I had a crappy sleep and was up at around 3am. So what does a fisherman do at that hour? Hit the water . I took my time loading the toon in. Was in no rush as it was drizzeling rain. Enjoyed a coffe and bagel just floating about for abit. Was on the water by 5. Just took it easy flipping my way around thankful for the morning. No sun rise, but I dont care. As long as I can fish and enjoy, Im happy with that.


Drew, you made me laugh bud.


Rod in hand catching a few fish. Alls good.









Thanks again all, and happy Canada Day to you all.

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The Lazer procedure that they will likely do is the same that I had for my eyes. Follow the pre-op instructions and get some Tylenol in you before you go. I won't lie to you, it's damn anoying. But better than the alternative. I had several procedures done on both eyes and things have been stable for a feature years now. Hopefully they are addressing this soon. All the best Brian, nice fish!

Edited by fishnsled
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