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Kesagami Lake Lodge Trip... WOW!


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Well we got back last nite from our 3 day trip (which turned into 5 days... lol) into Kesagami Lake Lodge. I had heard great things about the lodge and Charlie, the Manager, as well as great things on this board about the Lake!! I am very very pleased to say that all reports were right on the button!!


We drove up to Cochrane on Thursday afternoon in preparation for our anticipated flight at 8 am to the lodge. We checked in at the Best Western (nice place BTW) and went out for din din and a walk around. It was pretty cloudy when we got there, and the sky was not looking promising...




For those of you who havent been there, the towns mascot is the polar bear, and they even have three in Captivity you can go see. We went out for dinner, and by the "Pickerel Dinner" we knew we were well out of walleye country and in the right place!!!!




We spoke to some people at dinner and it didn't look too promising, there were a few parties backed up, and it looked like we may not get in at all the next day, especially if the weather didn't cooperate.


On the way back from dinner we even found another Polar Bear... nicely done in Marble outside the train station....




Cochrane is the rail connection where everything goes up to Moosonee... That's the Train Station and the Best Western in the Background.







The next morning we were told that depending on the weather our flight would be later... there were several parties ahead of us... In typical Kesagami Fashion, they hired out an Otter from Hearst Air to get all the parties in a bit quicker, and we did indeed get to go in only a bit later than our scheduled time!!





Right after the otter left we loaded up the Beaver and off we went. I had flown in alot of Cessenas before and It had been a long time since (20 years or so) I have flown in a Beaver... this one was built in 1950.




Its interesting to fly and see the cuts.





The scenery is specatular, in the northern most regions the landscape is very flat.





The further North ya go.. the marshier and smaller the trees get.




Coming into Kesagami......





Our arrival!!! - An hour long flight and was I happy to get back on terra firma





After we got out there we had a bit to eat and then out we go for our afternoon fish with our guide to show us the hows, whys and wheres of Kesagami!! Rob was a great guy and we kidded around with him alot....






He brought us to a nice windy rocky point/shoal and we had the perfect "Pickerel Chop" lol... we slew them here to the point that it got tedious watching Monique catch so many many fish....




It was one right after another for at least an hour.........




I guess we forgot to take any pictures of me... (ya.. thats it!!!)







Monique even decided that Rob could catch one... but it had to be smaller than hers....lol





We then moved spots and tried another reef that Rob suspected had big pike.... we started to clean up on pickeral again, and then Rob got a 36-38 incher... he released it before I got a chance to get a picture.. I've got some video though.... a couple of minutes later he's hauling in a smaller pike and starts yelling for us to look at this mammoth pike that's chasing it......


A couple of miniutes later I put on a spinnerbait and had anothe 30 inch pike chase it to the boat I was sorta figure 5 ing it .. lol... when all of a sudden the little pike takes off and this HUGE pike hits it.... I screamed like a little girl and nearly dropped my rod... I've caught some 42 inch pike before... but I have NEVER seen a fish that big before.... dude dude... he never came back....


Back to Camp we go to warm up in our Cabin before dinner.




The first night there supper was Prime Rib, A garlic Fried Potato, salad, soup Yorkshire pudding with some desert... A walk out to the dock and a glass of wine while watching the sunset made the day complete... I slept like a rock.....




The next day Breakfast at the lodge and off we go... they had some kool stained glass...





In the middle of the lodge is this MASSIVE fireplace






This moose must have been running pretty fast when he hit the walll....





We fished the morning and came back to the lodge for lunch, and met this gentleman.



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They had a GREAT dvd and video collection, which would come in handy later...







The weather was progressively getting worse... but the boats are more than able to manage the winds and waves.





But not this...




WE did manage to get into a few more!!








WE never got into the really big pike (should have kept the guide.. but he was already booked!!) But every day... there was at least half a dozen reports of 40"+pike being caught!!




This is our one entry into the tourney....





We had such a good time... we got goofy...maybe it was the wine.. I dunno??)





The girls (staff) took great pleasure in wathcing the men bring up the boats... they are pretty heavy!!!










I had to laugh.... word mustve got out... everybody else get called by their last name... me ... I'm just TJ.... LOL




The last day (monday when we were supposed to fly out...) someone decided .. that just wasn't gonna happen..... so we hung out in the lodge and chatted and had more than a few coffees.... but the dock hands keep a constant vigil just in case some guest was crazy enough to go out... and there was one party that did....





The floating dock looked like a big caterpillar as the waves rolled under it.





We spent the day chatting with some very nice gentlemen from the great state of Alabama. Really nice guys... It was nice to tell some of my adventures to people who hadn't heard them before... lol.. they didn't believe them either!!! I think the most fun was teaching them about curling....





Finally that evening the weather looked like it was gonna break and it looked like the "back of da frunt" was coming through.... I'd never seen a sunset that peeked out from under the clouds like that. The picture doesnt do it any justice at all.








So finally after a couple of attempts we were shuttled over to the Cessena and away we went back to Cochrane to drive home..







On the way home we stopped at our FAVOURITE chinese food restaurant in all of Ontario... in Temagami... I can tell you that if you ever have the chance to stop there for lunch or supper you won't be dissapointed. You have to try this place out if you get a chance!!





We rolled in back home around 9 o'clock...


I gotta say that I've been to alot of lodges and this one is certainbly top notch. The food was fantastic, steak, prime rib, Charbroiled ribs, and a Turkey dinner... I must have put on 10lbs, The boats were in great shape, and I gotta say that this is the only lodge I have ever been at where you get valet service for your boat... you just bring it up to the dock and they park it for you... when you want it they go and get it for ya...


They have some strict fishing policies... no pickeral over 18" for shore lunch and EVERYTHING else is caught and released... WE had to change all our treble hooks to single barbless hooks which they provide for FREE to all guest to help with easy quick releases...


The guide was topnotch... he sat and smiled and listed to all my bull... lol and put us on the fish right away.


It was a pleasure to go up there the wait staff and dock hands (19 in total!!) went out of their way to make sure everything was as pleasant as possible... the one afternoon we were coming back freezing and Rob started a fire for us in the woodstove in our cabin so it would be going when we arrived.


It's a tribute to a lodge that can recognize the fishery and take the important steps to maintain that fishery and even improve it from what I can tell... Kesagami is an amazing place and an amazing lake... I can't wait to get back....


Thank you Charlie for having us!!! http://www.kesagami.com


As soon as I get a chance I will have the underwater videos I did and the next Due North Adventures Video ready to go.

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Ohhhhh brother. I got 5 days in there at the end of the month and you just gave me about a 3 week woody until then.


Sure hope Rob is still in there come then. Told him I want a day and a couple pints with him. Good fella.


Did he swear you to secrecy on his big pike spots or what???


Great report TJ. It's hard not to love anything coming out of that lake, it's a gem, and there's a reason why they advertise it as an experience.

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holy crap...!!!! I think I just *#*# myself... that is an amazing report! thank you TJ and give that wife of yours a high five... for out fishing you again!


Nice to see some customer service!! given some of the reports as of late


I might have to give this place a look! I have to plan one huge trip and soon... father-in-law is going blind due to Age Related mascular degeneration (sp?).. and based upon your report... I will put it up there!



wow an amazing report thank you for sharing!




Edited by Gerritt
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We then moved spots and tried another reef that Rob suspected had big pike.... we started to clean up on pickeral again, and then Rob got a 36-38 incher... he released it before I got a chance to get a picture.. I've got some video though....


I almost fell off my chair...I thought it read he got a 38" Pickeral!!! LOL.


TJ and Monique...it looked like a fantastic trip...I'm envious!! Thanks for all the great pics and story...I'd love the opportunity to experience what you guys did...maybe after the kids are all grown up and out of school...so it's looking around the year 2020 for me....haha.

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Truly awesome! I'm dreaming of a trip like that now too! Love the shot from the cockpit as you approached the lake! That moose is hilarious too! Some folks sure know how to live! Fish on!! :worthy:

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That looks like the kinda spot I'd like to take the Mrs. to in a couple of years when our rugrats grow up enough for mommy and daddy to take off for a few days on their own. Did Italo catch any fish himself?? LOL

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