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C.U.P.E and the T.O. Star


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The Toronto Star along with all the pubic service unions gave us this government we can not afford and now they live with it. It is going to be a great couple of years we have in front of us with all unions blaming the government they put in power not living up to any of the promises they were given. Welcome to the real world

I think if The Toronto Star along with all the pubic service unions had the numbers or power to put who they want into power, they would start their own party and run the province themselves

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Excellent post canuck2fan. Some people can't handle the truth.....


The truth is the province is in a total mess... and it wasn't one party that put us here. We need LEADERSHIP not partisan Bull. There has not been one sensible solution that will work to fix what is wrong with Hydro rates in Ontario put forth by anybody in politics from any party... Stop the bashing and start the fixing.

Edited by Canuck2fan
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When Harris and Eves sold off the assets for Hydro to their buddies leaving us taxpayers with the stranded debt,


Actually, that didn't happen. The Conservatives planned on selling Hydro, but never actually did sell it. That is why it is still available for Wynne to sell now.


The rest of your post does contain a lot of good points.

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The Liberals have been in power for the past 12 years in Ontario, at what point can we start blaming the Harris government for the issues in Ontario.


After the Conservatives form another government in Ontario. Then the blame shifts to that leader.

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Well lets see, we sold off the 407, what is that costing us in revenue every year? What is it going to cost you and I if we sell off hydro so that Whinnie the Poo can try to make herself look good. (nothing will do that IMHO)


The reason hydro costs are so high is because of poor management, stupid high wages and by out packages.


The reason we are in such a financial mess is because there is no accountability, politicians lie to get elected, lie while they are in power and set themselves and their buddies up for life at our expense and never have to worry about getting caught, they just tell more lies!

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Actually, that didn't happen. The Conservatives planned on selling Hydro, but never actually did sell it. That is why it is still available for Wynne to sell now.


The rest of your post does contain a lot of good points.


He meant hydro with a small h i.e. the hydroelectric stations that they sold to their buddies at as a great bargain.

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Well lets see, we sold off the 407, what is that costing us in revenue every year? What is it going to cost you and I if we sell off hydro so that Whinnie the Poo can try to make herself look good. (nothing will do that IMHO)




The reason they sold off the 407 was because the government did not have the money continue construction east of the 404 and west of the 403. Without those extension it was going to be a white elephant

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The only difference between Hudak and Uncle Katy is that Hudak was dumb enough to be honest about the provinces finances and how he was going to deal with the short fall. Uncle Katy simply told the unions what they wanted to hear, in order to win the election. Anyone with half a brain had to know that regardless of who won the election, the crap was going to hit the fan.


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Well I would have to agree with the way HH has said this. To me it has been not just Wynn, but the way the Liberals have presented themselves. Lied to all of us.


Now the one thing that is making me happy is the opener on the BOQ is only 9 days away, and hopefully this summer I won't have to drive so far to pick up my beer.



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Which hydroelectric stations were sold?


4 were sold to Brascan. It was a slick deal for Brascan as just after the sale, we went through a very hot summer with a number of nuclear plants shut down for maintenance. The selling rate to Ontario Hydro soars and Brascan almost drains the entire upper Mississagi watershed producing power at a huge profit. Some lodges on the system closed due to no water. And then Brascan becomes Ernie Eves' largest corporate contributor. The whole thing stunk back then and the current situation stinks now:



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Actually, that didn't happen. The Conservatives planned on selling Hydro, but never actually did sell it. That is why it is still available for Wynne to sell now.


The rest of your post does contain a lot of good points.


In 1999, Mike Harris and Ernie Eves, split Ontario Hydro into two companies Hydro One the transmission side and OPG Ontario Power Generation the generation side. OPG was sold at a loss to their conservative buddies because the new owners were not forced to assume the stranded debt which was mostly a result of the building the Nuclear plants.... So YES it did happen and is the only reason there is a DRC on your electric bill. It also likely going to happen again with Hydro One. The Liberal buddies will be making the millions this time while leaving us holding the bag.


I apologize it wasn't OPG what was sold it was the ability for new companies to sell power. Which they neither generate nor transmit... This auditor general report explains the time frame for the stranded debt and how it happened.



Edited by Canuck2fan
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In 1999, Mike Harris and Ernie Eves, split Ontario Hydro into two companies Hydro One the transmission side and OPG Ontario Power Generation the generation side. OPG was sold at a loss to their conservative buddies because the new owners were not forced to assume the stranded debt which was mostly a result of the building the Nuclear plants.... So YES it did happen and is the only reason there is a DRC on your electric bill. It also likely going to happen again with Hydro One. The Liberal buddies will be making the millions this time while leaving us holding the bag.

OPG is owned 100% by the Ontario government.

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