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Whats your worst fishing accident


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I don't care what anyone says, but one thing I have learned about fishing my whole life is that it does have it's risks. You can ask any person who doesn't fish if they think fishing has its dangers and they will probably laugh. Try putting that person in the middle of two fisherman in a boat throwing a double treble hook lure for 8 hours haha. A lot of you dudes have been fishing a lot longer then I have so I got one question for you. What's the worst fishing accident you have had?

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In the boat, the son was driving while I sat in the bow seat. It was windy and the waves were getting up there. Robert decides to gun it through the wave. Wrong move. I was sent air borne. I had enough hang time in the air to look down at the console with the realization that the landing was going to hurt. The head hit the corner of the console, just missing my eye. A few stitches and stunned a little but back fishing the next opportunity I got.

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I've had a hook or two in the hand :)


We had two near misses though. First one was on Simcoe, out near Fox Island. Sun was just coming up and Paul and I were casting in the Tracker. A boat coming East towards us obviously didn't see us due to the sun coming up in his eyes. He keeps getting closer and closer and finally Paul crouches down on the bow (he was working the trolling motor) and says duck. The boat finally realizes we are there and does a sharp turn to the right and soaks us both. Stops his motor and slowly drifts off. He says "Sorry." Paul yells back at him "Sorry??? Sorry doesn't cut it buddy." and they guy drives off at rapid speed. If he had hit us straight on, I can't say what would have happened, but I bet it would not have been good.


The other time we were out at Bronte on Lake Ontario. Clear weather, not a spit of wind, got the salmon rods out and started trolling. All of a sudden a wind picked up and then it was game on. We barely made it to shore and the bow of the boat was going under each wave as we hit it. Paul told me to turn my seat around and not look up front. I just hung on to the HS handle and prayed this was not my day to die. We could not head straight to shore as the wind was coming from the wrong angle. Once we got to shore, I actually kissed the pavement thanking God I was still alive!!

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about 20 years ago pulled up to a dock,buddy jumped on the dock and starting tying off front of boat. I grabbed an armful of gear to to carry out of boat as i got 1 foot on the dock back of boat starting pulling away from dock. long story short instead of just falling in boat I tried to pull boat back with leg as I did my pant leg got caught on dock kleat boat pull away . I ended up with a partially torn groin muscle. Four weeks off work with swelling and spasms, Still to this day still tightens up and spasms enough to have to lie down and stretch and take advil.

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about 20 years ago pulled up to a dock,buddy jumped on the dock and starting tying off front of boat. I grabbed an armful of gear to to carry out of boat as i got 1 foot on the dock back of boat starting pulling away from dock. long story short instead of just falling in boat I tried to pull boat back with leg as I did my pant leg got caught on dock kleat boat pull away . I ended up with a partially torn groin muscle. Four weeks off work with swelling and spasms, Still to this day still tightens up and spasms enough to have to lie down and stretch and take advil.


i did a similar thing in a loaded canoe going off a dock. Rather than fall in the water I muscled the canoe back to the dock partially tearing my pectoral muscle off my shoulder. Happened mid-week on a remote trip. Didn't tell anyone except my wife. She complained the rest of the trip paddling on one side only. Hurt like stink, didn't get it repaired by surgery and I'm still dealing with it 15 years later. Actual fish hook injuries none, but I seen a few usually caused and later resolved by alcohol in the Homer Simpson way.

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Buddy and I were fishing in a canoe for bass. He made a bad cast. Felt this "whomp" and then this orange and brown rubber worm with a sinker came into view hanging down over my left eye.


The 3/0 hook was embedded into my forehead past the barb. Tried to pull the hook out but it would not budge.


We had to pack up and head in to the Minden hospital. The doctor removed the hook and added it to his collection which hangs on the office wall under glass.

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Nothing for me...I have been real lucky. However when we where kids a friends younger brother tagged along and one time I cast without looking and he was standing right behind me. Buried the treble of my orange rapala right in the back of his skull. Jumped on our bikes and pedalled to the hospital...the whole way watching the orange rap swinging off the back of his head. They shaved a big bald spot on the back of his head and got the hook out in no time....so we pedalled back to our spot and continued fishing. I have no recollection of his parents coming to the hospital...the father worked in construction and was out of town and the mom was an at home mom with no car....I don't know if they where even contacted. I don't think that would be a hospitals procedure today.

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Barefoot on a floating dock on a windy day; dock bobbed up and the boat bobbed down, just as I stepped off the dock into the boat.

Yup missed the boat and 99% of me went into the drink. The 1% that didn't, was my right big toe that was stuck through one of the D rings on the dock. After untangling myself and back on the dock, it wasn't hard to see that the toe was broke. It was like it was saluting the other toes on my foot.

Here's the good part, this happened the second day of a 9 day stay at Eddie North's fly-in camp, on the Attawapiskat river. My brother and I had dreamed of a fly-in for years and there was no way I was letting this cut the trip short. I wrapped the toe tight against my foot with a cloth and black electrical tape. My brother has an open script for percocet; so I dove into his stash. A couple of percs, a couple shots of rye and I was good to go.



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I hooked myself in the head with a mepps spinner when I was about 15 year s old. My father tried to yank it out with pliers, but eventually ended up at the hospital.

Had a muskie clamp down on my index finger when I was trying to unhook it. Ended up with 8 stitches.

Also had 2 hooks on a treble imbedded in my wrist after I was trying to net a pike and the hooks let loose. Buddy had his rod loaded up, so it the lure came at me like a slingshot. It was not fun getting those out because of the way the skin was bunched up by the hooks. That was at the mouth of the French River Delta. Had to take a shaving razor apart to get the blades and then cut the hooks out. I always carry a surgical blade with me now.

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I ran over my dog with my boat. That sucked. She jumped off the bow, straight in front of the boat. Ran her right over... She was OK, because I rammed my arm under the boats as far as I could, and managed to pull her out before she hit the prop. LUCKY!! Only her pride was hurt. And she was hacking up water all day...

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More of a mishap than an accident:


Two days after pickerel opening back in the late 60's I had talked a friend into towing his boat from Frenchman;s Bay down to Rice Lake after work...We launched at Leo's Boat Livery around 07:00pm Around 10:00 pm off Tick Island, we noticed we were sitting very low in the water...Before we could get started and over to the island we sunk...Luckily a young girl heard us hollering for help and told her Grandfather who promptly notified Leo who then motored out and brought us into the livery...his wife took some of our clothes into their home and dried them in their dryer while the three of us sat wearing blankets and getting a shot of whiskey into us (doctor's orders...LOL)...Leo's oldest son scuba dived and retrieved the boat the next day...seems it had a leak at the ring in the front...Leo became a good friend for years after that...


Then there was the time Albert tried to drown me off Cliff's place on Sturgeon Lake...LOL

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Had my fair share of musky chew on my hands...


Only had 1 hook ever go past the barb... Luckily it was my finger and was right through...


Scariest near miss was last summer with Pete and Andrew... Doing 30 mph and I noticed a flat spot in the middle of a big patch of ripples... Missed it by a few feet... It was a log over 8 feet long and 18"+ diameter...

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Hit a few deadheads but nothing serious.


Had a hook get caught in my armpit somehow as a child.


Ive told the story here before, but we sunk a boat waaaay up in the north arm with barely any suplies, and spent a week in scorching temps on a small island.


Spent a few days in the hospital over that one...

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1986...February 16. Fishing with Floyd Hales on a two night overnighter.

We arrived on Friday at about 4:30pm and it had rained through the day on Friday and there was about an inch of water on the ice. Saturday morning, I was visiting another hut when my bud in our hut started yelling my two tip ups were going crazy. Running from one hut to the other, I stepped in a hole which had opened up due to the rain. My left ankle was shattered and I broke my left leg in three places between the ankle and the knee. Crawled back to my hut and waited for Floyd to check on us and get a lift into the Beaverton medical clinic. The Dr. said "yep it's broken and you can either go to Orillia or drive back to London to have it fixed". We arrived in London about 10:00pm and I had consumed TOO MUCH Canadian Club pain reliever for the surgery, so I had to wait until Sunday morning for everthing to get repaired.

30 years later and the ankle still swells up and I can tell it's going to rain about an hour ahead of time because the pins and screws in my ankle start to ache.

Caught a few white fish though while I was waiting for Floyd and the Bombardier, which my wife enjoyed.

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