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Embarrassing/funny moments while fishing....


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Oh ya, I was fishing on a miserable, cold, snowing day on a quiet lake that I have never seen anyone on in that area in the winter, ever... I iced a PB eye (for that lake).. And broke out in to a screaming happy dance, only to spin around to see a cross country skiier less than 50 yard away!!! So I showed him my fish!!

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So many good stories.


My top 2 for this year:


End of the season, my cousin, grandfather and I are all fishing at my parents cottage, walleye are hitting well and my cousin is cleaning up. On the first day he and I both had success and my grandfather got skunked. So we keep ribbing my grandfather saying he'll have to sleep 'ON DA LAWN" because he didn't catch a fish.


Next morning my cousin boats another two and I get another one and we start ribbing my grandfather again. We say to him 'you gotta catch a fish or we won't let you in the car and you'll have to walk home'. Right as we say that his rod bends over and he ends up boating the biggest walleye of the day.

Guess the fish must have been listening.




This year, I have had the privilege of dating a girl who loves fishing. I introduced her before I left for Alberta and she loved it, so we went quite a bit last summer (except she always out-fishes me). The thing she hasn't gotten used to it waking up at ungodly hours to go fishing.

So, one Friday night over the summer, we are at her place and I mention I have to go pick up my new boat in Prequile bay and I have to do some work first along the way. I also mention I'll be going fishing with buddies after we get the boat. She asks if she can come and I say sure but that we will have to wake up at 7am.'No problem' she responds.


The next morning at 7am I go to wake her up and shes totally not having it. The conversation goes something like this.

'Come on hun. Time to wake up.'


'Come on. Fishing!'


'You said you were going to come'.

'What is the pointiest, spikey-est fish in the lake?'

'I dunno......... a catfish. Why?"

'I am going to smack you in the face with a catfish'


So a few hours later, all of us are in the boat fishing Presquille bay and none of us can buy a fish. I'm at the back of the boat fishing over the motor when I feel a spikey 'tap tap tap' in the back of my head. I turn around and there is my girlfriend.


'Jeremy! I caught a catfish!'


Only fish caught all day.



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A few years back at a large walleye tourney , we're waiting in line to launch impatiently. Great finally our turn. After many repeated attempts at trying to shove the boat off the trailer and getting it to launch , backing the trailer in ever deeper .....I realized I forgot to remove the transom tie-downs!! No wonder the trailer was floating lol. After getting razzed by the other guys in line off we went. Live and learn

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Years ago fishing on Scugog with a buddy in my 12 foot boat and his 9.9. Fishing near the causeway and decided to move up near the Nonquon. Well as you can imagine with a 9.9 it was pretty slow and the motor was howling and lugging the whole way. As we get there we start fishing and after 20 minutes I said...its pretty windy eh? And he replied that it was, so I asked him why we were not drifting and he looked at me and said did you throw out the anchor to which I replied ....throw it out....I didnt pick it up 5 miles ago. We hauled it in and it had enough weeds in it so it was the size of a VW Bug. Had a chuckle about that one and the motor ran fine after that.

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A few years ago on a canoeing/camping trip to a small, secluded lake up near Haliburton my girlfriend and I were having a very relaxing time enjoying the lake all to ourselves. Only 2 campsites on the lake, and according to the online registry we were the only ones to have booked a site that week. I love this little lake and have been there many times...not unusual to spend the whole trip without seeing another soul. Well, it was a beautiful, sunny day and we thought to ourselves what could be better than a little "afternoon delight" on the rocks down by the waters edge. Not long into the session and we hear an unmistakeable paddle bang off a gunwale...look up and lo and behold two canoes rounding the point. We both scramble and do a naked mad dash for the tent...I think we covered that 50 yards in under 3 seconds. Once in the safety of the tent we couldn't stop laughing and that was the end of that!

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Mine has already happen this year an usually happens 2-3 times.


I will have a reason to take my trout stick out of the truck. Like yesterday I took my parents to xmas dinner with the aunts and uncles.


Today tomorrow will decide to hit the ganny drive down and have no stick.

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Sue wouldn't dare try to pee over the side so if she does need to go she just uses the live well (I take any fish out LOL) then I just turn on the pump and flush it out. Might be a good one to keep in mind :whistling:


You should get a pee bucket! My dad has to pee every 15 mins on the water because he drinks so much water lmao, so he just cut off the top of Tropicana containers so you have a handle to hold and everything. Doubles as a bailing bucket as well lol :angel:

Everytime we have someone new out in the boat they always comment on how much he has to pee lol, We have learned not to sit on the side the cooler is as you spend less time fishing and more time getting out water bottles for the guy ahaha

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This past October I showed up to a vacant ramp at a marina on pigeon lake, Nobody else launched all day. Went out had a decent day boating a couple ski's, heading back to the launch we notice a military exercise of some sort going on with many military trucks, soldiers, and a couple boats working around using the launch and it was miserable out (cold and wet). I pride myself on being efficient at the ramp both loading and launching by myself a lot of the time. So I say to myself lots of eyes watching better make it good. Everybody is standing around watching, I back the trailer in flawless and quick, hop in the boat load it on the trailer, clip the front of the boat on the winch, hop out, pull the truck and boat outta the water and I'm like "nice job under the pressure " so I pull about 20 feet from the launch and I get out and I'm all head nods and stuff to the guys, and I start strapping down the boat emptying out my equipment and such and after probably 3 mins a guy walks up to me and says " hey you might want to shut your motor off." it was so loud that I couldn't even here my motor running from all the military equipment, definitely felt like a knob.

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One year, while fishing for Salmon on a river up north, not a big river, lots of traffic, so when there was nobody around, I had to take a pee and as soon as the last boat went around the bend, I whipped down my pants and went over the side of the boat for a tinkle. Sure enough, a boat comes around the bend before I finished. As they passed by they said "Nice moon" hahahahaha.

Pretty sure there was a picture of it on the Bulletin board at the Coldwater Gas Bar for a few years after that :tease:

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Fishing a bass tournament at a southern Ohio lake, a cold blustery day in early April, a tough bite day. I was jigging a Heddon Sonar along a rocky ledge thinking it looked like a good spot for smallies. Bang! I get a hit, decent fish I said to my partner, then as I get it near the surface I see it is a 4-5 pound ski, in a hurry I lip it! Bad move! LOL



Fishing with a buddy on one of Lake Erie's bays, make a long cast and sit down on my bow seat, a bass grabs it! I set the hook! and as I do the seat snaps off the pole at it's base. Over backwards I go! Lucky I didn't bust my dome on the gunnal, the last thing I saw on my way down was the bass jump and spit the hook.


Up in Ontario for a couple of weeks, a Canadian couple was also there with their kids and not catching much, so I offered to take the husband fishing the next day and show him around a bit. Crack of dawn the next day we hit the water, enter a cove and a big sailboat is moored, just minding our own business fishing and we hear a female voice " catching anything" we both turned around and two bare naked ladies are standing on the back of the sailboat! Ah, scenery in Ontario! LOL Then things got ugly! Their bare naked dudes walked out!

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Great stories!


This one I've done many times....


After changing baits or retying, I throw the bait into the water. As I watch it sink I realize that I forgot to tie it onto the line.


Lost countless jigs / spinnerbaits / worms in this way. Even lost a brand new "freshly out of the package" musky bait doing this.....


Will most likely do it again too :)

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When I was a teenager I fought an anchor rope for 5-10 minutes in very wavy conditions with an ultralite rod. :blush:

Haha...I had a guy anchor a little too close to me on simcoe one time hook into my anchor rope. He fought it for a loooong time.....he'd pull....my boat would move closer and he'd gain line....I'd start the electric and pull a bit of drag from him.....turn it off and he'd gain a bit....OMG it was hilarious. He thought he had the biggest fish in the lake on. We could hardly contain ourselves. He finally snapped his line and left me a brand new shiny williams stuck in my rope.


If he wasn't so ignorant I woulda gave it back, but he was a total dick! Anchored right on top of me!



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thats hilarious!

A couple years ago I booked a Lake Erie Charter for Bass for my 85 year old grandfather and myself.
I get to the ramp and get all our gear loaded into the boat and off we go for a full 6 hours of fishing. It wasn't until the ramp came into sight on our way back in it dawned on me, I had left my truck running beside the boat ramp passenger door wide open and windows down the entire time we were out. When I got back to shore my truck had been moved and the keys placed under the floor mat and a business card from the regional police asking me to give him a call.
Guess I was pretty excited to get out there fishing with Gramps. Officer had a good laugh at my expense

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I bought a floating fillet knife. We were out on Long Point Bay and I mention to my buddy that my new fillet knife floats. So I hang it over the side and let go... it sank like a stone!

Apparently it only floats when it's not in the sheath! Never got to use it once!



Oh I'm sure most of us can imagine the look on your face as the knife, and sheath, went ploup.

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Haha...I had a guy anchor a little too close to me on simcoe one time hook into my anchor rope. He fought it for a loooong time.....he'd pull....my boat would move closer and he'd gain line....I'd start the electric and pull a bit of drag from him.....turn it off and he'd gain a bit....OMG it was hilarious. He thought he had the biggest fish in the lake on. We could hardly contain ourselves. He finally snapped his line and left me a brand new shiny williams stuck in my rope.


If he wasn't so ignorant I woulda gave it back, but he was a total dick! Anchored right on top of me!




These remind me of a few others.


I'm fishing on the French river with my grandfather who is using a jig, we are getting nothing when all of the sudden he hooks into something big, He reels it up, it pulls out more line, back and fourth for a few minutes before it snaps the line. We figure he must have hooked into a huge muskie.


Later that day, I go back to scout out the spot with my snorkel gear, to see where the drop-offs are and how deep. I didn't have the heart to tell my grandfather that I found his jig, hooked into someones waterline.




I'm no better. About 5 years ago, I'm working in Dryden and friends of friends tell me they are going to this lake with fishing unlike I have ever seen before if I'd like to come. I jump at the opportunity


After about 45 minutes fishing, all of us have our limit of walleye with a dozen beautiful jumbo perch. The other guys are ready to go and I say 'come on. Just one more'. They say ok. Less then a few minutes later I hook into another one. After fighting it for a few seconds I bring up the marker bouy the guy tossed out at the beginning of the day. The guy says 'Thanks. We needed to bring that in' as we head back to shore.

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I think I have done them all....three times forgot to put in the plug and only noticed after I am out on the lake(Ont.) from Fishermans Pier. Twice had the boat float away from the trailer while launching...caught it once by myself and the second time time by a passer by about 1/2 hour later(Bellwood Conservation) in early May on an empty lake. But the best is having to use a 8hp kicker from the blue zone in LakeO. back to Fishermans Pier because I couldn't get the 115 to start....seems I had it in gear......crap happens!!

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Was fishing with my father in an old tinny back when I was probably 14 or so. We were fishing near shore. I'm busy fishing and eying some cute young girls about my age on a dock when all of a sudden my dad, who's sitting at the back of the boat, rips the loudest fart I've ever heard. The whole boat shook. I think it was even louder since he was sitting on the metal bench seat. I look up at the girls, completely mortified. They're staring at us with open mouths. I turn around to give my dad a piece of my mind, and he's smiling at the girls while pointing at me.


Hilarious in hindsight. I was looking for a rock to crawl under at the time.

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these are great stories! I have launched hans solo without the plug only to run back from parking the truck to stand there wondering why my auto bilge wont stop. my boat leaks so it took a second to come to my senses.


ive also fallen out of my old 14ft while fishing smallies on lsc. I like to remember that day being windier then it probably was. it was on video but in my embarassment i deleted it.


Ive had the pleasure of being hooked in the face and the back of the head by my fishing partners. Both were the first and last time I went fishing with those guys!


The one that gets me the most is my habit of unhooking fish and throwing the plies in the lake. I get to hasty for that picture and Ive lost atleast 5 pairs of pliers this way. Unfortunately theyre usually not mine but im always a good guy and replace them.


Last year while fishing wilmot early spring i was trying to climb the hill at the end of the path going up to the road, it was extremely icy so it was slow going. I got 3/4 of the way up and i had to cross to the other side of the path to avoid the ice. I got to the middle of the path with nothing to grab. Again im 3/4 up the hill and start slipping, arms flailing.


I wound up falling and sliding down the hill continuing down an adjacent hill down into the valley only coming to a stop when my waders snagged a tree and ripped. I had my new GLX in the hand the whole time so I was unable to slow down my slide. I went slid faster that day than ive ever gone at boler mountain! I ended up going the long way around back to the car.


Keep the stories coming!

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last year ice fishing NW Bay Rainy Lake me and my partner ran into a couple of his buds. bonus some fishing company and great weather!


ice was maybe 8" and pretty clear for rainy lake, but we had trouble locating the big walleyes we caught the day before. we had a good mixed bag going though pike crappie perch a few small walleyes and i got my first ever whitey


anyhow this other guy gets a big bite and runs to his rod holder but its too late! nice expensive rod and reel gone.


we were teasing him pretty hard when buddy number two get a big bite and the fight is on! it looks like a bigun so we wonder over to help.


he gets it to the bottom of the hole and its a beauty of a walleye! maybe 29-30"er


one problem. its got buddy number ones rod somehow wrapped around it and they try and try and try but cant get it through the hole.


in disgust he cuts his line and now we have two pissed of anglers yelling at each other...


so I says" you know, the rod was right there, you coulda just grabbed it, cut the line and got your rod back, and your bud coulda landed his fish!"


it was one of the dumbest things ive ever seen from two guys claiming to be big time guides hahahaha


after some bickering between the two, they finally got in the laugh fest with my partner and I

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