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NF, just a old man rant about technology


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Has anyone else noticed how Internet ads are becoming overwhelming now?


I'm not talking about cookies remembering your google searches for a new rod and reel etc. and hitting you with fishing banners every website you visit.


I'm talking about the video ads that this year seem to have doubled or tripled in length!


If you visit CNN or TSN every small article you want to glance at starts with 30 sec video ad and than another and then another....

Even articles that don't have video turn pictures into a video etc.


I know sites have to make money but watching 90 seconds of ads to see a 45 sec. recap of last nights game is ridiculous!

And not only time consuming but the sites all take longer to view because google has to figure out the 10 relevant ads to fill the page and download them all before you can even see simple line score from a game.


Ok, off my soapbox, things are newer and cool but TV commercials never seemed that invasive or long. Or maybe I'm guilty of a growing instant gratification need has amplified the ads sense of waste to me... hmmm


Signed, old man.

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There is one cardinal rule in all forms of media. Newspapers do not sell news. Television does not sell entertainment. Internet does not sell content. None of them are interested in selling people the truth. They only exist by selling advertising. No ads, no media, with the exception of public broadcasting.

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I grew up in the era. now a word from our sponsors. we have a reeaally big sheww tonite.. oh ya it was 4 channels and blk/white tv. remote was a place up north..rabbit ears belonged on a tv and tinfoil was a tuner... weve come a long way Dorothy.,,, now can I go back ....please.

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I grew up in the era. now a word from our sponsors. we have a reeaally big sheww tonite.. oh ya it was 4 channels and blk/white tv. remote was a place up north..rabbit ears belonged on a tv and tinfoil was a tuner... weve come a long way Dorothy.,,, now can I go back ....please.




Wow, you had 4 channels, we only had 3 on the farm in Mb, and one came in real fuzzy.

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I grew up in the era. now a word from our sponsors. we have a reeaally big sheww tonite.. oh ya it was 4 channels and blk/white tv. remote was a place up north..rabbit ears belonged on a tv and tinfoil was a tuner... weve come a long way Dorothy.,,, now can I go back ....please.


The Sunday afternoon TV schedule read as follows

4:00 Lawrence Welk brought to you by Sominex

5:00 Hymn Sing

5:30 Mutual of Omahas Wild Kingdom

6:00 Wonderful World of Disney with Uncle Walt

7:00 RedSkelton

8:00 Ed Sullivan

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yes there was popeye

sky king.

the 3 stooges,little rascals. ,and yes at midnite the tv stations finished broadcasting. now we have gizmo,s that everyone wants for a thousand bucks and 3 months from now there old... but back to the question tv nowadays are infomercials. every scene in a show exhibits an apple computer a Coca-Cola,a car company etc.. billions are spent to force feed us like cattle,to buy a sham-wow or a nut chopper

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What puzzles me about this is that the overwhelming majority of people hate these. Yet, the ability to target advertise is what drives up the stock prices of Facebook, Google, AOL, etc. THese companies are valued at absurdly high P/E ratios...some don't even have a ratio as they make no money. I consider this a huge bubble. Unless advertisers are fools (which cannot be ruled out), they will eventually realize these ads are not generating profits which exceed their cost.


Just saying.



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I'm in advertising! Our clients go where their products are seen! With print, if you didn't read about it you missed it. Today we can't track your moves and wants.


I'm looking for a specific gift and once I searched for it it comes up where ever I go! Even here!!!


We may have to get used to looking at an ad before we get the information we actually want!


Print may be gone in my lifetime. I used ro set ads in metal by hand in the 70s.

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Print is not going anywhere soon enough, I swear I get more paper flyers and adds every week in the mailbox than I did 30 years ago.


They always try to sell you an extended warranty when you buy something hi tech, never take it cause before the warranty is up the item will be so outdated as to be nearly worthless is my biggest beef with technology, keeps you in the poorhouse in an effort to be somewhat up to date.

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What you saying Bill... I should update from the 3rd cell phone I've had since 1985....and only went GSM flip phone because Rogers forced me too...


Your first problem is Rogers! :) You actually get signal up at Temagami? That's the one reason I went with Bell, way better coverage in the sticks if I need it.

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Actually was the only service in Temagami until last year when Bell put an antenna on the old CBC tower. It now overshadows Rogers (whos tower is 15k south of town) and plays havock with me getting a signal. Was best when it was still analog!


... as for those pop up adverts in youtube videos and most everywhere else, you can thank my sister-in-laws brother for those.. well until he sold the patents to Google.

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Guys, if the pop-ups annoy you that much look into an extension called 'Ghostery' I use this along with an ad-aware extension in Chrome and I never, ever get popups. Super simple to install as well, almost zero configuration. AdBlock is also another good extension.

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The Sunday afternoon TV schedule read as follows

4:00 Lawrence Welk brought to you by Sominex

5:00 Hymn Sing

5:30 Mutual of Omahas Wild Kingdom

6:00 Wonderful World of Disney with Uncle Walt

7:00 RedSkelton

8:00 Ed Sullivan


You forgot about Tiny Talent Time on CHCH channel 11 Hamilton.






When we were living in Delaware (just outside of London) we'd wait until channel 10 London to go off the air, that's so we could pick up channel 12 Erie. The foggy nights were the best nights to get a clearer picture. Still remember sitting in front of the TV looking at the test pattern, waiting for Global TV's first broadcast.



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You forgot about Tiny Talent Time on CHCH channel 11 Hamilton.



Never heard of CHCH until we moved south to Toronto. At that time I was watching Hilarious House of Frightenstein on channel 11. "I swear by the sign of the 3 toed sloth,... to make Bbrrucie work once more"


I forgot one other Sunday favourite at 4pm. Don Messers Jubilee. This was before CBC screwed up and put on that yodelling cowboy Tommy Hunter

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