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Military Shooting in Ottawa


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I think we need another meet and greet.... Like we all did way back when this site first started.... Just folks that like to fish together...


Perhaps then You would understand.... Cliff is probably the most generous person I know here.



yep. We get too political at times. Fact is anyone on this board would fish together and have fun. We need to remember that. Awesome pics bill! Id be right there if I could Edited by manitoubass2
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I put an Unauthorized Canadian flag on my hardhat at work. My foreman would never say anything to me but I'm waiting for HIS boss to tell me to remove it ... I would refuse still...

Stick to your guns Phil. Don't let them dictate. We must stick together.

Good for you.

I've never heard about an unauthorized Canadian Flag

Edited by Fish Farmer
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That clip on CTV at 6 tonight shows that the public has reasonable modicum of solidarity in supporting the CF. Hats off to those who took the time to line the overpasses and highway to pay their respects. It sent a healthy shiver down my spine. I know when my parents came to Canada in '52 from war torn Europe, they adapted and embraced what was here to flourish and do well. Nowadays, it's become a real head shaker. I'm of firm belief, you come here and adapt, you don't have to throw away your previous heritage, but don't try to make it another country.

Its a power struggle. Good vs Evil. Simple as that.

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My daughter was eastbound on the 401 yesterday when she met up with the motorcade coming towards her and pulled over to the side of the highway along with everyone else.


She said it was unbelievably touching to see the respect being shown to the fallen soldier from so many hundreds of total strangers and is something she'll never forget.


Our Remembrance Day services in a couple weeks will be a little bit different this year.


I've always been extremely proud to be a Canadian and even more so when the country comes together like it has this week to honor our military.


I just hope the soldier that was murdered in Quebec the day before is receiving the same type of recognition as the one that died in Ottawa, but for some reason I'm just not hearing much about him on the news.

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I just hope the soldier that was murdered in Quebec the day before is receiving the same type of recognition as the one that died in Ottawa, but for some reason I'm just not hearing much about him on the news.


This is troubling me as well. Is it simply because the soldier in Quebec was an older gentleman while the soldier who was shot in Ottawa was a young and attractive man? It's a known fact that people are more emotional about the death of a younger man and I think the media is playing this to get more Canadians to react.



I simply cannot understand how or why the shooting of the soldier in Ottawa is more significant than the soldier in Montreal being run over. In both cases a Canadian soldier was murdered on our home turf and both deserve equal recognition.

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My guess is the shooting in Ottawa is getting the most attention simply because of where it took place, right at the Cenotaph, a place so sacred to most Canadians, while the soldier in Quebec was just in a parking lot.


I also think it's the same with the Sergeant at Arms being hailed as a hero for killing the punk, while the cop who killed the Quebec coward doesn't even have his name mentioned by the press.


It's unfortunate things happen this way, but it is what it is.


This is all just my opinion though.

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The Ottawa situation is receiving more coverage because firstly - it was in Ottawa and therefore more media attention and secondly - the gunman went to Parliament Hill after shooting Cirillo. Take away the Hill and it's still important but not as far reaching.


I don't believe it had anything to do with age but more the circumstances of how they died and the entirety of the events.

Edited by woodenboater
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The reason the shootings in Ottawa seem to be getting so much attention comparatively to what happened in Quebec can probably be explained, by the fact that EVERY news corp has staff in Ottawa.


As for the police officer not being named in Quebec that might be his choice or his superiors choice as he\they might be worried what some other nutbar will do to his family, if his name got out?

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I completely agree with you Lew. Every post that I see on my Facebook that only mentions the soldier in Ottawa I make sure to post that there was 2 soldiers killed this week. Not sure why it is happening this way, but it is kind of frustrating. My son is in the Armed Forces in Gagetown N.B. as a combat engineer which might be the reason I take it more at heart, but they were both innocent victims and they should both be remembered because they were victims only because they wore a uniform that every Canadian should be proud of.

Edited by wallyboss
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Stick to your guns Phil. Don't let them dictate. We must stick together.

Good for you.

I've never heard about an unauthorized Canadian Flag

Dave, the other guys noticed it.. I hope the big bosses do too...
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I could be wrong here, but the way I remember it is your hardhat cannot be altered in any way to be up to standards. Of course(if true) people do it all the time with union stickers, removing sweatbands etc so I dont think anyone cares. I know I sure didnt. When I worked in safety id pat ya on the bat for having a canadian flag sticker on your hardhat. Because it would be rediculous to get upset or write someone up over that. A lot off topic but you also cant wear a beanie under a hardhat or a hood under it or over it, but lots do

Edited by manitoubass2
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The reason the shootings in Ottawa seem to be getting so much attention comparatively to what happened in Quebec can probably be explained, by the fact that EVERY news corp has staff in Ottawa.


As for the police officer not being named in Quebec that might be his choice or his superiors choice as he\they might be worried what some other nutbar will do to his family, if his name got out?


I think it has to do with the external investigation of the police shooting

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Meanwhile on a BC fishing message board the same topic gets three responses. The story doesn't lead on the news outside of this country. It's just one more small time senseless terrorist attack around the globe. This is the new face of war where loses don't necessarily come on the battlefield.

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. It's just one more small time senseless terrorist attack around the globe. This is the new face of war where loses don't necessarily come on the battlefield.


I disagree. I see it as a lone Canadian nutbar with a death wish committing cold blooded murder. He apparently used ISIS propaganda as his justification but, in its absence, would probably have found another justification.

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I disagree. I see it as a lone Canadian nutbar with a death wish committing cold blooded murder. He apparently used ISIS propaganda as his justification but, in its absence, would probably have found another justification.


So you think two soliders getting killed two days apart is simply a coincidence?

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I think the major difference between the 2 events was the fact the first guy was white,one of "our own" while the guy in Ottawa fit's the stereo typical Arab Terrorist.


To really get the blood flowing the media pushes the later. It's a terrible thing butt the media manipulates the population at will.



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I think the major difference between the 2 events was the fact the first guy was white,one of "our own" while the guy in Ottawa fit's the stereo typical Arab Terrorist.


To really get the blood flowing the media pushes the later. It's a terrible thing butt the media manipulates the population at will.



I never thought of people converting to radical islam as being a certain race

and as I type I realize I don't know what race either of the two fanatics were

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These two individuals were following the orders put out by ISIS a month ago telling all supporters to attack military, politicians and first responders. They may have acted alone, but the idea of a massive attack is no longer a popular form of terrorism now. We can expect more and more lone wolf attacks. There were 3 attacks in 4 days, Quebec, Ottawa and NYC. All three people responsible are extremist supporters. It's more than just a coincidence


In terms of race, it's not an issue anymore. We have one white, one black and one middle eastern.... An ISIS is operating out of Mexico too so we will see Hispanic as well. Lone wolfs are hard to spot, especially when they are converts


And again I think the lack of info in the Quebec incident is because of the on going investigation. The issue in Ottawa is covered by the RCMP, they have dofferent rules. Quebec operates under their own version of the SIU so I think that has something to do with it.


I also think the attack in Ottawa is getting more coverage because it happened in Ottawa and the suspect stormed parliament. In comparison the pentagon attacks and the flight downed in Pennsylvania got less coverage than the planes that hit the towers. The media goes with the more popular story. Whatever makes them more money

Edited by FishnNAutographs
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Meanwhile on a BC fishing message board the same topic gets three responses. The story doesn't lead on the news outside of this country. It's just one more small time senseless terrorist attack around the globe. This is the new face of war where loses don't necessarily come on the battlefield.

incorrect, international media were all over this last week. CNN sent Anderson Cooper up. New York Times lead it on their front page.

Edited by woodenboater
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I think the major difference between the 2 events was the fact the first guy was white,one of "our own" while the guy in Ottawa fit's the stereo typical Arab Terrorist.


To really get the blood flowing the media pushes the later. It's a terrible thing butt the media manipulates the population at will.




How does the guy in Ottawa fit the stereotypical Arab terrorist? He was born in Canada. His last name sounds french; so he was probably french Canadian on his fathers side at least.

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