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Lousy thieves


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Just found out a friend in Oshawa who's only been married a year had her home broken into last evening and lost all their electronics plus everything else of value.


Trouble is, even if the punks are caught, our poor excuse for a justice system will slap their wrists and have them promise not to do it again.


Damn, I hate thieves.

Edited by lew
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The loss of the material things hurts but it is the feeling it leaves you with afterwards that really digs in! The fact that someone would just take away from you what was yours leaves you feeling kind of helpless!


I hope they get caught and some judge is having a really bad day when they appear.

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mom daddy throw kids100.00 free video games free ride. t-days age why work just freeload offa dad. when ya cant get it from them steal it. oh ya the judge he don't wanna overcrowd the jail.let em go scot-free. repeat cycle do it again. sound familiar. internet/television raises more kids nowadays then parents.

forget the ass whoopin nowadays. parents go to jail for that.

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Careful Lew. Some may take offence to the name PUNKS.


Disfunctional troubled beings, might be the right wording. Just saying.LOL




And you are 100% correct. Slap and be on their way.

lol so true



yup had stuff stolen, and I have had cameras on guard ever sense

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Advertise them and they will know where to find them when they want them!


When we lived in Milton several houses in our area were broken into. I made up signs for our place and put them in clear sight! "Protected by D&G Security Systems".


(It actually stood for Dog & Gun, I kind of made it up).


Anyone seeing the signs had no idea what D&G Security Systems was, could have been an elaborite alarm system, cameras, could have been anything but because they didn't know what to expect and they couldn't see anything, they stayed away. Ours was one of the few houses in our area that didn't get broken into.


Unfortunatly when we moved up here we didn't think we would ever need anything like that so we didn't bother. Hind sight is 20/20!

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its all the crack baby's looking for there fix of whatever there smoking or snorting or injecting themselves with nowadays...habits are expensive and they don't care what it takes to get it ..sad reality of society ...like Cliff said makes some signs and hope the deterrent is enough

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As said in a previous thread my Cane Corso and Great Dane/dobermon were a awesome team.Now that she's gone,Tonka,the great Dane/doby is still not happy his girl is not hear.Love him,but not a happy camper.My wife has zero worries unless someone has a gun etc.No use for thieves.Sorry to hear it's running pretty ramp-id .He can run inside and out whenever he wants.


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There are always people out there looking for a free ride at the expense of others. Enforcement to protect us is a joke. If you decide to defend yourself and your possessions you get crucified by those same organizations that are supposed to protect you.

I have had people try to break in, but they have had little luck, so far. We did have a meat thief some 10 years back. They broke into our workshop where we had one of our freezers. I certainly do not make it easy for them. Noisy dogs are also a good deterrent.

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