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I made myself a promise on January 1st....


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to loose some weight, my weight had gotten out of control the combination of loosing my job and health issues of a loved one had me pretty much sitting around feeling sorry for my self and stuffing my face.

January 1, I weighed in at 222 which is the heaviest I have ever been and I was pretty disgusted with myself. I started by removing sugar,pasta and bread all sweets,deserts etc. haven`t had a beer in 2 months :wallbash: .

I have started to get some exercise by swimming laps at the rec center twice a week, I can actually walk up a flight of stairs now with being out of breath and feeling like my chest was about to explode, blood pressure is down and I generally feel great. Not being loaded with carb`s late at night has had the side benefit of allowing me to sleep like a baby it`s a nice feeling to pop out of bed in the morning after a good nights sleep!!!

It`s a great feeling and very motivating to be able to fit into clothes that have been packed away for a couple of years and to hear your friends say " hey Gord have you lost weight... you look good".


I weighed in today at 192...so we are down 30 pounds :clapping: in 57 days my goal is to be around 170 by the time I open my trailer May 1st. I know I can do it.

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I have done the same thing. Went from 205 to 180 since mid-December. Motivation was health issues - high blood pressure.

Now my Blood pressure is back to normal. Feeling better all around - physically and mentally.

My ticket to losing weight was to stop snacking on junk food, limit carbs and here is the big one, cutting back on the salt. Now if only I can get myself to exercise.


Lately I started to cheat a little and noticed that I was gaining some weight back- a few pounds after only a few days.


I found that since I had given up all the bad stuff, I wasn't craving it after about the first couple of weeks But as soon as I started to introduce some of the bd stuff back into my diet, my cravings got stronger. So my advice to you is to stick to your current plan And not change anything. It's so easy to gain it back so be diligent and just concede that it is truly a permanent change. Congrats again

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I have done the same thing. Went from 205 to 180 since mid-December. Motivation was health issues - high blood pressure.

Now my Blood pressure is back to normal. Feeling better all around - physically and mentally.

My ticket to losing weight was to stop snacking on junk food, limit carbs and here is the big one, cutting back on the salt. Now if only I can get myself to exercise.


Lately I started to cheat a little and noticed that I was gaining some weight back- a few pounds after only a few days.


I found that since I had given up all the bad stuff, I wasn't craving it after about the first couple of weeks But as soon as I started to introduce some of the bd stuff back into my diet, my cravings got stronger. So my advice to you is to stick to your current plan And not change anything. It's so easy to gain it back so be diligent and just concede that it is truly a permanent change. Congrats again

I hear you on the cravings but surprisingly I have not had real cravings until a day or two ago and they were satisfied with a handful of nuts.

God help me if I ever eat another bag jelly beans or chocolate covered almonds!!! That was my problem I would have a nice meal then a hour later eat a bag of chips and a hour latter a bowl of ice cream and on and on it would go!!!

I have to be realistic and honest I don`t think I can eat like this the rest of my life, the key going forward is going to be moderation and getting active.

I already have a plan in place once I hit my target weight and it includes some bike riding and some light jogging (probably more of a waddle) I spend a lot of time at my trailer and it`s going to be great to be able to do that first thing in the morning on the country back roads.

I plan on monitoring my weight closely and adjusting accordingly!!!

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  • 1 month later...

Still going at it...I managed to put on a few pounds when I to Greneda for a week probably the mass quantities of beer I drank.

I am sitting at 186 now so down about 36 pounds and feel great, blood pressure is at 122/65 and I had to go buy a couple pair of jeans( size 36) because the others were falling off.


Just for laughs I tried to get into a pair of Dockers size 34 that I have not been able to get into for a very long time and I could get the button done up a little tight but none the less I got them on...I figure sometime in April they will fit fine!!! :clapping:

Edited by lookinforwalleye
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That is wonderful to hear! I know I need to do the same thing, but it is one tough fight for me, I just don't have the will power to stick with it I guess.


For most of my life I weighed about 145 lbs, now I'm 240 and no matter what I try to do I just can't get it off and keep it off. It isn't that I don't eat healthy, my wife and I eat the same foods (well she eats smaller portions) she weighs 145.


Anyway I'm really glad to hear you are getting a handle on it! Keep up the good work or you'll end up like me! :whistling:

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Congratulation. I have been working to loose some weight too. So Far it was real easy. I passed a couple of kidney stones(hurt like you wouldn't believe). That took 6 days of pure pain. Lost 14 pounds since anything that I put down just came back up 10 minutes later. I don't recommend this method as it really, really hurts.


Now I eat a lot of fruit and salads with my meals and no red meat. Once it warms up a bit I'll be walking everywhere (except when it rains). I ride a bicycle all summer long too.




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Good job. As others have said, once you reach the target, keeping the on the fit diet full time is just as hard. I need to get back on my plan too. Slipped off a while ago and the weight has been slowly coming back despite regular exercise and a mostly controlled diet. I find the holidays or trips really blow it for me.

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Keep it up man. I played ball in my 20's at 205, 18 years ago I stopped going to the gym, got a desk job and ballooned to 240 of butter butt. It took me 10 years to get back to 205 and have kept it that way for 8., actually 195 now. My secret was a diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes. When I think back at the crap I put in my body in the 90's I cringe. Don't wait until you need to take a needle 3 times a day and 8 pills for being overweight, no fun at all.


The other secret is pushing the plate away. A trick I learned that is simple and really works, buy smaller dinner plates, fill the thing and eat it all. I still eat fried chicken wings and Uncle Burgers at A&W as a reward for life wins, once every 6 months max. A real killer is alcohol. I still have a drink once and a while but if anyone wants to lose a quick 10 pounds and keep it off reduce whatever alcohol you drink to a quarter of what you did. It's hard to change lifestyle but you will feel like a million dollars just losing 10 pounds. Imagine having to carry a 10 pound bag of dog crap with you everywhere you go. Think of the extra weight as dog crap, no one wants to be anywhere near it so lose it. Think of the most disgusting thing you can put in a bag to carry around over your shoulder and you will want to get rid of it.


If anyone wants a few tips PM me, don't need to write a book here. I would love to hear from you Big Cliff, we are about the same age and I think I can get you going on the right path to lose a few chicken wings.

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  • 1 year later...

Way to go! I started around the same time as you and have dropped 10 lbs so far. I am not as aggressive as you are, which maybe I should be lol. keeping the calories down and trying to get in at least 2-3 hours of physical activity in.


Reading your post will get others including myself to work harder at being healthy.

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That's amazing progress! I weighed in at my rock bottom of 338 pounds at our fly in fishing trip a year and a half ago. I'm now down to 273. Only 15 more pounds.

My first 40 pounds I took off by cutting carbs all together, as well as sugar, and salt.

The last bit has been just by making smarter choices to my meals and keeping active.

If you can lift weights, the more muscle you put on, the more calories your body will naturally burn for you.

My one tip is water. I drink up to 10 liters a day. Try to drink a liter as soon as you wake up as it starts your metabolism, and try to drink as much as you can during the day. The more water I drink the less hungry I seem to be!


Keep up the good work man, you're not alone!

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