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Rob Ford being grilled this morning by TO city council

Old Ironmaker

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a kind of interesting tidbit-


a co-worker of mine was at the Leaf game a few weeks ago, he saw Rob Ford in the Hot Stove, Rob downed 3 pints in the first intermission (15 minutes), I guess he was pretty thirsty


Out of curiosity, how is that any more interesting than watching any other person chugging beer? Personal time should = nobodies business. I could care less what someone does with their personal time as long as they're doing their job and that goes for everyone from cashiers to real estate agents to politicians.



How about mandatory drug and alcohol tests for all politicians? Wait...we wouldn't have anyone left to do the job :angel:


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Wow, what a thread. Everything I have read so far on this board had me believing that I was becoming a member of this warm heartfelt/lend a hand community and here you are bashing each other for your beliefs and opinions. I have never had a good discussion with anyone regarding politics if their views weren't the same as mine. It seems when politics is the discussion that agreeing to disagree while still respecting the other person is not a possibility as proven by this thread.


I will take a different approach....... YOU ARE ALL RIGHT. Yeah, I know a crazy thought, how can all your differentiating opinions all be correct? Because they are opinions is the answer... you can't tell someone that their feelings aren't correct.


The mayor of "my city" has done some really good things while elected. He has exaggerated the savings he brought the taxpayers but the bottom line is there was still some savings overall... I will put that in the plus column. He has also made some extremely poor choices (not unlike many other politicians out there, and no, this is not a get out of jail free quote). It is probably smart for him to get help and to step aside and come back with a vengeance. At the end of the day even his own admissions are only hearsay, they aren't valued in a court of law, but they can be valuable in your own decision. I repeat YOUR OWN DECISION, not the decision that you are entitled to press upon other people, not the decision that you can ridicule someone for their opposing beliefs.


For those of you that feel that using big words (since you're talking about politics) somehow makes you wiser, especially when you typically never speak that way in your other posts really isn't fooling anyone. If your goal was to make your point more relevant I think you have failed, if your goal was to make yourself feel superior and put others down you may have succeeded.

For those of you that commented on what your children will think about the Santa Clause parade and how you will have to explain that the mayor is a crack head. If it is your position to make that parade about crack head mayors then that's exactly what it will be about. If your decision is to celebrate Christmas with your children during the parade, and not make the Mayor a focal point, then that's exactly what it will be about.


I know that Rob Ford is no friend of mine, I do not hang around with him, however I would like to get to know a lot of the members on this board and hopefully build some long lasting friendships with people that enjoy the greater things in life (mainly fishing).However, the people I want to associate myself with are not the ones who ridicule others, as far as I am concerned Mayor Ford can seek help and may be a great guy one day, but for those of you that point fingers and feel that your opinions are the only true or correct opinions out there will have a much longer road to recovery than him and you are definitely not the type of person anyone wants to associate with. Although I was not here when the mayor was voted in I do believe at that time I would have voted for him, his actions are not a reflection of me as a person, however the words written here are. Please keep this in mind


I leave you all with this to really think for a moment. Take a look at yourselves. This community built around fishing is a beautiful thing. The knowledge and wisdom that is available here is incredible. We are all individuals, entitled to our own opinions. Lets leave it at that, no more slander, no more talking down to each other. If you want to post an opinion do so. All I ask is that you post your opinion, we will understand if it differs from others beliefs from what you write, therefore the need to cut them down is irrelevant.


I respect all of your opinions, please respect mine!!!!!




A new member to this forum - RyanSmith



Well Said RyanSmith!

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On the TV now...


Rob Ford denies being involved with a prostitute and says his friend is not a hooker and is denying sexually suggestive comments that were allegedly made towards some other woman. It's these false allegations which made him decide to sue those who made these false comments and he says "this is why I warned you guys to be careful what you write".


The news is reporting that Ford is no longer on the defensive and is now on the offensive.




Remember when that lady claimed Ford made sexual advances towards her which turned out to be 100% false and was simply an attack on Ford? I guess that was his wakeup call to take legal action against those who start false rumors about him. He should have sued that dingbat too and this past event should have made some of you realize that NOTHING should be considered true unless there is PROOF. Media reports are not proof of guilt!

Edited by ch312
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Without delving into the he said, she said, rhetoric that has gone on by Ford as well as on this forum, I wonder...since when does wrong become right in certain circumstances? I mean, if Rob Ford was say, your grade 5 daughters teacher, would he get the same support? Or, your wife's doctor? A taxi driver? a crossing guard?

I'm not so sure that "if you're doing a good job, do what you want" has any credibility. If we did a poll on this forum of who felt they were a good performer at their job I'm sure there would be a majority show of hands. If I asked who would get away with Ford's behavior I am relatively positive the number would be close to nil. So why the double standard?

In my eyes the argument regarding his ability to govern is semantics. And publicly defending illegal activity and immoral judgement is simply condoning it. Separate the job from the crime and decide if it's still not a crime.


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On the TV now...


Rob Ford denies being involved with a prostitute and says his friend is not a hooker and is denying sexually suggestive comments that were allegedly made towards some other woman. It's these false allegations which made him decide to sue those who made these false comments and he says "this is why I warned you guys to be careful what you write".


The news is reporting that Ford is no longer on the defensive and is now on the offensive.




Remember when that lady claimed Ford made sexual advances towards her which turned out to be 100% false and was simply an attack on Ford? I guess that was his wakeup call to take legal action against those who start false rumors about him. He should have sued that dingbat too and this past event should have made some of you realize that NOTHING should be considered true unless there is PROOF. Media reports are not proof of guilt!


Well your assuming the allegations are indeed false, these latest allegations were part of a police investigation and official court documents I am only assuming that the testimonies were given under oath. If the time comes that the mayor is indeed charged with something I am sure there will be a stack of subpoena`s high enough to choke a horse. Mayor Ford will not be suing anybody the last thing he wants is investigators peeling back more layers of this rotten onion.


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In a position of authority and trust you can not lie to your constituents and expect all to be OK. If he had come clean from the get go he would have had a pretty good chance of weathering the storm. I am not a big Rob fan but?........just sayin'. He may be looking for bail already if he was mayor south of the border!

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The mayor says he will sue people for testimony they gave to the police.



I can see it now:


lawyer: "Mr. Ford, have you ever solicited the services of an escort?"


Ford: "No"


lawyer: "Let me rephrase that. Mr. Ford, have you ever solicited the services of an escort while in a drunken stupor?"


I’m sure Rob Ford wishes he could change the past…There’s probably a lot of it he can’t remember…

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Out of curiosity, how is that any more interesting than watching any other person chugging beer? Personal time should = nobodies business. I could care less what someone does with their personal time as long as they're doing their job and that goes for everyone from cashiers to real estate agents to politicians.




I bet cashiers would be offended if they knew you lumped them in with real estate agents and politicians... :dunno:


I think we need policy for reset so we can hit the reset button on a provincial and federal level of government...fire them all and have a do over....

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I can see it now:


lawyer: "Mr. Ford, have you ever solicited the services of an escort?"


Ford: "No"


lawyer: "Let me rephrase that. Mr. Ford, have you ever solicited the services of an escort while in a drunken stupor?"


I’m sure Rob Ford wishes he could change the past…There’s probably a lot of it he can’t remember…

Given his earlier statements about crack, claiming the question wasn't ask correctly I'm wondering how it should have been asked?


He said "No" to the prostitute in city hall. Maybe the word "escort" should have been used? Or 'at" instead of 'in". Or maybe if she wasn't paid until after, she wasn't technically a prostitute until after she left city hall. He is a crafty one.

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official court documents I am only assuming that the testimonies were given under oath.




The allegations are nothing more than hearsay, not admissable in court. They were a result police interviews with ex-staffers, used as a basis to obtain a search warrant. ie. reasonable grounds to obtain one. They were not made under oath.

Edited by Raf
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You know, initially I was hoping this guy would resign and slink off into the sunset, but not anymore! I hope he goes kicking and screaming into the sunset, while eventually being run out of town on a rail. This is just too awesome, and every day some new special kind of awesome comes to light! It gives us poor country bumpkins something else to goof on Toronto for!

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