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Stories Of Close Encounters With Dangerous Game?

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Had a few close encounters.

The first one was a good many years ago.

I was 14 and out for a partridge hunt at the hunt camp during the Thanksgiving weekend.

Walking the trail, I came along a small but steep section of the path, my head down as I chugged up.

When I reached the top and my head came up I was face to face with a bull moose. Holy Crap!!

Being young, and inexperienced, turned tail and ran.

The next day my dad was out doing the same thing. The same thing happened to him, but stood his ground.

He held his shotgun barrel right up the the face of the moose and waited for it to turn around. The standoff continued for quite some time. Dad won, the moose turned away.


The next one occurred 4 or 5 years ago while deer hunting.

I was on a watch waiting for the doggers to come through. I usually scan the bush well while on a watch.

I turned for a look behind me and seen a bear running. It was coming somewhat towards me. My first thought was to grab my camera and take a movie. I just got it out of my pocket and the bear then changed direction directly to me. To hell with the camera, dropped it and picked up my rifle, turned the safety off and was about to pull the trigger when it stopped so suddenly it rolled over itself, turned away and ran off. I was shaking...Cool experience, wish I had of stayed with the camera.


A couple years ago, again on a watch I spied a martin searching through the brush, slowly heading my direction.

I stood stock still and waited (no camera dang it). He ended up about two feet away when I suddenly shuffled to let him know I was there. He went straight up a small tree in front of me and snarled ferociously. Those things have some serious teeth.

I backed off a little to allow him to get back down the tree. He was making an awful racket and knew it would scare off any deer that may come out.

Cool to see though.

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Back in 2007 while camping in Algonquin park with a few friends, a big mamma moose and her calf wondered right into the middle of our campsite. Both were about 10ft away from us. For 2 minutes, we were sitting there just looking at each other trying not to move till they left.LOL

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Well the day before Halloween, right here in Richmond Hill, a coyote came up to me while walking Ralphie. I think he had eyes on Ralphie being a snack until he saw me!


When I was younger, living on the townsite in Elliot Lake, we had lots of bear encounters. The closest was two of us walking to a friends house and as we rounded the corner of the house, there was a huge black bear sitting there looking at us not 2 feet away. I don't think I've ever ran faster in my life away from it!!


Oh, and not wild, but I had a retarded (or shall I say mentally challenged) 20 hands high horse rear up and lunge for my neck with his teeth bared. Just about got me too from what everyone said. I ducked and ran. I still rode horses after that tho, not like scaredy pants Burtess :tease:


I have found most wild animals will avoid you at all cost and are generally more afraid of you than you are of them!! Just doesn't feel like it :blink:

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LOL my friends father got some 1 yr old bulls on his ranch, we were planning on a rodeo show down and figured we'd warm up on one his donkey's....nobody rode a bull after the donkey, if i wasn't wearing a full cage hockey helmet, my face wouldn't look so damn handosme anymore LOL they are mean, miserable creatures...cute when you are feeding them but do not enjoy being ridden apparently



There is a reason cattle farmers keep a donkey in the pens at calving time!! Donkeys are mean, and will absolutely stomp a coyote or other predator.... LOL!!!0

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We used to fish for brook trout on the branches of the Saugeen. Near one small town a guy had his collection of animals. He had a piebald whitetail and a camel and others. He had several bison. We stopped one time to look at the big bull bison that was right up against the fence. He was cropping grass. I saw some clover growing on the opposite side of the road and grabbed a bunch. I fed it to him through the page wire fence. Everything was fine, then I heard a car pull up behind me and the doors open. All of the sudden I could see the whites of that bulls eye. His massive head was right in front of me. He snorted and he hooked his horn on the fence and I could hear the fence groan. This was 2 ft from me. I thought I was in big trouble as the fence was old. I retreated and almost fell. The bull unhooked himself and took off. I turned to see a stupid woman there with her dog. She was taking her dog to see the buffalo.

Edited by hammercarp
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I was also knocked out cold by a Donkey at African Lion Safari ..



:rofl2: Is that before or after you got bit by the rabid cat, and pulled your own wisdom teeth out with pliers. Black bears and Donkeys don't even phase you dude.B) You are Dr. Danger:good:

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a few summer ago while fishing Rainy with my kids we must have come between a large momma black bear, I posted the story on here. Getting charged at is VERY intimidating I must say!


I've had numerous run ins with bears usually portaging through the bush, but no real issues.


Last winter me and the kids had an awesome run in with wolves that gave me a new respect for them, and how intelligent of hunters they are. We were ice fishing just about a km from home out on the river. We had all the gear out on the ice, and the van parked on shore up on a hill about 120 yards away. The sun was just setting, and I noticed a lone wolf out off the sandbar maybe 150 yards away. The wolf sat there occasionally howling. It had my attention. Then a second wolf appeared at the same spot. I thought, ok, I better get the kids up in the van and I'll go pack up the gear. So I got the kids in the van and gave them a few brief instructions for if I didnt come back. So I walked back down and packed up the gear. Those two wolves were now getting closer, but didnt seem aggressive. I calmly got the gear back up to the van. When I put the keys in and fired it up, OH MY! 3 more wolves, right in front of the van in some thin bush! All I could think was wow! They totally had us, if they wanted us. It seemed to me, that they had set us up (maybe it just seemed that way????) Nonetheless, it was pretty cool of them to do that, but not attack lol.

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Came back to camp for lunch one day and noticed the cabin door was slightly ad-jar. Not being afraid of any man nor beast I entered. Little did I know a rogue red squirrel was scavenging our camp. I cried like a little girl. :)


I recognize that beast as well as the view. ;)

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Was stalked by a big black bear just outside of Whistler a few years back. Seemed to be odd behaviour, just followed me down a path for probably 5 minutes, not threatening at all - seemed more interested than anything else.


Unsettling for sure

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Had a friend in Alaska followed like that.

Followed him for quite a while before my buddy felt enough was enough.

The bear was following about 10 feet behind him but left when he got a snoot full of bear spray!!!! :lol:

My buddy said it took off like it was on fire!!!!

Ran about 30 yards away, turned around looked at my buddy coughing and spitting amd finally spun around and ran off into the bush. He was not seen again. :rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:

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Back in the days when i used to hunt, a buudy and i were hunting deer in Rawdon Que, just north of the city. We were in the bush at sun up, and were carefully walking a trail through the bush.We were about 100 yards apart, but within site of eachother. I was looking at the ground, following some fresh tracks, when i heard my friend of in the distance going Psssst.....Psssssst.:mellow: I glanced over at him, and he was franticly pointing for me to look left. At this point, my concentration broken, i coud hear a sound comeing from my left, that made me want to release my bowels.:blink: I slowly pivoted and found myself less than 5 feet from the biggest bull moose i have ever seen:o How i got so close without seeing him, i have no idea.I froze in mid pivot, and realized the sound i was hearing was his deep breathing.He looked down at me from a head at least 8 feet off the ground, and turned and slowly walked off into the bush, hardly makeing a sound at all. Scared the beejesus outta me, since i had heard stories about hunters being chased up a tree by them. Ya see, i dont climb trees verry wellB)

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It's too bad the cat didn't maul those two retards to death.


what exactly makes them "retards"?


because they released a non target catch?

they should have killed the cat and tossed it rather than risking injury by releasing it?

you're against trapping all together?

you have a better solution for releasing a wild cat?


if anything, this is an excellent video for those who think leg hold traps are "cruel" and they "crush" an animals leg. notice how he's still totally fine, even after all that thrashing? animals (especially the wild ones) are far tougher than people think.




it's almost time for me to start the 40 hour trappers course and get in on the action myself. :canadian:


next on the list is falconry, IF i can convince the city to give me a personal exemption from the bylaw preventing keeping raptors in brantford. :wallbash:

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