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Please pay for my kids sports

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That was the cost of just my sons last chest protector John.



Betty and I were both middle class workers and my son was playing AA and AAA as a goalie.The last pair of pads I bought him were 1200 bucks.


We fund raised,draw tickets,the circus would come to town and give a percentage to the team for selling tickets.


Now I see the kids at the beer store collecting donations and empties. Nothing for it,but you know what,they could be doing worse things and have no issues with leaving them my empties. It,s not a cheap sport. Hockey that is.



The one year,he got to go and play in Denver, at the army base.


Sorry bud but yes you can spend $1200+ or even $2000+ on goalie pads but hey you can also buy real good one's that have been worn for a year for a few hundred, that's really your choice and decision. I have grandkids playing AAA and AA (not goalies) and they are outfitted very well for $500 a season. It's a little like fishing really, a $500 rod and $300 reel doesn't generally catch more fish than a $100 combo. I have seen kids (10-12 year olds) with more talent then my grandkids playing AAA in used skates and hand-me-down pads 'cause that's all that their parents can afford...................you know what, they can skate circles around most kids in that "cheap" equipment.


It's not fundraising that I have a problem with Brian it's the panhandling outside the store while their well dressed parents look on and sneer if you choose not to shell out to their kids, for nothing, who could care less about being there..........

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Im sure we could round up 9 Cubans and save them the trip. Baseballs baseball. I played rep all through ball and never did we travel outside of Ontario. Pay for our kids to go to Cuba...... well mom and dad drink umbrella drinks for a week. My parents would even stop at McDonald's on the odd trip, sounds like the Dr. would stop at Red Lobster with the team after every game. My opinion, get off your butts and earn it!!


Ed Zachary!!!!!!!!!!!

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My son Billy played in baseball travel leagues and we as parents always paid their way....but the furthest they traveled was Detroit....but the regular league you had to play on to get on the All Star travel team always had mandatory candy bars to sell...min of $50 worth..


So when kids approach me for baseball or football I always buy the candy bar or two and then give it back to the kid for him to eat.....but not soccer since I don't consider it a real sport and don't support it.



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I played "AAA" hockey all through and rep baseball and lacrosse, etc -- did TONNES of fundraising. We did bottle drives, and a huge garage sale, but never sold almonds or cheese or any of that. The best thing we ever did was work the local bingo parlour -- kids had to go around bringing cards and dabbers, drinks, whatever -- our entire team did it for 3 months, and we raised $10k MORE than we needed to go to Europe.


Happy to give if people are earning the money. But don't like to give when they just ask for it so their (often) spoiled kids just get to go to a few more tournaments that they don't appreciate or get fancy coats and matching pants to wear so they can make fun of kids who don't get such things.


Kids today are terribly spoiled for the most part in my opinion -- they get far too much -- I don't think it'll end well.


My 2 cents.

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kids had to go around bringing cards and dabbers, drinks, whatever


Mine did the same.



but not soccer since I don't consider it a real sport and don't support it.



Both my boys played rep soccer for Barrie. it was good for them to keep the fitness up. Didnt like playing the boys from Woodbridge though. :whistling::stretcher:

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Didn't you get asked for a donation by the cashier when checking out your purchase? What is that all about.


I tell them to lower the taxes and I may.

Man, that urks me also, They hope to embarrass you in-front of the line up of people. The other day at the LCBO they were asking if you care to donate to the united way, I had to control myself on that one :wallbash: I've got 8 grandkids,some are in hockey,dancing,swimming and I love donating to their legit fund raisers. I don't know how many times I came home from work with chocolat Almonds from guys kids fund raisers. But something shady I just walk by. It's a wonder the store didn't chase them away.


You just gave me an idea to get my $35.00 Humminbird shipping back :whistling::w00t::w00t:

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So when kids approach me for baseball or football I always buy the candy bar or two and then give it back to the kid for him to eat.....but not soccer since I don't consider it a real sport and don't support it.



Bill, so does that mean you support my Hamilton Tiger Cats :whistling::D

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Maybe this is the new way parents teach their kids life skills so that when they end up "homeless" on the street they will be experienced in "panhandling"


I would have starved to death as a bum...damn pride...by the time I would have got up enough nerve to ask for "change" the person would have been long past...whistling.gif

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Man, that urks me also, They hope to embarrass you in-front of the line up of people. The other day at the LCBO they were asking if you care to donate to the united way, I had to control myself on that one :wallbash:



My alligator hide must be a bit thicker than yours, I asked her, quite loudly if she knew where most the United Funds went, a couple folks further back said, United Way administration and wages. Now if you want to donate to my pension fund then I may reciprocate. :thumbsup_anim:

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My alligator hide must be a bit thicker than yours, I asked her, quite loudly if she knew where most the United Funds went, a couple folks further back said, United Way administration and wages. Now if you want to donate to my pension fund then I may reciprocate. :thumbsup_anim:

Now that's a good one Fisherman. I wish I thought of that one. :good:

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My Uncle was the president of the United Way in Niagara Falls New York he is now retired. He did do alot of good things but lets just say he isn't far off. Trips all the time to Alaska and othe not so cheap destinations, at least two a year. Kind of makes you sick to think that some one trying to ask for money for help is living so grand.

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I've fundraised for school trips, and baseball. It was always with the express understanding that the kids earn their way and take ownership of a special event.

In scouting, we fundraised heavily so that 25 youth and leaders could spend 4 days in Ottawa to participate in Remembrance week. The local Lions Club ( their sponsors ) agreed to cover the cost of a chartered school bus. The rest of the funds came from 2+ tons of recycled aluminum cans. My home looked like a mini scrap yard. With funds left over they also purchased tents and chartered 2 buses for a day trip to the Science Centre.

They earned and deserved the rewards, and learned some valuable lessons.

ORganized panhandling can only lead to a poor example and bad habits.

Edited by bigugli
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I Started Scouting in Teeswater in 1985 as a Scout leader 75 kids between Beavers, Cubs & Scouts Raising money for all Camping Gear & had trips to 2 Canadian Jamborres & more regional events & Started the Teeswater Kids Archery Club & fund raised our butt's off so don,t expect me to just hand any thing over for no effert, I don't care how they are & don't care what any body thinks either, we sold boxes of Pork bought, cut & wrapped from local farmers, bought & sold Apple & Grape Juice Locally, Cuddy Chicken was set up to be sold threw a local Chicken Farmer, organized a local garbage athon were we walked every east & west sideroad in Culross township plus 9 miles of Highway #4 that went through the middle of the Township, Archery we attended activities & charged $1.00 for 3 arrows to shoot in the booth & eveybody lined up to shot we made between $300 & $700 a day depending were we were, rented ourselves out for Camp, Church, FairBoards, Maple Syrop Festivals Saugeen Bluffs biggest deal for a while, 4 & 5 Generation would shoot 2 yrs old to well over 80 yrs old or any other event that would pay us to set up Archery, Every class from our 2 local schools shot every year for 1 period 9- 10:30 - 10:30- 12:00 12:00- 13:30 13:30- 15:00, 1st year we made over $3000.00 from Archery Boothes, ended up buying $10,000.00 worth of high quality equipment & as many as 64 Kids signed up for winter in door shooting & travelling to out door 3-D spring to fall shooting from Windsor to Ottawa to Sudbury, so don't get me started, my blood pressre must of went bup the nurse just came running in, I might not be able to check back on this TOPIC lol, if someone couldn't afford something arrangements were made through our group committee or a local Service Club no questioned asked & one perc was the leaders got the same split for every event we raised money for, alot of time away from family

My 2 cents worth SPINNERBAITKING

No Offence ment just what I think

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talk about a bunch of fuddy duddies.


hockey (or any sport really) can cost a family 15000 a year and without this fundraising many simply wouldn't be there.


i'm very glad that there was fundraising when i played hockey as it wasn't something that was easy for my single mother to afford growing up.


want something in return? how about the knowledge that you're helping out a kid and there might be a few kids on that team too poor to afford what others take for granted.




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As a proud father of a 3 time Candian National Taekwondo daughter, I can attest to the costs of kids moving through the ranks in highly competitive sports.


We never thought in our wildest dreams when she started in the sport at 5 years old would she stick with or be as accomplished as she is.


Our family has had to make some pretyy serious financial adjustments to help her realize her fullest potential in this sport.


The club does fundraisers, prizes, raffles, car washes.... all of it.


The families with more money particpate equally in the fundraisers and don;t come across with holier than thou attitudes just because they drive expensive vehicles and live in big homes. They are in it for ALL of the kids in the club.


A child that may not come from a privileged family should not limit that kids chances to achieve their best.


My childs success in her sport is not your financial burden. But if a kid is standing out there asking for some help, maybe step back a moment and think about THEM, instead of what you think their parents " parenting style" should be.


There are many stories in the sports arena's of how kids worked their tails off to get to where they are. And there are just as many stories of what the parents go through to help their child, no matter what it costs their Pride and Ego.


I can say this, my daughter has just qualified to go to Russia to represent the Junior Canadian Taekwondo team and I will be doing whateve I have to do to help her get there.


She is doing her part with straight A's and volunteering in school etc. I can suck up some FALSE pride and do my part.



As for the comment that the kids are arriving at the liquor store in their parents $50 k vehicles. Rememebr this, not EVERY SINGLE KID there is.


Not mine. And how do you know which one of those kids is in the same boat as mine?


Count your blessings if you have a privileged lifestyle. And count your blessings even more when you help that one kid realize their dream because you decided to drop a WHOLE LOONEY in the basket while walking in to the liquor store to buy your fourty dollar bottle.

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I went fishing today


When some kid is on the corner begging for a buck, I generally toss them one. When some kid is begging for hockey equipment I sometimes toss them a buck.


I am likely going fishing again tomorrow.


Life is good.

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I also refuse a straight handout to support sports.

Quite a few years ago I took over a scout troop in my hometown. It was needing an infusion of funding to carry on.

We virtually had nothing. No tents or equipment or a place to gather.

So to keep the young fellows busy we built a canoe and raffled it off. It was a great way to teach them some skills and make a few bucks in the process.

We earned enough to keep us going for three years.

The next year we built a motorized go-kart. None of those wussie ones that you need to coast down a hill. :lol:

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