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The Price Of Gas!!!!!


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Its unsustainable. The price will go back down again once the economy goes down the crapper again.


Bingo. Unfortunately I agree with you, not the best way to get lower prices but this is what will happen. I think we're going to see this up and down cycle for the next few years or so.

Edited by timmeh
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don"t plan to take it up the yahoo from anyone , without a fight. I've been told that, that maple leaf company and the big "S" control most of the gas in this country. They won't get my money!!!





Lube up!!!



You were saying? :jerry:

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306$ to fill the Expedition .. Mazda6 and my Boat this morning.. mad.gif .

I also filled up my propane 2x30 lbs and 2x20 lbs for 113$.. not to mention I'm still griping about my 2036.76$ Hydro Bill... wallbash.gif


Ya know that we're in a jam when it costs 2500.00$/mo to be poor in Ontario.. wallbash.gif





"buggering"? darn filters dunno.gif

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Kind of impossible to budget, or save money, when prices spiral out of control in a mere 6 months, Fuel up 25%, and food will very soon follow suit. I see a nation with fewer people paying taxes and a lot more crime. A lot of people will have little other choice.

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The oil companies are going to charge all they can get from all of us.

My question is why we pay more than customers in the good old USA.

Mr. Harper states we are better off (Bull)!.

He gets elected because of the big money from Alberta and Corperate greed.

These people will cost us many more thousands of jobs and much more if they are in power

and don't stop this fraud.

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It is in our government's best interest to see prices kept high, we are taxed on a percentage of what we spend, the higher the price, the more we pay in taxes. I don't have the exact number but I believe it is something in the range of 15 billion a year as of last year. If prices were to drop to $0.50 a liter they would loose billions in tax revenu. You are going to pay it one way or the other.


Same thing with tobacco sales, they spend millions of dollars to make us believe that people shouldn't smoke but tax you on the stop smoking aids. Taxes on tobacco currently provide about 7 billion a year to the government coffers.


If they really wanted you to stop smoking they'd be supplying the stop smoking aids for a fraction of what they cost you now or at least remove the taxes on them. Think about it? How many billions would they loose in tax revenu if smoking was reduced by even 50%.


Someone has to pay for all those big pay cheques and fat pensions that our politicans get, When prices go up they just give themselves raises, we just dig deeper.


Democracy as far as I am concerned is just a dictatorship with many heads. Doesn't matter who you vote for, the end result is always the same! They can lie, steal, cheat, take kick backs, line their pockets, and there is no accountability even when they are caught.

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Sadly canadian goverments sold canadians oil rights to u.s. based entitys..Between that taxation up the ying yang. to think. if goverments with their wisdom, why is there no infrastructure. mass transit is non existent in canada. oh well sorry for the spelling. my hands shake when the goverments have me bent over

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Honestly i don't know how people are making ends meet around here who make 40k or less a year.

I don't remember last time i walked into a grocery store and spend under 70 bucks and walked out with nothing but basics really.


Its retarded that you need 300 dollars to fill up 2 jeeps and a boat when it takes you a week to make it after everybody takes their cut.

There will be a tipping point again and another recession will come and us people will suffer.


It just cant continue going like this for too too much longer

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You`ll know when the price of gas is too high the big gas guzzling vehicles we love too drive will be driving 80-90 instead of 125 on the hwy, try it you`ll save 25% right off the bat!!!


My F150 seems to get it's best mileage at 118KPH. 11.2 l/100km.. at 88KPH it burns 13.3 l/100km


(yep..there I posted publicly that I break the law in Ontario! :w00t: )

Edited by irishfield
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Until you get rewarded with "2 years less a day" :P


Ya well, drastic times mean drastic measures. Lol I'm kidding by the way.

I guess we'll all have to start buying hybrids and electric cars, that'll scare the gas companies into lowering there prices. Remember, sometimes it really is about supply and demand.

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