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Today on Simcoe


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Well...I was determined to get my limit today no matter what...since I couldn't find anyone to come with me in the last moment last night I went ...alone...Now if I knew what was expecting me on the ice I would never have done it...don't wish the punishment i took today to my biggest enemy. It was that super difficult conditions...

Started at 6:45....with 2 stops on the way got my my final destination by 10:30....how do you spell COLD and MISERABLE? :unsure::worthy: It was that and then some more....time to buy myself a snowmachine...too old for this walking game....15 km total in foot deep snow and slush and water and cracks and you name it,....back at the car at 5:15 pm......barely....had to sit and relax every 100m and then sat on the bucket by the car for 20 min just to pick up my breath and be able to open it and load my stuff....total exhaustion...have never had it so hard...every part of my body was hating me today and will be for the rest of the week...forgot my water bottle in the car...so sweating all wet and dehydrated...was about to drink from the hole...got to Sobeys and bought 10 x 1L orange juice and drunk 4 of them on the way home...had to drive only in my boxers since everything was soaking wet....heater on 32 degrees....good thing didn't get stopped by a cop as I would have had some explaining to do :wallbash:


Anyhow...this is my last time doing this exercise....I promise it to myself...


Now on to fishing....mission accomplished as I got my limit of whities in the couple hours I had to actually fish while getting ready for the return trip...

Meegs and Williams both produced...other people were getting fish too...85 fow...fish was coming and going all day...not super hot bite but enough to keep you entertained and to get your limit.

It was so cold fish froze so much that after an hour at home in the sink it was still so cold the kids didn't want to hold it for the picture....had to really negotiate with them...good thing I got couple chocolates from Sobbey just in case :thumbsup_anim:




Any how....

I am out...laying down and breading deep....need some well deserved rest and a case of beer tomorrow night with whities on the menu



P.S. I begged 3 people on the way back to help me and give me a ride back to shore if going in the same direction telling them I'll pay them,....but no luck...was given all kinds of excuses....was left with very bad taste in my mouth for sure...



Ice Fisherman

Edited by icefisherman
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Good job man! I've found most people out on Simcoe really laid back and willing to help, that really sucks they didn't help you out on the walk back.. The weather this weekend was brutal, I looked at the temp and there was no way I was pulling the hut through all that snow and -26 degree temps.


Good on ya.

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Well Emil I hope you enjoy the beer and the fish fry tomorrow night...it sure sounds like you earned it. :good:


I had a similiar day a few winter's ago on Couch. Deep snow with about 6 inches of slush/water underneath. On the walk back in I was running on fumes. I was literally counting out steps and stopping for a rest every 100 steps. NEVER again.

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Makes me feel like my walk back to shore yesterday was a stroll through the mall. I haven't looked yet on the gps to find out how far it was. It was dark and felt like a looooooong way. My fear is I find out it was only half a kilometre 'cause it felt like five. :o


Nice fish. :thumbsup_anim:

Edited by kickingfrog
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Jeez Emil, I feel for ya. I remember doing alot of that kind of walking ice fishing many times. That'll get you in great shape in no time :P


You caught fish tho and that's what you went for.


I'd have paid to see a woman cop pull you over :lol:



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P.S. I begged 3 people on the way back to help me and give me a ride back to shore if going in the same direction telling them I'll pay them,....but no luck...was given all kinds of excuses....was left with very bad taste in my mouth for sure...


if they didnt have an extra helmet then they were not rude.

not only do you get a fine but they get one too.

i dont know if you were carrying your stuff or pulling a sleigh but if you had a sleigh the driver would have got another fine for not having a rigid tow bar on the sleigh.


but on the brighter side,

nice catch.

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since I couldn't find anyone to come with me


after this post I don't think you ever will! 15 kms walking in these conditions you are a madman! Thank goodness your perserverance paid off. Congrats on a "successful" outing. The other day we went maybe 2 kms round trip walking and I thought that was a lot. You have raised the bar a LONG way!

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a couple of us were out today as well. it was COLD.


we fished shallower and only got into some perch. It was tough.


Good on ya for braving the elements and you sure were rewarded :thumbsup_anim:


be sure to bring the water next time though, being a few clicks away from shore, exhausted + dehydrated's not really a good thing

Edited by Victor
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This reminds me of a similar experience I had a year and a half ago. Twas a beautiful fall day so I decided to take a half day off work and do some Grouse hunting. I drove to a favorite walking trail and began the slow trek along the trail. I should mention that this trail is up hill all the way. Basically I was walking up a mountain. I'd been on this trail many times before but on this day I decided to walk further than I ever have before. I remember telling myself that I just wanted to see what was around the next bend. Finally, 4.5 k down the trail I decided that I'd had enough and started the long downhill walk back. Should be easier cuz it's all down hill, I thought to myself. It was much easier on the respritory system but my legs started to ache and burn as I held my weight back to prevent myself from falling flat on my face. I took several rest breaks, but my legs started to cramp up after the breaks so I decided to carry on without stopping. Well. If my truck was another 100 yards away, I swear that I wouldn't have made it! I was never so happy to get into my truck. After the half hour drive home I could barely walk from my truck to the house. Like you Emil, somehow a case of beer and a limit of Grouse made it seem worthwhile. But I learned a lesson that day. I'm not getting any younger. :stretcher:

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Good report, I was on lake rouseay today fightig the -35 weather , can't imagine walking out there , my sled froze to the ice /slush , tough weather . I would of gave u a ride , too bad there's a lot of grumps on simcoe

Edited by cityfisher
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Glad you made it back OK Emil. Be careful out there, for god sakes. It would have been a nasty night out on that lake. 15km is a loooong ways. I've been in a couple situations out there as well.........don't count on passer-by's for help, most of them don't even blink an eye as they pass you by!!!



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Now there are two well deserved Whities for sure. If you can't aford the snowmobile pick up some snowshoes Emil. They make the difference. Keep you out of the slush. Need water/gatoraid big time on adventures like that. I'd have still given you a ride back on the snowmobile. Did on Sat with a guy who was trying to drag a fishtrap.




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Nice job on the fish. 15k wow. The slush puts on a deep hurt. I never would have been able to do it.


I was trying to visualize how far 15k was in relation with the area. So I googled directions from Barrie to Innisfil and it is 14.7k. I could not help but chuckle at the prospect of Barrie fisherman walking to Innisfil dragging their portables down Yonge Street because there is no parking in Innisfil. lol




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Nice job Emil but what would have happened I'd the guy did give you a ride and broke down would u help

Last yr I blew belt on atv a long way out in simcoe and not one guy walking stop and asked if they could help in any way

And why would you walk so far out in extreme cold weather makes no sense at all

This sport is you gotta pay to play

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Nice job Emil but what would have happened I'd the guy did give you a ride and broke down would u help

Last yr I blew belt on atv a long way out in simcoe and not one guy walking stop and asked if they could help in any way

And why would you walk so far out in extreme cold weather makes no sense at all

This sport is you gotta pay to play


You're kidding right?

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P.S. I begged 3 people on the way back to help me and give me a ride back to shore if going in the same direction telling them I'll pay them,....but no luck...was given all kinds of excuses....was left with very bad taste in my mouth for sure...



When I had my sled,I gave a few guys a lift on the sled .I would let them walk the last 100 ft,due to I didnt want to get nailed for no helmets on them. No harm,no fowl.


Nice fish btw.

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