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Karma... it is a three way street correct?


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  • 1 month later...

Jennifer saw her Medical Oncologist at Mt Sinai today in Toronto, after

having her blood work done and a chest X Ray. It looks like her blood work

is good and the lungs appear clear!!!! Back to see him again in 3 months,

in early September, is the monitoring plan.


Next up, she has a Brain / Skull MRI scheduled at Sunnybrook for July 14th

and is to see the Radiation Oncologist on the 16th to go over that imaging.


So Jen's back in her own apartment again as of 10pm tonight, with food and a

good pepsi supply, and we're home with hopes to get back to the lake

tomorrow or Thursday until her next check up in July.


Thanks for the virtual ear... and all the crossed fingers and thoughts!


Wayne and Leah

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  • 3 months later...

Just a quick update, using the library computer!


Two check ups later and Jen's still in Toronto on her own and Leah and I are back at the lake for hopefully all of September.


Jennifer's July's brain / skull MRI shows nothing new, or of serious concern, and this past Tuesdays (Sept 2nd) chest Xray shows that her lungs are still CLEAR!!


Next head MRI is scheduled for late October, and next lung check in December

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