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Guest gbfisher

No problem.....I'm a little pissed and hope that some of the hippies come up here lol....



What's a hippie... :lol: They're still alive?

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Just to clarify...Anarchists are NOT protesters. To Anarchists the violence and chaos is an end unto itself. The senseless destruction was all they wanted to accomplish. The protesters have messages meant to improve society. The stated goal of Anarchy is to destroy society itself...no matter the political system...socialist, capitalist, monarchy or theocracy. Society is the target and there is no message. The peaceful protesters were being used as a shield and cover for the advancement of the "Black Bloc". They are like a bunch of destructive children who want to be in the thick of things...sort of "Look at me!!" Sorry...that's insulting to children.

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actually the "sound canons" were designed to broadcast their voice. Pittburgh PD used it wrong last year. It was designed for the US navy after a vessel was sunk in the Persian Gulf



It also has an alrt button ment to keep people away.



Annoys the hell out of you and makes you run away.



Excellent background on the devices, courtesy of Discovery Channel's 'Future Weapons':



it should be used for the G20

Edited by Mattones
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Just to clarify...Anarchists are NOT protesters. To Anarchists the violence and chaos is an end unto itself. The senseless destruction was all they wanted to accomplish. The protesters have messages meant to improve society. The stated goal of Anarchy is to destroy society itself...no matter the political system...socialist, capitalist, monarchy or theocracy. Society is the target and there is no message. The peaceful protesters were being used as a shield and cover for the advancement of the "Black Bloc". They are like a bunch of destructive children who want to be in the thick of things...sort of "Look at me!!" Sorry...that's insulting to children.



Well put Mo.

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Just heard a press conference with Toronto Police Chief Bill Blair. He was good. I really liked that when the press quoted erroneous "facts" he straightened them out, very forcefully. It was well done on his part. CBC cut it off before it ended. I assumed they didn't like the way it was going. I guess they prefer their politicians to sound crooked and stupid in interviews. Mansbridge still seems determined to paint the police and the politicians in a bad light over this. I want to hear one of them ask him why he's so pro those using the black bloc tactics. If we was honest I suppose he'd have to say that it's making for a great story.


I'm impressed with a few of the people who've been interviewed. There was a Toronto city councillor whose name I missed who was very articulate. Fact is some of these interviews have made the interviewers and/or the press look kinda biased, or worse stupid.


The police continue to handle the situation pretty well, it appears. Hopefully tonight doesn't get out of hand.



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To be quite frank, I wonder why in this day and age that the G8 or G20 leaders have to meet in person to carry on their business. This seems to be the result every time. With video conferencing and the technology of today, conduct your business in this fashion.


These so called meeting cost the taxpayers billions and could be conducted so much more efficiently in other ways. At the very least, conduct them somewhere in secret and announce the results of your meetings somewhere publicly after returning to your respective countries.


Sure you would miss a few photo ops and a few free dinners, but considering the disruption to the host countries I thin it would be well worth while.


Just my 2cents of course, there may be reason for meeting in person that I don't see.





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To be quite frank, I wonder why in this day and age that the G8 or G20 leaders have to meet in person to carry on their business. This seems to be the result every time. With video conferencing and the technology of today, conduct your business in this fashion.


These so called meeting cost the taxpayers billions and could be conducted so much more efficiently in other ways. At the very least, conduct them somewhere in secret and announce the results of your meetings somewhere publicly after returning to your respective countries.


Sure you would miss a few photo ops and a few free dinners, but considering the disruption to the host countries I thin it would be well worth while.


Just my 2cents of course, there may be reason for meeting in person that I don't see.






You'll never get consensus because politicians are involved. But even the press conceded there's probably benefits to meeting in person. Something silly like building personal relationships. Granting that, there's still the question of whether or not it's wortha billion bux, plus the cost of the damage that'll be done today and tonight.



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I try to stay out of any threads these days that could be in any way controversial because typically they go stupid so fast...But, having said that, here goes. It's really unfair to lump the Black Bloc into the same group as the legitimate protesters. The Black Bloc will do far more to undermine their efforts to be heard/taken seriously than a Billion dollars worth of Police/security. The violent forms of protest steal the limelight and obscure what could be some very meaningful protests when people start lumping all the protesters into one category. Pepper spray everybody!! G20 meetings offer a wide range of groups the opportunity to protest economic development that comes at the cost of human rights. Childrens rights, womens rights, anti poverty groups, etc,etc. You don't have to be a crazy Hippy to relate to the real messages. Anybody have a clue what some of those messages might be; anybody even want to know?

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Wow where did I wake up today...It is still Canada isint it? Yikes. I must hand it to the Police forces. I thnk they did a great job. Im sure this comes as no suprise to them. They did awesome and cudos to them. Lets home the idiots stay home tommorow.

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I don't support what went down today in T.O. at all but I must say that young people do feel helpless against certain issues which does influence radical behavior.


eg: BP Oil Spill (how many days now) and Corporate Takeover.


Yes it's wrong what they did and it will not help solve any problems but they are young, angry & probably not very smart. Regardless, the government also needs to look within to ask why their actions cause these reactions as stupid as they are.

Edited by laszlo
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I think the black bloc morons should have been labeled terrorists and rounded up and and locked away like they do with terrorist groups..



or maybe all the MMA clubs could join a anti black bloc group and put the hurt on them..see how they like it.....



the cops have a lot more self control then me..burn my car and I see you do it, you better have full body armor on to survive the on-slot

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I watched some of these losers on cp24 yesterday for a bit. I like the "Our Street" chant, how creative. Give me a break, not one of these clowns even pays property tax. Let's hope one day they grow up and are embarrassed, maybe even pay back the people whose property they damaged. Like someone else said...thrill seeking cowards. I would love to see one of the cops finally give one the "billy club to the bag" (another quote)but I don't think you would find anything there.

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I thought Toronto was in Canada.....It looks alot more like Iran or China this past week.It's the G20 lets throw our largest city into a police state and wave all the civil liberties,bring in 20,000 security personal, there shouldn't be a problem........oops

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"But people or the media are not pleased," wrote the Times. "More so after the huge $1.2 billion tab that the taxpayers will be picking up for the two summits."


Seems like a lack of concern about taxpayer supplied funds? but I have never seen a politician yet that didn`t think they were worth it? Hello Washington? Ottawa? learn from this? Hold meetings in other countries? Let them pick up the tab?


HMMM? hordes of politicians bring out hordes of angry protesters? who would have thought that could happen? :sarcasm:

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I gotta say one more thing. Then I'll shut up on this thread. I promise.


It's more than reassuring to an old fart like me that so many members here are able to look objectively at this situation. By that I mean not screeching police brutality etc etc. In fact we seem almost without exception to be supportive of the police role so far. And the police handled themselves well. Far better than the media imnsho.


As I said last night I'm particularly disappointed in Mansbridge. I always thought he was one of the better talking heads but yesterday he was getting way too much mileage out of ragging on the politicians and the police. I kept wishing one of the folks being interviewed had asked him which side he was really on. I get the feeling the police chief might have given the opportunity. Mansbridge may have been trying to be subtle but he could only sneer so many times that the Mayor actually called the boys in black with masks and hammers thugs before he outed hisself. There were a few moments late in the afternoon when he almost recanted. I was wondering if perhaps someone had pointed out that he was being too obvious in his zeal to embarrass the powers that be, but then he pretty much got back on form. Seems to me a more responsible position for him to have taken was to support the police actions against the thugs and hooligans and leave the government bashing for another day. I suppose now that he lives in Stratford he's okay with Toronto as a war zone. There might even be a nice raise in it for him if he stirs the pot enuf.


In any case cudoes to you guys for acting like responsible Canadians and standing up for the good guys in this mess. Cop and politician bashing seems to be a reflex for many these days. It's ironic when those same people whine about why their own kids don't show proper respect for the things the parents value.



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