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Quebec is finally separating! ;)


Leechman's personal log ****

Star date twenty-three dot zero six dot ten..... strongest tremor felt to date.... was working at a client's site and all hell broke loose.... first reaction..... get the Hell out as quick as possible. Location 3rd floor.....


No damage reported but one hell of a scary moment.... lasted what seemed to be an eternity :dunno: Building was closed and people were sent home.

End log *****


This one hit pretty close to home.... Buckingham which is about 20 minute drive on highway 50 from where I live..... glad to report that all is well and no damage of sort to report :angel:



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I was at the office in Peterborough when I thought a truck had hit the building, except there was no bang, and then there was another shake. The "Health & Safety Committee" decided we should leave the building which I think was a little extreme. From the parking lot I was looking to the southwest and northwest to see if the G-20 or G-8 had got nuked.


For half an hour or more afterwards, I guess the cell phone circuits were jammed with traffic. I couldn't make a call for the life of me. Makes you wonder how effective our little electronic crutches would be if crap really hit the fan.

Edited by Jer
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WOW. I felt that all the way up in Markham. I was just finished toying with my rods and rested them onto a ledge on my cabinet. Next thing you know, I felt a shake for a second and all of my rods fell over!


Where I was, it was probably one shake, and maybe another 2 seconds to follow.



Felt it in markham too, was writing my final exam when it happened

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Felt that loud in clear at work in Ottawa.


We were evacuated and sent home for the day as a precautionary measure while they inspect our buildings.


So I strolled over to the local watering hole had a pint while waiting for the Mrs. to pick me up. :whistling:

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We can't suck the blood out of the veins of Mother Earth without something happening.... :wallbash:


Earthquakes are just as natural as sunrises & rainbows.


If we decide to build our homes on fault lines we need to be ready for some shaking every once in awhile.

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We felt it here in NW PA. A number of folks called the news stations from Erie, Warren, Bradford. I'm not sure where the fault line runs, does anyone know? My recollection is it runs down thru the Niagara region kind of SW to NE and that it's one of the bigger fault lines.

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We felt it here in NW PA. A number of folks called the news stations from Erie, Warren, Bradford. I'm not sure where the fault line runs, does anyone know? My recollection is it runs down thru the Niagara region kind of SW to NE and that it's one of the bigger fault lines.



Read this, this morning.



"The epicentre of the quake is located on an active fault known as the West Quebec Seismic Zone, a region Godin describes as one of the more quake-prone regions in the country." Hamilton Spectator




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Read this, this morning.



"The epicentre of the quake is located on an active fault known as the West Quebec Seismic Zone, a region Godin describes as one of the more quake-prone regions in the country." Hamilton Spectator


I was speaking with my insurance agent yesterday, getting paperwork ready to show proof of insurance for my upcoming trip to the west arm. So I asked her if my homerowners policy covered earthquake damage, and I learned it doesn't I and they can't even add it if there has been any seismic activity withing the last 7 days. I think I might just add it when I get back. It's less than $40/year.

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It was on the news here in Ohio also, lol since Stevie (PigeonFisher) slimmed down and moved south we can`t blame it on him falling? Some huge salt mines under the Great Lakes, and with the disaster in the gulf I have to wonder, what happens if a quake fractures the roof of one of them? It would be sort of nice to see the great lakes stay freshwater?


LOL I am sure they have an emergency plan? Too like save the Walruses? :wallbash:

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