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here's the deal


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Ok since I just read the post on fighting, I see our members are full of advice.


Here's the deal I am being involved in.


Our neighbour runs a tourist camp and for the winter she goes to Florida and the camp is empty. We keep an eye on the property for her and this winter we have had little snow (3-4 inches). This means the road to her camp was wide open and one person decided that he would use her property to launch his ice hut and use her boat launch as a parking lot when he goes out to the hut. We don't know this person so we called the owner in Florida and she told us that the only person she has given permission to use her boat launch and property over the winter is our neighbour next door. She asked if we could plow enough snow in to block the driveway. We left a note on the vehicle of the guy using the boat launch telling him of this development and after he left for the day, we plowed in the road.


Now, this guy is parking his vehicle on our road (privately built and maintained) and just over the top of the hill that we must take a run at in order to get up. We have lots of space further down the road, past the junction to the our road and the tourist camp. there is a power line that crosses and we have plowed an open area that is 40 feet wide so if he wanted to park there he could. The power line runs to the lake and there is access to the lake at that point. Instead he keeps parking on our road and using the skidoo trail we have that runs across the back of one of the neighbours property.


What do you folks think I should do to correct this situation. I seem to be the person every neighbour is bouncing ideas of how to handle it off and I'm allways open to ideas to make a compromise .


your thoughts please

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I would confront the guy and tell him exactly what you just said.

I don't think he would have a problem with that.

BINGO!!! If that doesn't work, and it is bothering you that much, get the police involved. Even though the guy IS a fellow fisherman, doesn't give him the right to trespass...try the nice way first!

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if you feel comfortable, talk to him

if you don't or don't want to stand around for hours waiting for him to return



it the road is private, as you say, leave him a note on his windshield

take a picture of the note on his vehicle for proof and state he can not park on this private access road and that actions will be taken in the future if he returns....


if he parks again have him towed or plow in the beginning of the road or fall a tree across the road so he can't get out

so he needs to come and ask you to remove the problem so he can get back to the main road


if the road is private put up no parking or parking by permit only signs

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Are there signs that this is a private road? If so, then its simple, call the cops if he doesn't stop parking there.


If there are no signs, and it looks like a normal road, I not sure the cops can do anything. (Kind of like the requirement to have "No trepassing" or " No Hunting" signs on private property if not fenced in.)


It seems like this guy doesn;t want to cause trouble since he heeded your warning before to park elsewhere when he was originally parking in the camp. He found another place as the note suggested he do. Obviously the place he is parking now is in an area that is more convenient to access the lake/his hut than your alternate place. Assuming no signs, how does he know that the road is legitimately a private one?

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this fellow has been told the road is private, one of the neighbours stopped him and told him. I had a sign at the entrance to the road that read NO HUNTING Or TRESPASSING, I am assuming it is still there, but will check to see if it is visible with the snowbank build up at the road closure to the tourist camp.

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Suck it up buttercup! Go and talk to the guy, reach a compromise, he parks where it isn't going to bother you and doesn't drive his sled across anyone's field bed. Shake hands, make a friend, he might even let you use his hut from time to time.

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Suck it up buttercup! Go and talk to the guy, reach a compromise, he parks where it isn't going to bother you and doesn't drive his sled across anyone's field bed. Shake hands, make a friend, he might even let you use his hut from time to time.


Halleluja! Best answer yet! Being straight forward, polite and pleasant.....what a concept, imagine that!

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One time long ago before I was an educated fisherman, I was fishing with buddy on some lake (it was a small lake near Pencil Lake). As we were fishing a boat pulls up says "Where are you fellas from". Being uneducated, we actually started to reply and make conversation only to realize that he did not care where we were from, he wanted to know what we were doing on that lake. Looking back on now, it was not a private lake at all, it was just a small lake where all of the cottage owners thought they had the right to control who went there.

I have not thought about that incident since I read this post. The guy has parked in two different places and you haven't liked either of them. If he parked a mile away and walked past her place would the footprints bother you? I guess what I am asking is are you sure it's a parking issue?

Just asking.


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well I went to town, bought a pile of signs, and put them up along the road, if the guy comes in and continues to park in a dangerous area, I will get him towed. We went through this a couple years ago with some prospectors and the police had their truck towed.


I really don't care where he fishes on the lake, but my neighbour is a little ticked because the guy put his shack 10 feet from his. He seems to think this is wrong since they are the only 2 ice shacks on this end of the lake. But , that's up to him to deal with.


My only concern is that come the weekend we don't only have this guy, but all his buddies , then all their buddies over the next weekends til ice out.


If he will park on the power line and use the power line access to the lake, there is no problem.

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Talk to him :) Simple as that and don't be intimidated.


Simple as "Hey man, look I don't wanna be a loser, but my wife keeps complaining about you guys parking here. I told her I'll take care of it... blahblah blah"


If all else fails, we'll have a OFC G@G at your place on a weekend and we'll all front him and his buddies with baseball bats, 'cause we are a community and we help each other out :)

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Talk to him :) Simple as that and don't be intimidated.


Simple as "Hey man, look I don't wanna be a loser, but my wife keeps complaining about you guys parking here. I told her I'll take care of it... blahblah blah"


If all else fails, we'll have a OFC G@G at your place on a weekend and we'll all front him and his buddies with baseball bats, 'cause we are a community and we help each other out :)





best idea yet.. blame it on the wife or gf !


and if it doesnt work.. big OFC fish fry / bbq is in order

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I agree with Big Cliff on this one. However, every now and then you meet people with an "attitude". If that is the case have a note prepared that staets that you will press tresspassing charges if this happens again. The police will honour that as you have the road posted, left a note and spoken the the person. As for towing the vehicle, that may be a last resort.


As Big Cliff sais, try to reach an amicable comprimise first. That usually works.


You don't want to get into a huge legal battle over this.



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well I went to town, bought a pile of signs, and put them up along the road, if the guy comes in and continues to park in a dangerous area, I will get him towed. We went through this a couple years ago with some prospectors and the police had their truck towed.


I really don't care where he fishes on the lake, but my neighbour is a little ticked because the guy put his shack 10 feet from his. He seems to think this is wrong since they are the only 2 ice shacks on this end of the lake. But , that's up to him to deal with.


My only concern is that come the weekend we don't only have this guy, but all his buddies , then all their buddies over the next weekends til ice out.


If he will park on the power line and use the power line access to the lake, there is no problem.


Well, all I can say is "it's a good thing you arent my neighbour!" From your posts, I get the feeling you are looking for a fight. I'll bet at this rate you are going to find one. What the heck, that is just my $0.02 worth!

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I've visited grts's neighbor several times, so I'm familiar with the layout. The road is private. Space is limited on the road and in the neighborhood. The hill is a bit of a challenge even when there's no snow.


The property owners are squeezed, even without providing parking space for visitors. The private road is not suitable for parking.


All the neighbors are good people, friendly and easy to get along with. They've made my all my visits a real treat.


Maybe the trespasser is from a place like Tennessee or Alabama and doesn't know how to act.

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Simple as "Hey man, look I don't wanna be a loser, but my wife keeps complaining about you guys parking here. I told her I'll take care of it... blahblah blah"


A comment like that. Would almost make me believe you have a set. :lol:


If it's truly private. I would tell him that if he doesn't park in the spot where I ask him to park.

That the law will be involve and you prosecuted to the fullest.

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Why is it that people have to resort to calling the cops in a simple situation like this?


Just go talk to the guy, he's probably a decent fellow (most fisherpeople are), and will understand where your coming from. Explain the issue, and come up with a comprimise. There's really no need to be putting up those ugly signs, and calling in the authorities. It just makes you look like an ass. He's probably under the impression, that if nobody says anything, there is no problem. I'm sure if you talk to him face to face, he'd understand, and come up with a better place to park. If he shows up on the weekend with a bunch of buddies, go join in on the fun. Don't be so anti social!


If I lived on a lake, and some dude put a hut out front of my place, you can bet I'd be out there shooting the bull with him, and dropping a line. Heck, you might even make a new fishin buddy out of it.


Society is going to pot these days. It blows my mind.



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