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What is fair (NF)


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I taught my kids to never start a scrap, but to make sure you hurt them before they hurt you. The daughter has a disability, and used to get picked on at school. After decking two boys she never had a problem again. The school threatened to suspend or expel Anna. I asked the principal what punishment the boys would be receiving. He said there would be no reprisal for the boys so I called the lawyers. problem solved.

Edited by bigugli
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The first rule of a street fight is... there are no rules to a street fight!


If you want a fight with rules put on the gloves and get into a ring with a referee.


If someones trying to hurt me, I'm going to do everything in my power to hurt them and it ain't going to be pretty... and they aren't going to want to try it again.

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Most martial arts, and or defence classes will teach you to avoid the situation, and run if you can.

But in the event this is not possible you are taught to disable your attacker by means of absolute....

In other words,

If I have the chance to stop you from attacking me I will not push you away, or put you in a submittion hold and make you cry uncle.

Instead I will break your collar bone, nose, reverse an elbow, finger, knee, foot...what ever you give me, I will break it, and do it as fast as I can.


The idea is to disable your attacker so the attack is done.

With luck that can be accomplished quickly with one or two strikes.

But in the event your attack is severe, your cornered, or the option to run is impeded by say multiple attackers....you better beleive your eyes, throat, and junk are in play.


Self defence is exsactly that...preservation of your own well being and or life.

Once you have rendered your attacker as no longer a viable threat you've done what is with in your legal rights.

If you cross the line after the individual(s) has been rendered harmless you now have legal issues.

Its a fine line to walk but cooler heads will prevail most times.

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Well as usual I knew I could come on here and get the answers I was looking for

its been said before and I will say it again and again

you guys are all like an extended family with its ups and downs but in the end i would go to the boards for you all

I am proud to be a member of this family and look foward to many more years of advice

Thanks :thumbsup_anim::thumbsup_anim::thumbsup_anim::thumbsup_anim:


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I had my share of fights in high school with limited success.I joined the military,took up boxing and became a bit of a gym rat.It made it much easier to not get in a fight.Most guys are blind flailing when the fight happens(hockey players excluded).I will tell you that if you think a kick to the nards or a gouge to the eye will stop an expierienced fighter you are mistaken.You will prolly not connect and you will get your ass beat.Thankfully most guys with training are not gonna let you make that mistake.Its been a long time since I've been in a position that I had to defend myself or someone I cared about,but kicking and gouging eyes and nuts are not a real good idea.Keeping you head and picking your spots work much better.


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Good Morning Everyone


This is not fishing related but I’m defiantly fishing for some kind of input.

The subject today is fighting. I’m not sure about the ladies but most of the guys must of had one or two.

Anyway got into a conversation with number 3 about the subject of defending ones self against an attacker. Now I for one believe there is no need to pick a fight, but there are times when you need to defend yourself and as far as that goes my belief is you do what is necessary to keep from getting a beating with the amount of force you apply equal to the attack. So I said if all else fails you go for Throat Eyes or Nards to diffuse the situation booting someone in the head is not cool and beating someone unconscious is not necessary unless said individuals intent is to cause grievous harm.

Whatever you do is to subdue the individual to give you ability to get away and never turn your back. Well I was informed that you could do none of these because you would lose face because it is for lack of better words SISSY. I’m told it is better to take the beating then to defend any way possible.

What is wrong with this picture this type of situation is not a sanctioned event and pretty much rule less. Can I get some opinions on this am I completely wrong in my advice just throwing this out there?






I have read your post a couple of times and still don't get it. Who is number 3? Third wife, third daughter, who? And is what your being told that it is sissy to defend yourself?

Please clarify.


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My problem is I don't stop punching ti'll my hand breaks.


But if ya think about it... that hasn't really been "my" problem as much as it was the other guys in the few fights I've been in.


Best defense is a good offense... throw the first if you think they'd do the same.

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I was smaller in high school. Playing football taught me size meant nothing in a fight. Leverage and quick strikes soon got me off the 'people to pick on' list.

First shot to the nads, followed by a knee or elbow to the nose always ended the problem.

At this age only idiots pick fights, so I usually throw a complex math or philosophical problem at them and they get too confused to continue.

Never kick a guy when they are down. I see that in kids today...it was a line none of us ever crossed cause the crowd would turn on you quick if you did.

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I use to love fighting. Loved it so much that I got Dahm good at it.

So good my friends would get me into fights,So they could watch.

You kick me in the nards. I would put more of a beating too you.


The only rule I ever lived by. Was you do what ever it takes to keep that

man down.

Growing up in a large metropolis and getting into a fight with a total stranger,

Not knowing what he is capable of.

You only think of one thing. SELF PRESERVATION!

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The best out in a fight I have seen was a guy was getting harassed at a bar. It was starting to get heated and the harasser dumped his beer on to his lap. He turned around and reached into his pocket and said " $50.00 to the first man who decks him" Worked like a charm...



If a fight is going to happen then its time to not talk crap or posture... pick your point, follow thru and get them down for the count. The more one sided the fight is the better.




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Rick, math or philosophy? You can't be serious. You serious?


You gonna bring it, you wanna bring it? Come here for a minute, I need to talk to you. You gonna look real foolish real quick. Punk. Goof. Bring it.


*This is where I bravely run away.*

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I have been a long time reader of this site & I decided to finally join. I would just like to add my 2 cents to this topic.

One thing I would be leery about teaching kids is hitting someone in the throat. Yes, it will probably stop your attacker, but if you break the trachea, you better have a damn good reason for doing it. That is a last resort move if you feel your life may be taken.

After that, anything pretty much goes. There is no such thing as a fair fight. If you look @ most self defense classes, they do not teach you how to fight, they teach you how to defend yourself, whether that's leaving the situation or stopping your attacker (verbally or physically).

Each situation is different and to be able to tell the difference comes from experience or from training. Most of it comes from your own awareness of your surroundings. Know your surroundings & trust your instincts.

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I have been a long time reader of this site & I decided to finally join.

Welcome to the board!



As far as fighting goes; my father trained self defense in the militia. He taught me some submission holds that later paid off working in bars but the most importent advice he offered was "aim for the back of the head". You don't have to be big or strong, wait for your opportunity and follow through.

I've been on the receiving end of nard shots, eye-gouging and hair pulling; when you're in survival mode that is just antagonizing, not debilitating.

I wouldn't go as far to say it's a sissy move but I would advise it. Conserve your energy and make your stike count.

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Welcome to the board!



As far as fighting goes; my father trained self defense in the militia. He taught me some submission holds that later paid off working in bars but the most importent advice he offered was "aim for the back of the head". You don't have to be big or strong, wait for your opportunity and follow through.

I've been on the receiving end of nard shots, eye-gouging and hair pulling; when you're in survival mode that is just antagonizing, not debilitating.

I wouldn't go as far to say it's a sissy move but I would advise it. Conserve your energy and make your stike count.



If you want to risk killing someone or seriously injuring their brain, then yes -- aim for the back of the head where the brain stem is most exposed. :blink: :blink: :blink:


Sounds to me like the OPs 16 yr old son is getting picked on by bullies. Eye gouging, ball kicking, and hitting in the back of the head probably makes sense if he fears for his life. If its just getting picked on by a bully at school, i'd say best to do is make fun of the bully (in a way that he's embarassed to pick on you) and/or just stand up for yourself. Punch him in the nose.


Most bullies like to pick on people who won't push back.


Kicking people in the balls and gouging eyes is a one way trip to being made fun of even more.

Edited by cram
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