ccmtcanada Posted June 29, 2009 Report Posted June 29, 2009 Friday June 26th - the trek north The day had finally arrived! We dropped our little one off at school and then by 1030am, we were on the road, heading north. After an uneventful drive, we arrived at 430ish, said hi to the group of people we saw right off the bat and then set up our home away from home. After a quick "hello" to everyone we saw, we decided to head out and pre-fish the pike tournament that was being held on Saturday. We looked for the weeds that have produced in the past and saw that they were getting established quite nicely. Lots of ones this size... Bly got this one...her first of the trip...sure it was small...but her fish get bigger...MUCH bigger! She also picked up a few pickeral in unlikely places...go figure! We got back around dusk and chatted around the campfire...but retired early as it was a very tiring day! Saturday June 27th - Tournament Day! We got up and decided to see if the Pike were still hanging about those spots we found last evening...and sure enough, we found them, and caught a few more of pike this size... Tournament blast off was scheduled for 11am, so we headed down to the docks. Here's Loonietoon and Motv8tr, prepping for the tourney... Biteme showing us how the massive pike were going to take his lure! Joey, Tybo, Roy etc...discussing tactics... Blast off was at 1130, and our chariot awaited! We went out and fished all those spots and of course...they were GONE!!! LOL. I managed to catch ZERO pike and Bly caught a few small ones. Here's on of her fish at the measure in. Here's TJ doing...well, I'm not really sure... We all gathered around 5pm for the results...we know where I ended up!! Here's the prize table. Thanks again to everyone who contributed to the one who participated left empty handed once again! Here's the tournament winner...combined inches of his catches! Can't remember his name, but it was Avery's friend. Congrats! Tybo won big fish of the tourney...a mere 1/4" bigger than the second place fish! Bly ended up winning a 48" muskie cradle...good timing as we were going after them the next day! One thing I love about this lake is the surroundings...cottages do not line every single inch of shoreline...and the views are incredible. Sunday June 28th - BIG fish and Heartbreak! Well, rain was in the forecast for Sunday, but we came to fish, and fish we did! ChrisK gave us a few pointers of places to try for Muskie...and soon after we were off in search of these monsters! The rain started soon after we got to our first spot, and after Bly's second cast, she landed a pike! Things were looking good! A little while later, while using a husky jerk, Bly retrieves to the boat, leaves it sitting there to take a break...twitches is a few times and WHAM! A nice muskie takes it and heads deep! The thing fought like a champ, but bly expertly brings it in. The hooks popped out of it's mouth the second it hit the we were able to get a quick picture and then back into the water to swim another day! Some time passed...the rain would come down, then stop...then come down again. We were soaked to the skin, but kept on going. Bly once again is bringing in a small it gets close to the boat she sees a huge muskie rise like a submarine out of the depths!!!! It takes a swipe at it...misses it and then it's gone...never to be seen again! We started to get a little cold out there, but adrenaline kept us just never know... We decided to stick it out a little while longer...I'm throwing a 9" Jake around. Suddenly, my lure stops and this massive head breaks the surface!!! I yell "get the cradle ready!!!!!" Bly turns around to see this fish and she says "Oh my god...look a the size of the head!!!!". It fought hard and for a long time I didn't see it. Suddenly it breaks the surface and jumps clear out of the water...both our jaws dropped open as we saw how fat it was! A few minutes later its near the boat and goes under it...I manage to bring it back and it's now on it's side...seemingly tired out. Bly get the new 48" cradle ready and we quickly realize that it's not big enough!!! She turns to get the huge net we have and the thing dives...and jumps straight up...literally looking at us straight in the eye...and the shakes the hooks free. ARGHH!!!!!!!!! The girth on the fish was proportional to the one that Bly landed...we estimated it at 54"...but at the end of the day, it's just another fish story.... We got back to the lodge, telling stories and laughing and reminiscing about other great catches from everyone. After dinner, ChrisK was very gracious and took us out in Spiels boat (Thanks Spiel) for the evening pikeral bite. He took us to some hot spots and showed us how he catches them using lindy rigs and floating worms. We were marking them everywhere, but couldn't get any to commit to our offerings! As the light dwindled, he said "Feel like casting for some?". Of course we were game! Finally, I caught my first pickeral of the trip... Casting close to shore, Chris picked up a smallie...and then a few minutes later, I feel an nice hit. Set the hook and this guy took me for a ride! Not quite a muskie, but hey, can't complain about the fishing at all! Bly caught a pickeral as well...but we didn't get a shot of it. We got back in and had a great time chatting with ChrisK, Spiel, Joey and Tybo. Another great Lakair G2G....already cant wait until next year...I have a date with a rather large muskie!!!!!! Thanks to everyone this year, including Kevin and Leslie and the staff...everyone was great!
misfish Posted June 29, 2009 Report Posted June 29, 2009 (edited) Cliff, that was a great report.You all had a great time and arrived alive, both there and back. I guess now we wont be seeing that munchkin perch pic any more.Thats a real nice smallie bud.Congrats. Edited June 29, 2009 by misfish
Sinker Posted June 29, 2009 Report Posted June 29, 2009 Nice musky Carole!! WTG!!! Losing a big one just makes you want to get back out there again, doesn't it.........Cliff?? No worries, I've lost my share too, its part of the game. Sinker
TJQ Posted June 29, 2009 Report Posted June 29, 2009 Awesome report as always Cliff, it was great to see you and Bly again.. she the best BB out there!! LOL I was thinking of you hard cores out there in the rain!
bigugli Posted June 29, 2009 Report Posted June 29, 2009 There are some really big beasties in that part of the arm. I've lost a number of battles out there over the years. That is one nice muskie. Glad you all had a great time.
Leecher Posted June 29, 2009 Report Posted June 29, 2009 Thanks for the tease Cliff but this report tops it all.... I knew by looking at the pic that you weren't the one that landed that ski.... somehow had a feeling that bly was the one and a real great looking one at that You guys sure got into a mix bag of some quality fish Congratulations to both of you It sure looked like a fun time out there and want to again congratulate bly on landing that beauty ski and for you Cliff in that good looking smallie Thanks for sharing this report with us!! Leechman
ChrisK Posted June 29, 2009 Report Posted June 29, 2009 Was a pleasure sharing the boat with you guys !!! Hey,who's that guy in the bottom right hand corner
Muskieman Posted June 29, 2009 Report Posted June 29, 2009 Congrats on the beauty Muskie!! ... It was great to meet Bly and unfortunately I missed you Cliff..for sure next time 'round.. Randy
ccmtcanada Posted June 30, 2009 Author Report Posted June 30, 2009 (edited) Thanks everyone! Chris...Sam is the perfect boat dog!!! Loved how he'd put his chin on my leg when the boat would move quickly down the lake.... Edited June 30, 2009 by ccmt
Rizzo Posted June 30, 2009 Report Posted June 30, 2009 Fantastic report, nice to finally meet the two of you. We had no luck on the muskies in my boat, glad to hear you guys had success! Hopefully we'll see you next year
camillj Posted June 30, 2009 Report Posted June 30, 2009 Great report Cliff ... looks like you and Bly had some great fishin (and fun) up there again this year .... one of these years I'm gonna make the trek ... Dont you just love seeing the BIG ones rise up from the depths ... even if they do turn away ... as long as you catch a glimpse .. you know there's hope I had one over 50 wink at me before shaking loose too (a couple years back)... it may be a heartbreaker ... but it sure keeps you coming back Thanks for sharing !
Greencoachdog Posted June 30, 2009 Report Posted June 30, 2009 Excellent report and pics Cliffy!!! Congrats to the bly wimmins on that beautiful Mucksie!!! (have ya ever noticed how "Super Hott" she looks when she's holding those big fishes like that?) I'm afraid I'll have to request a polygraph test before believing the "Big one that got away" story... they're a dime a dozen yanno! That is a very nice tinymooth Bass!!! It kills my soul to have to read all these wonderful reports since I wasn't able to go, but I gotta do it.. kinda like self flagellation yanno. Thanks for taking the time to post that report!!!
DRIFTER_016 Posted June 30, 2009 Report Posted June 30, 2009 bigugli said: There are some really big beasties in that part of the arm. I've lost a number of battles out there over the years. I used to spend the first week of August every year at Lakair and caught some very nice fish in that area. I have managed bass in the 6 1/2 pound range and my PB Musky at 53 1/2". I have even had muskies attack the prop in that area. I don't remember catching any pike though. Maybe it's just the oldtimers kicking in. Sure brings back some memories.
wvfisherman Posted June 30, 2009 Report Posted June 30, 2009 I enjoyed your pictures. Every year I look at everybody's pictures and wish that I would be there with everybody. It looks like a good time. Do you have a Ford Freestar and if so what do you tow with it? I have a 16 ft crestliner with a 40hp and does not weigh over 2000# but the back end almost rides the back wheels. Do you have any special shocks or information that you have done to your van. Thanks. E-Mail me if you can help me. Again, enjoyed the pictures. Bob
Daplumma Posted June 30, 2009 Report Posted June 30, 2009 Good to see you guys again ,even if its only pics.Love the pics of the bear muzzle loading the pike.Or is he just a geek with glasses? Joe
LeXXington Posted June 30, 2009 Report Posted June 30, 2009 Thanks Cliff and Bly for bring that monster BOQ trophy sorry I did not think it was that big . When we past you I was thinking about you two as the rain kept pouring. Now I am wishing I was in the boat with you Great going and good seeing you again.
splashhopper Posted June 30, 2009 Report Posted June 30, 2009 thanks for the adventure via pics n tales... splashhopper and botbot
BillM Posted June 30, 2009 Report Posted June 30, 2009 Bly, that is a great looking 'ski!!!! Good luck next time Cliff, atleast you saw the fish before it got off
b2kptbo Posted June 30, 2009 Report Posted June 30, 2009 Another great Lakeair report, thanks... AWH the one that got away, next time Cliff...
capt_hooked Posted June 30, 2009 Report Posted June 30, 2009 Man... you guys will have "musky fever" bad now...!!! what a morning you had... I think we are off on exciting year for muskies here........! gotta luv those big fish.........! the cap't
Rattletrap2 Posted June 30, 2009 Report Posted June 30, 2009 Fantastic report as always Cliff and Bly!!! That is a real nice mixed bag of fish and some beauty specimens to boot! Congrats on sticking out the bad weather and gitt'n er done!
Beans Posted June 30, 2009 Report Posted June 30, 2009 WOW !!!...WTG Carol... Never mind Cliff...a miss like that is much better than just a follow... Nice Smallie...
bigugli Posted June 30, 2009 Report Posted June 30, 2009 wvfisherm said: I enjoyed your pictures. Every year I look at everybody's pictures and wish that I would be there with everybody. It looks like a good time. Do you have a Ford Freestar and if so what do you tow with it? I have a 16 ft crestliner with a 40hp and does not weigh over 2000# but the back end almost rides the back wheels. Do you have any special shocks or information that you have done to your van. Thanks. E-Mail me if you can help me. Again, enjoyed the pictures. Bob I have an 04 Freestar, towing a 16 1/2 Legend. The vehicle has the towing package and runs just fine until I start loading gear in the boat, then the van gets arse heavy.
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