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What method you you use to prevent rod tip icing?


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Hey all,


Was wondering what method you use to prevent icing on the rod tip as the temperature drops.


I've heard of the following but have yet to try them. Any pros and cons to any methods?


- Vasoline rubbed on

- chapstick rubbed on

- reel magic silicone sprayed on (hard to locate or get info on)



Thanks in advance,



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I use Stanleys Ice Off paste applied the night before.


I find it works well till it drops to about -12. Also helps if the smallest guides on the tip of the rod are size 8 or 10. The match style guides found on factory Ravens, Frontiers or Loomis' ice up real easy - A great excuse for building a custom rod :D

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I've tried a few of the different pastes, and even PAM spray, but have always found them so greasy it's more trouble than it's worth and find it's easier to just keep breaking the ice away by hand.


Maybe what we need is electrically charged fish'n poles for cold weather :thumbsup_anim:

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I know I'm opening myself up on this one, but I generally just do as Lew, break it off by hand or shove the rod tip in my mouth and melt it away! That's a really fun thing to do when yer fishing Quinte in minus 10 temps, with a bog old sock on the end of the line!!!!

Shoot away!LOL


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I know I'm opening myself up on this one, but I generally just do as Lew, break it off by hand or shove the rod tip in my mouth and melt it away! That's a really fun thing to do when yer fishing Quinte in minus 10 temps, with a bog old sock on the end of the line!!!!

Shoot away!LOL




I like,s ya,so no comment :whistling:


Pam works ok.

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Various sprays have been mentioned but has anyone tried Jigaloo? It's a dry silicone that wouldn't hurt line or equipment. I would think it would make it easy to blow or shake off any water adhering to the tip before it freezes and it would be easy enough to reapply througout the fishing day.

Just an idea.

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I've tried a few of the different pastes, and even PAM spray, but have always found them so greasy it's more trouble than it's worth and find it's easier to just keep breaking the ice away by hand.


Maybe what we need is electrically charged fish'n poles for cold weather :thumbsup_anim:


Hmmm, a custom rod with electrically charging, melts the ice, shocks and stuns the fish for better hookset, sounds great but would it be a problem when there's lightning around? Even better, it should have a heater on the handles!!!


Great idea Lew, just not sure if it'll work the way one would like it to. :D

Edited by HearingFish
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Stanleys Ice Off Paste. It works fairly well though if its any colder than -10C you need to reapply about every 30mins.


I usually just use it on the first few guides


Okay, I'm going to look into this one, it even has my name on it!!! ;)


Any clues to where I should start to look first?


Okay, BPS (stateside) has them listed on their website, but I don't know if BPS here will have it. Where's Roger (BPSBassman)?

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I have used Stanleys paste and for the money there has to be a better solution LOL. As stated nothing seems to really work good once the temps get under -10 or so. I think it is important to keep in mind that if the bite is slow something that will attract fish is better than something that will repel them I have been thinking of using pam but who wants to drag a can of pam around. (although if I could find the garlic stuff anymore in Canada I would try it used to be a killer bass attractant so it might work for rainbow too?.)


Lew- your comment about electric heated rods reminded me of a fishing trip with a real newbie. This fella was just a bag of toys this one night we were steelheading. He jumps out of the car first at the this trib we hit and so we yelled to him asking is it froze over? NOPE looks good!!! So the rest of us pile out and start gearing up and he is set up and casting before the rest of us even have our boots on something doesn't sound right but I put on my gear and THEN go check with my light the whole river is black ice on top and his line is sitting on it. So we all grumble a bit about his parentage and head to spot number two.


It is open and fishable so we set up and start bottom fishing. He won't leave his line in for more than 3 minutes at a time so his line freezes up constantly. SO no matter what we tell him he just keeps casting and pulling in all the time. Finally fed up with the ball of ice on the tip of his rod he takes his LIGHTER and thaws the tip of his rod..... My buddies and I are looking at each other shrugging about who is going to tell him. When one of my buds shakes his head and shows us the fake bite noose he always has with him. So I distract our lighter using genius while the other guy loops the noose around the end if his rod and steps backs. So in a couple of minutes the guys pulls on the noose and the rod starts bucking like a bronco in the holder. I go hey you got a fish ON so buddy runs up grabs the rod and does a MASSIVE hook set and falls over because he has no line because of course it BURNT off when he was using the lighter..... The rest of us are laughing but to this day even though we showed him what fire does to mono he still talks about the night the big one broke his line off.


The problem with an electric rod heater is someone like him would electrocute himself with such a device LOL

Edited by Canuck2fan
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It's even worse when you've got a really long float rod, and it's more convenient to ask your buddy if he minds sucking on your tip for a second... :blink:


That's got GAY written all over it ...wonder if regular automotive silicone spray will work ?

Edited by JDMLS
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Just ran into that trouble today...tried a couple of the above metioned techniques...dunking the rod tip in the water.....licking it off, breaking it off..and then alas, my buddy say "hey I got some Reel Magic in my bag". After that not too much troubles..it was freekin cold too, anyhting that was wet got flash frozen when travelling around..I am just glad that the sun came out long enough to get rid of 95% of the snow in the boat today.


I have used cooking spray in the past and not had much troubles that way..as for other kind sof silicone spray, I have always been a skeptic that it might eat away and weeken the line. In the winter I use my boat alot for example, and a couple times it's ben so cold out that after putting the bowmount down and pulling it back up, the shaft got flash frozen stuck..I sprayed that and my seat posts with silicone spray and it works like a charm...but it did start to take of the paint on my trolling motor where it says "Power Drive" so as for putting it on my line..I have my doubts

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