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It's been 2 weeks--It's now been 4 weeks update


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It will be two weeks tomorrow since I have had a smoke. No patch or anything else. Feel better already.Took a customer home today and she was smoking in the car. It was an awful temptation to stop and pick up a pack on the way back to the shop but I held off. Today was the first day to not have the urge to light up in the morning. I will be heading into the hunt camp on Saturday morning and there will be no smokers there. It's also a few hours away from any store. So that will make it over 3 weeks by the time I get back to town. It's gonna work this time- never again!

Edited by Bernie
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Good for you bud !!!!


I did it that way too ... am now at 606 days (and counting) ... I think the first trip into the wilds was the scariest .. I knew I was at least an hours drive from a smoke ... but it was the thing that actually made me KNOW I could do it ... enjoy your camp ... and the fresh air ... you should soon be smellng things like you havent in years ... I can now smell a smoke in the car ahead of me (even if their windows are closed) ...

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Thanks for the support guys!. It aint easy but it has to be done.

Wayne I can't put a no smoking sign inside my pickup until I pressure wash the whole interior :wallbash:

Holdfast that's definitely a few of the things I think of. :D

Camillj you are right about being able to smell things again. Maybe I will be able to get a whiff of moms apple pie from the shop now. :thumbsup_anim:

Edited by Bernie
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Keep it up, Bernie! Any bad habit is hard to break, but addiction to nicotine is especially tough. I've never experienced it first hand, but I've seen the struggles of others. It's a tough haul, but well worth it. Not just for your health, but your pride in what you can go through and accomplish.


Good luck and good health!



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Wow. Tobacco is the worst. Let me tell you.


Bernie, that is the best life affirming act you could ever do, my hat is off to you, and my ears are getting cold. Every smoker who quits, and even those who are quitting again, are heroes. They are heroes in the eyes of their family and friends, and in my eyes, too.


I guess there is a time for each of us. I really hope I quit before I die, that would honk the bobo.

Edited by douG
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Good for you and keep it up, but a piece of advice don`t let your guard down and get to thinking you have it beat after 2 weeks becuase you don`t if all it took was 2 weeks to kick a nicotine habit everybody would be smoke free.

My last attempt this past summer I had 8 weeks in the bag and I thought I had licked it the following week I started smoking.


Good Luck!

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I guess there is a time for each of us. I really hope I quit before I die, that would honk the bobo.


just do it


read allen carr - the easy way to quit smoking






talk to your doctor about NRT


prepare for 6-12 weeks of feeling pretty bad / 6-12 weeks of feeling kinda funky and then everyday after that, you just feel plain GREAT - in more ways than you could probably ever imagine.


Its such a brief period of discomfort in the grand scheme that you will wonder why you didnt get it over with years earlier.


ps. im 10 months nic free after five or more years of failed quits and i feel awesome.

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It's been two weeks of not being able to think straight, jittery and numerous others symptoms. I'll be damned if i ever go back through that again. It's getting easier but I will try not let my guard down. Had a couple good tests this week and passed them. I quit about 8 years ago for a couple years. I bought a cigar to celebrate getting my cottage. That was a mistake. I know now that any smoking is taboo for me.

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I wish you the best Bernie, I do! I have tried a lot of ways to stop smoking but none have worked for me (inc. the new laser way). I just hope that you can forget or ignore that you ever smoked as that's your hook to go back to it. Not to sound rude, but it's the hook we (as a smoker) are all stung by. After all, if GCD can pull a hook out of his finger and keep on fishing for the rest of the day then maybe the smokers that want to stop can go through some short term (or so we hope) pain to get the goal done. My problem is I enjoy it to much to quit... Someday I will put a stop to it, someday... GOOD LUCK and I hope this time it works for you!!


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Way to go Bernie!!!! I keep telling myself that I have to stop as well...


I never light up in any car unless I see the other person light up, or ask to light up first. That includes my own car when I'm the driver. Congrats....and I wish you continued strength....

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That is great news Bernie.Your hunting expierience will be much better without the smokes.You have already beat the addiction part,it lots easier from here on in.The only way you will start to smoke again is if you light one up..dont do it.

You will have dreams that you start smoking and when you wake up you will feel ashamed and then relieved that it was only a dream.


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Best of luck Bernie, you've got the toughest part beat now and everyday will be easier than the last one, and before you know it you won't even be thinking about lighting up anymore.


Everything about quitting is good and everything about not quitting is bad.


I was addicted to those filthy things for 30 years myself but got free of them 17 years ago and it was probably the smartest move I ever made in my life.


Your on your way now Bernie and don't look back :thumbsup_anim:



My problem is I enjoy it to much to quit... Someday I will put a stop to it, someday...


ALL smokers say that Geoff....ALL smokers....and I told myself that for years too and so did all my smoking friends, but it's just the way we try to justify not being able to quit them, but once you manage to break free you'll understand.

Edited by lew
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Just keep at it Bernie. One dy at a time. Longest i had managed, in the past was 4 weeks. It took a mass coronary and flat lining on the slab to make me a non-smoker.


I urge any of you still smoking. DON'T MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE.



About the cravings Bernie. 8 years later and I still get the occasional hankering for a smoke. It happens every time I get a whiff of a good blend of pipe or a premium cigar. I quickly compensate and have me a good glass of Napoleon or Cognac.

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