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A Speck-Tacular weekend


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I usually don't start my serious Brook Trout fishing until mid August. I just can't seem to find cool enough water that these fish demand with any consistency before then. My father in law gets out way more than I do despite the warm water conditions. That's what happens when you're retired I suppose. And he seems to catch fish most times out too. So I couldn't pass up this weekends offer to tag along with him and a few of his buddies. Besides, he fishes a location that I've never been to, although it's part of the system that I fish most often. It was a perfect situation. I'd get to fish with some different faces and see some new scenery as well. So, my brother in law Dave and step son Pete hit the road around noon last Friday.


It was a pleasant drive up and a beautiful 12 mile run in the boat to where we were to meet up with the rest of the gang. We were camping on a small island to avoid the bears that have been a problem in the past. Most of the others had arrived the day before and the report was that the fish were hitting. After setting up camp we were out on the water in record time.


It didn't take long before the first fish was in the boat. It was a rather silvery 21 inch female that put up a great scrap for me.




It took about an hour or so before the next one hit. I could tell that it was a nice one. The 18 to 20 inch fish can really scream your drag. The big guys, 22+ inches, just kind of hang there and bulldog. That's what this guy was doing. After several minutes, I got a look at him. It was a gorgeous male with some decent girth. Pete finally slid the net under him and the three of us just admired him for a moment. He measured 22 1/2 inches. Dave got the camera going and I posed for a few shots before slipping him back into the water.






Another pass of the same shoreline produced one more for me. It was a 20 inch fish that I'm guessing had a tussle with an Eagle not too long ago. I don't know what else could have made these deep wounds. Certainly not a Pike.




It was now time to head in for supper and relaxation. The west view off of our island afforded us a beautiful sunset each evening. This was Friday nights version.






We awoke early and eager on Saturday morning. The sun was shining and our anticipation level was high. Neither Pete or Dave had either caught a Brook Trout of these proportions before. So I was determined to change that. A quick coffee or two and we were off. It wasn't long before Pete had a hit. A nice Brook Trout in the 20 inch range was soon heading towards the net, but the barbless hook popped before it could be netted. Disappointed, but still confident, Pete retied and we were off once again.




As much as I wanted to see both Pete and Dave catch a trophy Brookie, it was I that had the next hit. It was that familiar bulldogging fight once again. The same fight that I had experienced just last night. Only this one felt even better. My 8 foot light action rod and 6 lb. test were put to their limit while I patiently worked the fish to the boat. It was a few minutes before I got a look at it. A large girthy male surfaced not far from the boat for a second, before disappearing into the depths with a drag screaming run. I'm sure that my heart rate was double it's normal rate by now. After a few more runs, the fish was finally in the net. And oh, what a fish. The 24 inch tape measure sticker on the side of my boat was barely long enough to do the job. The fish was 23 3/4 inches.




Perhaps the worse thing that happened to me this weekend was the fact that we didn't get a decent photo of this fish. I had my boat top up to keep the sun off of me when I caught this fish. And despite Dave taking shot after shot, they were all taken in the shade of the top. So we never really got a good shot that showed the true colors of this magnificent fish. This is probably the best one.




And the release.






I had caught a few more fish that day, the bite seemed to have slowed considerlably as the day wore on. We went for a sightseeing cruise with our lines still in the water that evening. Here's a few of the sights that we came across.






Sadly, Pete and Dave still remained fishless. That bothered me. As I watched Saturday evenings sunset, I was more determined than ever to get them on a fish on Sunday.




Sunday started off terribly slow. Four hours of fishing only resulted in one tiny fish of about 14 inches. The other parties were reporting similar results. We came in to camp for a late breakfast and just sat around for a few hours as our ambition fizzled. No body was catching anything. I played around with my camera on the island for a while be fore having a snooze.


Here's the view from our camp site.




And some plants that caught my eye.




It was getting on to Sunday evening now. We decided to go out for one last shot. It wasn't long before I had another fish on.




Then I lost a fish. Could things be changing? Finally Pete yelled out those elusive words. "FISH ON"!! Sure enough his rod was doubled over as I grabbed for the camera, and Dave worked the net. Pete had his first decent Brook Trout ever in the boat. It measured 21 inches. I was thrilled for him.




Dave and Pete exchanged knuckle punches in their happiness.




Pete dropped Dave and I off at camp and went out a caught a couple more by himself. Sadly, Dave didn't get his big Brookie this weekend. But his turn is coming. I just know it....



So, how was your weekend?

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Dan, Dan... your killing me... awseome report.. I think I can hear Spiel crying from here....


Ill have my report up tomorrow morning... now specks however.. and my son humiliated me in all things camp like this weekend...

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One thing I have to do before my dad gets to old is take him somewhere that he can catch brookies like that.(He's only 63, but has been talking about going to Nipigon since I was a little kid)


Those are some awesome fish!!!!

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Wow Dan, beautiful beautiful fish. You really do take some amazing pictures. Makes me wonder why I'm going walleye fishing this week when a short drive away are fish like that, one of these days I'm gonna blow off my buddies and you and I are going fishing!

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Great report and speck-tacular shots ... as always Dan ... thanks for sharing !


My ZEC trip is still a few weeks away but I guarantee I'll be coming back to look at those shots a few more times as I prepare :)

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OMG Dan, what can I say? Those are some serious world class brookies. Thanks so much for sharing that. If I only went out once a year and did what you did, I'd be a happy dude. Good on ya and your buds.


Dang that was a nice report!



Edit: Oh and Jon, which ZEC are you going to if you don't mind my asking?

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Well, thanks so much for all of the nice comments people. You guys really made my day. It's nice to share my passion with folks that appreciate it.


Mike. Yes, all of the fish were caught on jig flies. They're really the ultimate Brook Trout lure for this type of fishing IMHO, and obviously, the Brookies love them. A 1/4 oz. jig fly is perfect in most lake situations.


BillM. Don't wait Bud. Start planning next years vacation right now. Time has a way of sneaking up on us.


ccmt. Thanks Man. I just hope you enjoyed my report as much as I enjoy yours. You're due for another by the way. I'm sure I'll be seeing it soon.


Sean. Sounds like a plan to me. For sure we'll have to hook up one of these days. And it won't be on the Kam!!


Musky or Specks. Sorry to hear that you couldn't make it up to paradise this year. Hopefully next year? I'll do my best to post another report or two before it's all over for another year.


camillj. We share the same passion along with very few others on OFC. It's something that only we can understand I suppose. Good luck on the ZEC trip. I'm looking forward to your report.


Roy. Thanks Bud. Have I not convinced you to come up here for a weekend yet??


Spiel, Spiel, Spiel. You know that we'll be sharing more than a few fishing trips together in the coming years. Once every three years is not enough though. The ball's in your court. See you next August??


Al (Guidofisherman). If you're looking for a good guide, I'll be happy to send you my rate sheet. :whistling:

All kidding aside, I hope to see you out there soon. We'll keep in touch.


reefrunner. Yes, the fish only get prettier as we get closer to the fall. Between Guidofisherman and I, You'll see what I mean in the next month or so.


Phil. Thanks for the comments Bud. We have to hook up some time!!


darren. lol.. Later in the year is the time to go. Hope to see you on the water some day..


Finally, I'll be doing another Brook Trout adventure in a couple of weeks, but I won't be doing a report on here.


Why??? You may ask?? Because I'll be hooking up with Moosebunk, and if you think that I'm going to try to out report him, then think again. I'll leave that to him. :whistling:


And with any luck, Irishfield may be joining us as well. I'm looking so forward to this trip.


Talk to you guys later..

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