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I'd have to say it's karma that you got it free - you must have done some good deeds last week! MAybe the cashier had a crush on you (err your friend) and did it on purpose


To be perfectly honest, I'd probably keep it - but i'd be spending that extra money at that store for sure. That kinda thing never happens to me though. Usually I get home and notice I've been double charged for items :(

Edited by mepps
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Karma. It always feels better when you do the right thing. And it gets even better with practice.


Just listen to that little voice in your head that says, "Gee, Davey. I don't think that's a good idea".




The sermon for today.

Yer killin me here Doogles.The pic is a red X but I can imagine Davey and his stupid clay mation dawg saying that.


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lets see, the phone company charges us money for unused minutes, the gas company and electric company charges me delivery and storage charge, the city charges me more taxes for less service, I pay for unemployment insurance but never qualify to receive it, insurance company threatens to cancel my insurance if I make a claim. Gas goes up and down like a yo yo as does groceries, electronics and everything else we buy. I wouldn't feel bad, I'd feel like sometimes KARMA comes my way.

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Can't say I recall ever getting home before realizing it. My problem is I've already done the math in my head so I notice mistakes right away at the register. Actually happened to me yesterday and I did point it out to them that the bill was too low, they were kind enough to increase it. Other times that I've pointed it out they've attributed it to something "being on sale"...kind of like the gas auger we heard about a few days ago

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Spending your day perusing fishing gear...$0.00


Walking out with a free vest ...$0.00


Looking for justification on this forum...$0.00


Returning to the store and clearing your conscience ...PRICELESS!




(Just being a wise donkey.......but seriously I agree with other it's not worth the bad Karma)

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Since you already admit you plan to go back next week, I can't think of a good reason why you wouldn't do the right thing.


Its probably hard enough these days for LeBaron to compete without having their money walk out the door and by their good customers even.


Now, if they undercharged a little, that would be totally different in my book.

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I'd call and tell the manager now. He'll likely tell you not to bother bringing it back. Having said that one time I was buying a rod and reel at a going out of business sale and the cashier charged me for the rod and not the reel. I checked after I paid and told the cashier. She rang the reel in separately and then screwed up with the debit machine and cancelled the transaction and told me to have a good day. I left without paying for the reel.

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I think that i would probably go back, I went back for a Bag of potatoes last week the casher never charged me for on th bottom of my cart. If she had double charges you for the for th vest ,would you have posted that on this board as to what to do?

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Some really interesting replies! I think it all boils down to "you have to do what feels right for you", if you want to live with it then it doesn't really matter what anyone else would do. I would be interested in hearing what you decide though.

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well folks anyone that knows me knows im no bull-shooter,i tell it like it is and for me?????????????????????????really folks thats a tough one to answer BUT i don't have alot of money and the thought would be there for me to keep it :clapping: but id return it :thumbsup_anim: by going to the manager and telling him what happen,its money i would have spent anyway,besides id think i stole it every time i looked at it and that for me would be worse than anything......

just my 2 cents folks


Hawg Hunter

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What if some bad karma had already happened to you and this was the good karma that came your way.


For all those karma believers, (me too) turning down good karma would surely be cause for some bad karma to come your way.


It seems to me that right now you're really munchin' on the tip of a big juicy karma pickle. Careful when you bite, cause karma pickle juice in your eye can really sting.

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