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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/19/2020 in all areas

  1. valid question, I know I'm not following protocol staying up here, here's my reasoning- -we have a small fridge, no chest freezer, we can't hoard food -if one of us gets sick, they drive back to the city to isolate, we have 2 vehicles up here -the govt hasn't waived my taxes on my cottage, I've paid plenty of taxes for the last 25 years, unlike the chinese that started this mess and have a safe haven in Canada although they don't pay any taxes -I'm looking out for number 1, our gov't is an incompetent mess, my wife and son are my first priority, my wife can go to the Minden grocery store early morning and there's hardly anyone there, the Freshco near me in Oakville is a gong show with empty shelves and none of the hoard of shoppers speaking English, who knows where they've been -there's way more to do up here without bumping into other people, we made maple syrup, we wander around in the bush, catch fish, we actually trained a red squirrel to scratch on our door, and come in to take a peanut from our hand and then leave, my son and I have made crazy memories because we had the time on our hands, he wasn't in school and I wasn't working, I think we're going to look back on this thing with fond memories basically, I'm looking out for my family and don't give a F about anything else
    7 points
  2. As with most things, the cottage angle has a lot to do with supply chain and available resources. The average cottager is not the type that can sneakily head to the lake and be self sufficient. The average cottager in my parts and I would obviously assume in muskoka (I have a friend that fits directly into this category) needs help getting their boat out of a marina’s winter storage. They need help getting their boat running again, they need help having their docks put back in in the spring, they buy their boats gas at a marina, they have a plumber empty their pipes in the fall and shut their water off etc etc, you get my point. The last thing you’d want the government to do is to tell these people that it’s a good idea for them to flock up north to hang out and buy up all of the groceries in the local grocery store. or even better, start partying like they always do, going island to island getting drunk. I am “next door” to “the moorings” in pointe au baril. The owner Brian called me When the order came from the government to shut down marinas he was actually somewhat thankful because the decision was now out of his hands. He was feeling immense pressure from island cottagers for him to open for business and allow them to come and use his property as normal. Brian and his wife are over 70 years old. On one hand he of course would like to make the income that he makes from his marina, on the other hand he realized the danger of the entire scenario and was not sure how he could manage to keep his docks clean and provide the required safety measures that would be needed by himself, while also keeping him and his wife safe. I even asked him what his thoughts on me simply launching my boat using his driveway without using his docks or touching anything on his property and having someone drive my truck away, and his reply was that while he understood how I could do it without posing any danger but the pressure he was feeling from island residents was too strong and therefore I wouldn’t be able to launch. One can appreciate that without the government shutting marinas down the owners are then required to make life and death decisions for people. That is wild.
    2 points
  3. Anyone passing by me in a boat at closer than 6 feet while I’m fishing is getting more than coronavirus from me lol
    2 points
  4. I just got me a Helix 5 Chirp DI GPS unit (won it) and I cannot wait to use it to replace my old 525. I have already had to contact the warranty dept. with a concern I had and they shipped me a new part no questions asked. I have tinkered with it from time to time as I set it up as a portable unit and it looks easy to use. But if I was to go spend a LOT on a new unit I think I would like to go touch screen. So much faster to mark spots vs looking for a button.
    2 points
  5. I'll be 70 in a couple of weeks , diagnosed COPD about ten years ago but not having any issues now , going out to cut the lawn today , 50 by 175 lot. Wife although younger , has emphysema and shortness of breath. I call our chances of survival somewhere between slim and none. Pension keeps coming in so no need to go out except a weekly grocery shop at R.C.Superstore during seniors hour Tuesday morning, we are isolating till the coast is entirely clear regardless of the rest of the world.
    2 points
  6. Driving out to slash someones tires would fall under..... " NON ESSENTIAL TRAVELING "
    1 point
  7. Hey Brian, all is well and all are healthy & hope the same for you.
    1 point
  8. MmmHmm.....just making another batch of distilled water.....yup.
    1 point
  9. The beans are good. Next time make em up on the smoker if you can. I do mine up on the pellet grill. They get a real nice smokey taste to boot.
    1 point
  10. CHICKEN FRIED RICE. Sure, sounds simple, but this is my favorite concoction. 4 chicken thighs, bone in skin on. 6 slices cooked bacon diced. 4 large eggs whisked. Peanut oil 2 or 3 carrots diced. 1 celery stock diced. 1 medium onion diced 4 cloves garlic fine diced. 1 cup frozen peas thawed. 1/4 cup frozen corn thawed. 4 cups rice cooked the night before. Low sodium soy sauce. Oyster sauce. Roasted sesame oil. Hoisin sauce. Green onion. In a medium high heated dry wok, add thighs and cook covered until tender. Remove from wok and set aside to cool. Heat over med high, a Tbls peanut oil in wok. Add eggs and scramble. Remove from pan and reserve with cooked bacon. Heat more oil and add carrots celery onion and cook until tender, about 5 minutes. Add garlic and cook a bit more (1 or 2 minutes). Dice meat from thighs as the above and below are happening and set aside. Discard bone and skin. Add cold rice and peas. Cook and stir occasionally until rice softens. Add chicken eggs and bacon back into pan. Stir in 1 or 2 Tbls SOY SAUCE. 1 Tbls Oyster Sauce 2 tsp sesame oil. 1 tsp Hoisin sauce. Garnish with green onion and serve. With this I make Beef and Broccoli, Sesame Chicken and a Lo Mein.
    1 point
  11. Looks more like a Rum still to me...
    1 point
  12. I reiterate, using pseudo names for politicians is immature and stupid, shows a lack of intellect common in people who don't follow instructions well.
    1 point
  13. I bought the Akaso v50 pro SE. Great little camera, good build quality and even better video and picture. Simple to use and yes, half the price of the "bigger names". No issues with is thus far. The mark up on the GoPro accessories is ridiculous. I needed the shorty floating stick for a trip, 10 bucks on Amazon... The GoPro version - $30 at Walmart.
    1 point
  14. good post---something to think about before heaping too much abuse on the gov't of any stripe.
    1 point
  15. We love our AC. It's a '17 Classic 16.5 Yamaha tiller. Works great, tough little boat. Can't wait to get back out there.
    1 point
  16. I think that store was stocked with everything you never wanted.
    1 point
  17. The government never said you can’t go to your cottage, it was only a recommendation trudeaus family when to their cottage as did the leader of the opposition they are recommendations like get 8 hours sleep and brush your teeth twice a day
    1 point
  18. Interesting because up in my parts it’s as quiet as I’ve ever seen it. i think in large part that can be attributed to the fact that a huge portion of the cottages in pointe au baril are owned by Americans. with the marinas closed, I went out into a commonly travelled area and saw 1 boat in 3 hours on a Saturday afternoon. It’s crazy quiet.
    1 point
  19. kinda funny, I've been pretty much up at my cottage for the last 5 weeks, looking out over the lake tonight, it's quiet, but with all the lights on it looks like a summer weekend, it's the most people up here since this thing started by far, and the weather isn't even that great I guess trudope and scheer travelling last weekend sent a message, lol
    1 point
  20. Great story, I didn’t know whether to chuckle or feel bad for you! Who steals a rusted out Mazda??!! Welcome back. We could use someone to stir things up. Art is like the Maytag repairman we’re all so well behaved. So any views you’d like to share on out of season fish or world politics are most welcome. 👹
    1 point
  21. Have you tried ordering online? works reasonably well if you can wait a week or so. Once you get a head start on it that's less of a prob.
    1 point
  22. Used to be like that with firemen back in the day too when it seemed most of us smoked. We'd come out of a hot dirty stinkin smokey fire and the 1st thing everyone did was light up a cigarette. Yeah, the good ole days LOL
    1 point
  23. I worked with a guy who was big into staying in shape, worked out at the gym, was a weightlifter, rode many miles on a bike and only ate healthy food.....but as strange as it sounds, he was also a smoker. We were sitting in the firehall one day and I was eating a donut and he told me if I knew how unhealthy donuts were I'd never eat one again...and he was smoking a cigarette while he was telling me.🤣 I smoked for many years but quit cold turkey 30 years ago.
    1 point
  24. I don’t really leave my batteries on the charger long enough to boil them down that bad...plus it’s a brand new noco genius which specifically are supposed to not overcharge by monitoring the voltage to ensure they don’t overcharge. I think it’s more likely that my batteries are just showing their age (11 years now!)
    1 point
  25. Hi all, Well its the close of walleye season here. Even though I won't be going today, I got out a couple weeks back with my dog a few times, just catching up on my video backlog.
    1 point
  26. I think this is the kind of scenario that Ang is referring to, and it is exactly what opening weekend of trout season will look like in many, many areas. That's the problem.
    1 point
  27. And I thought I was going to see a thread telling of someone's death. Tragedy is a word to describe something a bit more serious than cancelling a fishing derby. Even those that are going to lose big money that the event generates I would say it is sad but tragic it is not.
    1 point
  28. I’m stilll going fishing 🤷‍♂️
    1 point
  29. As I said before, I am deemed an "essential" worker. I work in a car parts plant making parts for cars. I'm currently off as the plants we supply to in the states are closed, or just re-opened, so there are no orders yet. When I am there, I am working beside someone, on some of the lines as close as 2 feet apart, passing parts to the next person and them to the next person and so on, assembly line work. How an industry like this is essential in times like this is beyond me, but the government says it is so I will have to return to work when they need me. If I can go to work and work in those conditions, protective equipment or not, then I can trailer my boat 3 hours to an area where I will see, maybe a handful of people all day, not stopping for anything there and back. I will be using much more common sense in doing so, than the government and my company are using in requiring me to work to make parts for vehicles that aren't selling right now.
    1 point
  30. I live on the edge of a lake, have my own launch, only fish with my family members. I’m going fishing, if the damn ice ever melts 😄
    1 point
  31. The Ontario Gov has been doing a good job but they got this one wrong. Personally I hope they change their policy and suspend the fishing seasons for now. Just stay home everyone, please. It's frustrating when many do as they are asked like go into work everyday risking bringing home the virus to a healthy family or just sticking it out at home. Then a few, including some here, insist on going fishing. It's not just the spread of the virus the Stay Home helps minimize it's just being out on the roads, rivers and lakes we don't want you all to be simply because any accidents that involve travel or sporting activities puts a strain on our 1st responders from the Police right down to an emergency room nurse. Why can't some people get that? If I see you fishing out on the lake in front of our shack your getting the middle finger from me.
    1 point
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