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Covid 19 and Canadian Border closing

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Well, this story just keeps on getting better....

On Friday, we got a call at the house from Toronto Public Health, they were looking to speak with my son. (If you recall, my son has been working non stop for the pas three weeks all the while two members of his department have tested positive) they informed him that he has now completed his "mandatory" 2 week isolation period! Well, that was news to us as he had not received a call from public health until this call!

Needless to say, we are infuriated! I spoke to the store manager who explained to me that public health was made aware of all "potential" transmissions and that he should have had a call from P.H. three weeks ago. I have tried to reach public health to discuss, but they are CLOSED today!


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one thing from that report which kind of raised my eyebrows was that participants self collected nasal samples. I haven't had the pleasure of a deep nasal swab but unless they were trained properly, one wonders how good a sample size the can collect. there's a reason the swab is swirled around deep in the passage, and that's tomato sure they collect enough sample for proper testing. a quick light swirl may not be enough. 

So I'm here nor there on this study, but if the CDC gives its stamp of approval...

Edited by woodenboater
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1 hour ago, woodenboater said:

one thing from that report which kind of raised my eyebrows was that participants self collected nasal samples. I haven't had the pleasure of a deep nasal swab but unless they were trained properly, one wonders how good a sample size the can collect. there's a reason the swab is swirled around deep in the passage, and that's tomato sure they collect enough sample for proper testing. a quick light swirl may not be enough. 

So I'm here nor there on this study, but if the CDC gives its stamp of approval...

They are front line professionals.  If you can link a verifiable "science" link that supports your assertation I will gladly take it under consideration.  It could be because I am old but I can't seem to find a link that states as a fact with documentation that the vaccine only lessens symptoms.


Please post the link and if I am wrong I will apologize.

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one class was essential workers, which is pretty wide open. if they were HCP, then it would have stated that. I'm wondering if they were non medical staff (ie-cleaners, food service etc.) Most of the report was fine, I was simply expressing surprise, as performing a deepnasal swab is not something I would think, easy to do on oneself. I know I would have a hard time.

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6 minutes ago, woodenboater said:

one class was essential workers, which is pretty wide open. if they were HCP, then it would have stated that. I'm wondering if they were non medical staff (ie-cleaners, food service etc.) Most of the report was fine, I was simply expressing surprise, as performing a deepnasal swab is not something I would think, easy to do on oneself. I know I would have a hard time.

I am just looking for a verifiable link that says the vaccines only reduce the symptoms and not preventing the spread

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I have to admit I am totally confused, for every study/report there seems to be another one that contridicts the results of the previous one. I feel there is so much that is unknown: Do people that have been infected have some degree of immunity? Should people that have been infected get the vaccine,  one dose, two doses? (One report I heard suggested that people previously infected shouldn't get a second dose of the vaccine, something about a rebound effect?).

Why isn't the antibody test readily accessible? Why can a person go to a nursing home, get tested and have the results in 15 minutes but when I have a medical apointment i have to wait up to 4 days for results?   If a person has been infected with one form of the virus do they have any resistance to varients? So many questions and so many so called "experts" disagreeing with each other. 

The fear of the unknown scares me more than anything else. 

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There is a lot of confusion Cliff, I might have some answers for you...

-post infection immunity does not mean that you can't get it again, there are many cases of folks getting it numerous times over a period of time

-people who have been infected and have recuperated should get the vax, to prevent severe infection, should they be re-infected

-I have not heard of rebound effect for people who have had it and been fully vaccinated. I do know of people who have had it numerous times, have suffered from long term "brain fog" only to receive the vax and have those symptoms go away within days of receiving the vax.

-Anti-body tests are far more difficult to develop than vaccine, they are in process

-nursing home tests are not the same as the full blown test at the clinic... they are less reliable portable units. Similar to what the airports are using. They are however, better than nothing

You are correct in being concerned and cautious, the "variables of concern" are much more dangerous, especially when you consider that it is now taking out healthy people in the prime of their life... 35 -50 year olds.


Watching the Jays game in Texas... get ready for numbers there to spike! No masks, distancing, nothing... just like when the winter storm hit them, money before people.



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1 hour ago, Headhunter said:

There is a lot of confusion Cliff, I might have some answers for you...

-post infection immunity does not mean that you can't get it again, there are many cases of folks getting it numerous times over a period of time

-people who have been infected and have recuperated should get the vax, to prevent severe infection, should they be re-infected

-I have not heard of rebound effect for people who have had it and been fully vaccinated. I do know of people who have had it numerous times, have suffered from long term "brain fog" only to receive the vax and have those symptoms go away within days of receiving the vax.

-Anti-body tests are far more difficult to develop than vaccine, they are in process

-nursing home tests are not the same as the full blown test at the clinic... they are less reliable portable units. Similar to what the airports are using. They are however, better than nothing

You are correct in being concerned and cautious, the "variables of concern" are much more dangerous, especially when you consider that it is now taking out healthy people in the prime of their life... 35 -50 year olds.


Watching the Jays game in Texas... get ready for numbers there to spike! No masks, distancing, nothing... just like when the winter storm hit them, money before people.



Thank you!!!! I really appreciate the feedback. 

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No problem Cliff. There is no play book for this type of thing and as such, we see conflicting reports from various sources. People in the know are learning as they go along and passing what they find out as they learn it.

The only thing we can be sure of is that isolation and distancing do work. Science is playing catch up with a disease that is not static, hence the conflicting messages.

My suggestion to all is to connect with your doctor if you are not sure and follow their advice.


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While twitter can be a toxic cesspool, there are authoritative people there I look to for pandemic data and info, esp Dr. Warner.  This is a brief list, but there are many others who only have keeping people safe, as their goal.






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I actually suspect this WILL be the case Paul. A yearly shot just like the Flu shot that I have never taken (as I've only had the Flu once in my life as a kid) but my Wife gets it (a shot) every year. Covid shot, if it's every year.. it's every year and it will be in my arm !

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18 hours ago, irishfield said:

I actually suspect this WILL be the case Paul. A yearly shot just like the Flu shot that I have never taken (as I've only had the Flu once in my life as a kid) but my Wife gets it (a shot) every year. Covid shot, if it's every year.. it's every year and it will be in my arm !

The way the flu shot was explained to me was they make an educated guess as to which variant will be the dominant strain this year in advance and make that vaccine, some years they get it right then like last year I got the shot just before Christmas and mid Jan. came down with the worst I've had in years. I suspect the yearly covid shot shot will work about the same with the variants and future mutations,  good luck .

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On 4/6/2021 at 1:27 PM, irishfield said:

I actually suspect this WILL be the case Paul. A yearly shot just like the Flu shot that I have never taken (as I've only had the Flu once in my life as a kid) but my Wife gets it (a shot) every year. Covid shot, if it's every year.. it's every year and it will be in my arm !

What seems a bit troubling to me is that this stuff seems to mutate faster than the flu virus?

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We now have 11 confirmed cases at my local Metro, where my kids work.

After the initial infection hit the store, virtually ALL cases can be traced to contact in the lunch room. Metro says they are mandated to provide a space for people to eat their lunch. They feel they have mitigated spread by setting up plastic shields, air conditioner and air filtration system. Unfortunately for some, that hasn't worked.

Metro hired a private firm to test any and all employees who wanted one. The two recent cases are of students, who have been the greeters at the store entrance. They used the lunch room.

Folks, as "Uncle Doug" would say, your best bet against infection is to stay the h e double hockey sticks out of confined spaces. the other thing that has become apparent is Covid fatigue, folks just plain tired or restrictions, masks etc. Don't let your guard down! Be vigilant and let the vaccine catch up to the virus. There will be an end to this...


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Finished my two doses Thursday of last week; as advertised, the 2nd shot did come with a bit of a 'hangover' that lasted about 48-hours. Fever, achy, headache, severe fatigue...but in the end all worth it. 

I got the Pfizer brand and here it's 'required' to get both does within a 4-week time span. The March > July split of the two doses seems contrary to everything I've heard about providing effective coverage/immunity. Is that what the brand that's being administered up there calls for? 

Either way....at least we're all moving forward to ducking this thing...

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24 minutes ago, T-Bone said:

Is that what the brand that's being administered up there calls for? 


I got the Pfizer vaccine on April 2nd and I get the 2nd shot July 23rd

According to our experts they say that's perfectly OK

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