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Say No To Fishing


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Personally, i am going to say yes to fishing. I wont be breaking any laws by going, i will be going places where the launches are still open and the chances of seeing more than a handful of people are slim. If they close the seasons, or mandate i must stay home, thats a different story. But if have to go to work, as i am still deemed "essential", then i am going fishing.

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The article makes fishing look like a highly sociable activity, which I guess it could be, although doesn’t have to be. Never got into trout fishing so I don’t really know. I do know though that I could pick a spot on the Otonabee and fish for carp all April long and not even see another angler.

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The Ontario Gov has been doing a good job but they got this one wrong. Personally I hope they change their policy and suspend the fishing seasons for now. Just stay home everyone, please. It's frustrating when many do as they are asked like go into work everyday risking bringing home the virus to a healthy family or just sticking it out at home. Then a few, including some here, insist on going fishing. It's not just the spread of the virus the Stay Home helps minimize it's just being out on the roads, rivers and lakes we don't want you all to be simply because any accidents that involve travel or sporting activities puts a strain on our 1st responders from the Police right down to an emergency room nurse. 

Why can't some people get that? If I see you fishing out on the lake in front of our shack your getting the middle finger from me. 

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22 hours ago, big guy said:

Personally, i am going to say yes to fishing. I wont be breaking any laws by going, i will be going places where the launches are still open and the chances of seeing more than a handful of people are slim. If they close the seasons, or mandate i must stay home, thats a different story. But if have to go to work, as i am still deemed "essential", then i am going fishing.

You said as long as you aren't breaking the law it's OK? Our government can't legislate common sense. I urge you to re access your decision. Someone put it this way. "Assume you are a carrier and everyone you come into contact with is your Mother and Father and your children." Would you still insist on going fishing? 

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So many people trying to impose their moral compass on others 

if he is follow he rules he is following the rules he is following the rules 

one could start telling people to not go to the store the beer store nor liquor store because it’s safer not to and don’t accept any home deliveries  because that could kill you or infect others.  Let’s all follow the rules and do what is comfortable to us

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Terry. To get through this and come out the other end successfully I think it will take more than what we are comfortable with. As far as me trying to impose my moral compass on others, yep guilty. Isn't that what our legislators and religious leaders do day in and day out? 

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Google St Catharines and look at all the water around us here. All kind of fishing spots being enjoyed by lots of us. A few areas are parks and avoided, but the majority of areas are open to the public. The only way we will not fish this great area is if fishing everywhere is cancelled.  Myself and many others are out daily, weather permitting, including a few officers of the law that I fish with.


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If you believe in god. Then it’s their job to give moral guidance 

the government is voted in to make laws which I am sure they use their own moral compass as a guide 

we do need wto follow rules

and I take it very seriously 
more then most. I have not been within 6 ft of anyone who doesn’t live in my house 

I haven’t been in a grocery store a beer store or liquor store   No one in my house has gone  to work even though one of us could.  Your wife kept working.  I didn’t judge.   
we all set our own comfort level and if we are within the law we should leave them the hell alone



Edited by Terry
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1 hour ago, Old Ironmaker said:

You said as long as you aren't breaking the law it's OK? Our government can't legislate common sense. I urge you to re access your decision. Someone put it this way. "Assume you are a carrier and everyone you come into contact with is your Mother and Father and your children." Would you still insist on going fishing? 

As I said before, I am deemed an "essential" worker. I work in a car parts plant making parts for cars. I'm currently off as the plants we supply to in the states are closed, or just re-opened, so there are no orders yet. When I am there, I am working beside someone, on some of the lines as close as 2 feet apart, passing parts to the next person and them to the next person and so on, assembly line work. How an industry like this is essential in times like this is beyond me, but the government says it is so I will have to return to work when they need me.

If I can go to work and work in those conditions, protective equipment or not, then I can trailer my boat 3 hours to an area where I will see, maybe a handful of people all day, not stopping for anything there and back. I will be using much more common sense in doing so, than the government and my company are using in requiring me to work to make parts for vehicles that aren't selling right now.

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Ford Says Fishing Season Won’t Be Delayed

Kenora, ON, Canada / 89.5 The Lake
April 16, 2020 10:31 am
Ford Says Fishing Season Won't Be Delayed

Fishing season will open as usual in Ontario in May.

That’s according the premier Doug Ford.

In an exclusive interview with Acadia News, he says though they aren’t encouraging any fishing tournaments at this time, due to physical distancing protocols as a result of COVID-19.

“Fishing will still be open, but the fishing derbies, we’re requesting, we’re not putting an order in, but I think it’s common sense, we don’t want the fishing derbies to happen.”

While a number of boat launches are closed, Ford is encouraging anglers to get out, mind their physical distances and fish from shore.

“If people want to make sure of their social distance and they’re on the shore and they want to throw a reel and hook in the water then by all means.”

Walleye season is scheduled to open the third Saturday in May.

You can listen to the full interview with Premier Ford below.



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Only a very few will be able to take advantage of the open seasons, primarily lakefront and river property owners. Just because the season is open doesn't mean you can access public property to fish,  Sylvan Glen is still off limits on opener. 🤣

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Well first of all, didn’t the municipality of port Hope just close the river access anyways?

most of the ramps are closed in Ontario. I personally think any public dock should also be closed to avoid contact with moorings.

but to stop fishing entirely for people with private access to lakes, or that can access via some other means...use your common sense.


im not holding my breath though that the river rats ruin it for everyone else next week when they flock in droves to park accesses etc that are closed. 

what’s strange to me is that fishing regulations have no problem applying wildly different rules for various bodies of water and species but the fishing debate is somehow singular all or nothing?

call me crazy but joe blow going out in a canoe with his kid on a lake somewhere is far far different than everyone stacking up on the pier at port dal. I’ll be fishing softwater for the first time in 5 months tomorrow, the tinner is rigged and waiting to be pushed into Georgian bay. And I sure as hell won’t be interacting with anyone lol, and definitely far less than the tim Hortons drive thru!

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9 hours ago, Terry said:

If you believe in god. Then it’s their job to give moral guidance 

the government is voted in to make laws which I am sure they use their own moral compass as a guide 

we do need wto follow rules

and I take it very seriously 
more then most. I have not been within 6 ft of anyone who doesn’t live in my house 

I haven’t been in a grocery store a beer store or liquor store   No one in my house has gone  to work even though one of us could.  Your wife kept working.  I didn’t judge.   
we all set our own comfort level and if we are within the law we should leave them the hell alone



I still urge people to minimize their travel and exposure to people, and to take this virus very seriously. IF we dodge the bullet that is hitting the US and other countries right now I think it will be because of the degree that we were compliant with all recommendations. In fairness though there's nothing in your comment I can really disagree with. The law is the law. Some will do more than the min and some won't and it's hard to call anyone wrong if they haven't broken the law.

I have been out of my house twice in the last two weeks, but I will be fishing trout opener, alone. I can hear the laughing now 😂 I will actually be alone because I have a trout creek in my actual backyard, and another good spot a 10 minute walk. In 5 years fishing them I've never seen another angler.

I do think Akri is right about the shoot show at places like the Ganny. Based on what I've seen there in the past I can't imagine that lot can behave themselves and they just might wreck it for the rest of us.

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