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Anthony Bourdain dead at 61


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Talk radio on Friday was all about this, with lots of mention of suicide help lines all through the day.  I guess lots of worry that it might tip some people.  He was so well respected and seemed to have it all.  Very very sad.  

If you or anyone you care about seems to be depressed, talk about it.  What’s the worst that can happen by asking if someone is OK?  At worst they will know you care and you are there for them.  A life may depend on it.   

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When I was told I just could not believe my ears. I had to check reputable news outlets to make sure it wasn't some idiots idea of a prank. We have followed his shows pre CNN for years. We have read his first book, he started his career as a Busboy on Cape Cod as a teen. My wife always said he could be an international secret agent based on the remote destinations he visited, you never know, look at Chuck Barris of the Gong Show and the Dating Game. I did mention after his debut show this year on CNN a few weeks ago he looked terrible and he hasn't aged well in the last few years, he liked his libations to say the least. He got divorced from his wife just last year. She was an aspiring MMA fighter, I believe she was Brazilian, can't recall her name, she seemed like a sweet heart on film. That must have hit him hard. Based on his shooting schedule and book appearances etc. he couldn't have been at home much. That alone will take it's toll on anyone. I still can't believe it.

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Too much travel, alcohol, drugs, romantic entanglements, tatoos and trying to keep straight with leftist ideals as represented by CNN. It all looked rosey from afar but too much of a good thing combined with the stress of delivering a quality TV show did him in. It is a shame because I really admired his show/ lifestyle but I have little sympathy to a rich successful guy abandoning an 11 year old girl via suicide. Time to remind men that part of being manley is to take knocks without capitulation as people are depending on you

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On 2018-06-10 at 1:29 PM, Snidley said:

Too much travel, alcohol, drugs, romantic entanglements, tatoos and trying to keep straight with leftist ideals as represented by CNN. 

Those damn tattoos and ‘leftist ideals’. You never hear of rightiwing tattoo-free people committing suicide. ?

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On 6/9/2018 at 6:40 AM, pics said:

This one really bothers me.. His show was by far my favorite and he never hid his past which was refreshing to see. One of the best story tellers of our time.. 

Me too .... I always watched his shows , really enjoyed how he described his adventures and always was down to earth 

he would dine at top restaurants and eat street food , can't imagine what kind of demons he must be dealing with to not find anything in life worth living for  ....so sad

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8 hours ago, SaugaPikeSlayer said:

Those damn tattoos and ‘leftist ideals’. You never hear of rightiwing tattoo-free people committing suicide. ?

ding ding dind.. you win dumbest comment award..

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On 6/12/2018 at 10:27 AM, SaugaPikeSlayer said:

Those damn tattoos and ‘leftist ideals’. You never hear of rightiwing tattoo-free people committing suicide. ?

Best comment by far! Nothing like straight up mockery to shoot down dumb ass comments.

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1 in 3 suffer from some form of mental health issues. Hard to stop someone from committing suicide if they have their mind set on it.  You can offer help, an ear or a referral, (which we should all do if we know of someone thinking about it) but it ultimately comes down to the individual. He was a celebrity, so how much did we really know about him.

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36 minutes ago, jimmer said:

1 in 3 suffer from some form of mental health issues. Hard to stop someone from committing suicide if they have their mind set on it.  You can offer help, an ear or a referral, (which we should all do if we know of someone thinking about it) but it ultimately comes down to the individual. 

Back in my many years as a fireman in Toronto I responded to plenty of suicides and for the most part they were pretty sad situations. One from many years ago that always stuck with me was a 16 year old boy who put a sawed off 12 gauge to his right temple and pulled the trigger and basically left nothing above his shoulders.

He'd be a senior citizen by now I always wondered what could make  a young kid so sad that he would do something so drastic.

Edited by lew
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1 hour ago, scuro2 said:

Best comment by far! Nothing like straight up mockery to shoot down dumb ass comments.

It's always nice when I check in to see what I've missed and find that some fine individual has already said what needed to be said.

Thanks scuro2! 

Edited by Dutch01
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34 minutes ago, lew said:

Back in my many years as a fireman in Toronto I responded to plenty of suicides and for the most part they were pretty sad situations. One from many years ago that always stuck with me was a 16 year old boy who put a sawed off 12 gauge to his right temple and pulled the trigger and basically left nothing above his shoulders.

He'd be a senior citizen by now I always wondered what could make  a young kid so sad that he would do something so drastic.

I had a buddy do that same thing at 19. He was in university, but felt the pressures.  I never thought he would go that far as to take his life back then (1976). I saw him the night before and he was talking about his planned trip to Florida.

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1 hour ago, lew said:

Back in my many years as a fireman in Toronto I responded to plenty of suicides and for the most part they were pretty sad situations. One from many years ago that always stuck with me was a 16 year old boy who put a sawed off 12 gauge to his right temple and pulled the trigger and basically left nothing above his shoulders.

He'd be a senior citizen by now I always wondered what could make  a young kid so sad that he would do something so drastic.

I used to work the cleanup crew in the Toronto subways. Train going 60 leaves a real mess.

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I have to applaud all of you Emergency Services folks, fire, ambulance, Paramedics, Nurses and Police. I probably missed some, sorry. I was almost a Fire Fighter like my Father in Law and Brother in Law were until I spoke to a few of the guys after I applied. Fires and rescue I could handle, we did that at the Steel Plant already, and saving Cats in trees. The stories about attending suicides and seeing children that didn't make it kept me at the Steel plant for 25 more years. Thank you all for your service guys.

I have been too close to those that have committed suicide in the last 25 years, close friends, family members and co-workers. More than a few from the outside looking in I thought they had it made in the shade. Well off, successful, handsome, beautiful, outgoing, talented beyond imagine, family men and women. I just can't fathom how much pain someone has to be in to go to that extreme. I just can't imagine. I didn't know anyone I went to school with in the 60's and early 70's that committed suicide. We just didn't hear about it back then. Today it seems to be a daily event, and tragically most are young.

And it is SNIDLEY that wins Jack Ass comment of the month, maybe year but it's still early enough for me to take 1st place.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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Well here's some more for you guys to chew on. CNN, the leftist bastion of rectitude and flakey spin on just about everything hired a man that told everybody that would listen he was a pathetic soak, druggie, and womanizer sent him out on a job that entailed loads of drinking, late nights, long trips away from his family and even, on the Uraguay show,doing dope on tv ( Uraguay has legal weed, BUT only for Uraguaians not tourists) .  He then started tattooing himself after meeting/marrying the cage fighter he susiquently ditched for an "actress" but leaving an 11 year old behind.  It appears nobody at CNN noticed. Now it's boo-hoo, this is mysterious, how could it go so wrong? The writing was on the wall ...er arms, back, neck etc and further evidence was in the expense account. Everyone is responsible for him/herself and I think that is only right BUT selective tunnelvision is what this case is about and you guys have it...bad.  The idea that one in 3 humans is mentaly ill is complete hogwash, as is the clain that 10% of all males are homosexuals and that alchoholism is a disease. Like drugs it is an addiction that is fueled by deliberate misbehaviour and recognizing that is the key to actually conquering the demon rum, coke, oxy etc.   Appologists think that you can coddle your way out of problems but I have yet to see that happen anywhere in the world.

Back in the late 70's Tricky Dick Nixon addressed the unbelievable Washington DC crime rate of the time with methadone clinics and it worked. He made the move not for the addicts but for the victims, DC citizens that faced a daily barrage of begging, purse snatching, muggings and breakins. Methadone works for some addicts in that they can function and the free drugs severely reduce the need to turn to crime to finance their addiction. They are still a mess however.  At some point the rights of normal people should prevail over the rights of addicts to carry on as they please and when they die prematurly IT IS THEIR OWN FAULT. Sober respectable people have rights which include the right to be protected from criminals as well as the right to be free of the obligation to take care of self destructive idiots that continue to do activities that are obviously dangerous even life threatening. Bottom line I liked the guy and the show but he was a jerk for killing himself and there is no excuse that is acceptable other than it is your right to live your life as you see fit .  To CNN I say you are the home of distorted leftist spin as much as Fox is the home of rightwing distorted  spin. But next time you want a foreighn correspondent to fill out your programing take a few moments to think over what you are asking them to do and contemplate whether the job might kill them.

So.... carry on festooning yourself with ugly cartoons that are permanent and possibly toxic, keep drinking/drugging to oblivion it seems a significant number of people are with you.

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Snidley my man. I read the first 3 sentences f your political diatribe and stopped. Read the thing Art wrote about "Political posts." I have been guilty and now Art just deletes them and gives me a heads up that he did so but doesn't have to. I am going to watch the Football game and if I can't sleep will read your view on the State of the Union, or confederacy here in Canada. I hope you didn't pen any fake news.

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