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Private Property??


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Well boys, a bit of a rant here.

Was out this weekend with the guys doing a little trout fishing... Got into a few as well! Weird because with the windstorm on Saturday, there were trees dropping all around us, but we toughed it out.

Sunday, not so good. Buddy fell down on the bank and smashed his knee good on a rock. He couldn't walk much so we figured we'd hit some of the easily accessible areas from the road. We looked at a map and found an area that crossed the road. We drove there, and  buddy fished from the culvert at the road. The land was posted so we let him fish the pool while the other 2 chatted for a bit.

About 2 minutes later we heard a bunch of crazy barking and saw 3 large dogs about 150 yards away on the road b-line it to us...Poor buddy with the knee had to limp to the truck and barely made it.. They got to the car and started climbing up the doors...(found a nice scratch after). We saw the owner so we waited for her to approach. We were just fishing just wanted her crazy dogs gone  and we would continue on fishing.

So we spoke to her and explained we just wanted her to get control of her dogs and we would continue fishing at the road. She tried to tell us that the reason the dogs swarmed us was because we were on a ":private road". I explained that we weren't on a private road as we were on a road clearly marked on a map and with a street name (that included the name of the township). There were no signs other than "No winter maintenance beyond this point" -- and that was way past the point we were fishing in. The road is a through road and connects two rural highways.

An argument ensued, and we just decided to let it go. We were in a small township and figured this lady knew the local fuzz, and even though we did absolutely nothing wrong - We'd somehow end up with trouble.

Pretty rattled about it, just wanted to rant. Hope your weekend was better.


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Yes, that's exactly what this was. I'm angry that she released the animals to come chase us. If my children were with me(they weren't this time but often are), this would have ended very very badly.

Edited by atvaholic
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3 minutes ago, atvaholic said:

Yes, that's exactly what this was. I'm angry that she released the animals to come chase us. If my children were with me(they weren't this time but often are), this would have ended very very badly.

You should contact the local police and/or bylaw enforcement and file a complaint that you were chased by unleashed dogs.

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I dont know where you were, bit nobody has any right to send dogs after you, and i would lose my mind if dogs scratched my truck....she would be paying for that. Nobody owns a road. 



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Yep, rural homeowners. You would think they were the ones that fought their way North to the safety of Upper Canada in 1776 and in 1812.

The lady could have been charged because her dogs were not under her control. Actually come to think of it the dogs were in her total control by running them on you. We have many neighbours out here with dogs. There is a lovely couple, but a stupid lovely couple, that walks the laneway a few times a day with their big suck of a dog. The problem is the 80 pound dog is as stealth as a Ninga. He is constantly sneaking up on me then jumping me from behind to "play". They think it's cute. I asked them a few times after this happed to please leash the dog when they walk past our shack. Sounds crazy with all this land out here I know. Well the last time the dog got me on the outside of my left knee while I was standing on some ice in the driveway, blew out my Medial Collateral knee ligament and I had to have surgery. It still hurts and will for life. After I'm up and about who do I see walking down the lane with his dog off leash? Yep. If we were in the litigious US I would be up by 100K or 20 yrs younger I would be Judge and Jury. I should have sued his arse but that's not me. It would kill me to see the dog put down, I can't be the only one the dog plays with. The dog should train them better.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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There's tons of small county line roads in Ontario that are nothing more than narrow gravel strips and don't receive winter maintenance. That doesn't make them private! Crazy lady needs the cops on her door step. As for the dogs? it's not their fault so the first time it's free...if it happened again I'd be much less forgiving.

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I would call the township and verify if that is a township rd.  Yes roads can be private and named.   If you own 100 hectares but want access mid-way you put a road in.

If that being said is a public rd then speak to animal control and file a complaint.  Then go fishing see the lady and dogs call the cops and give her the bill for the repair.


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1 hour ago, LeXXington said:

I would call the township and verify if that is a township rd.  Yes roads can be private and named.   If you own 100 hectares but want access mid-way you put a road in.

If that being said is a public rd then speak to animal control and file a complaint.  Then go fishing see the lady and dogs call the cops and give her the bill for the repair.



Although possible, I don't see how it could be private, as :

1. There were several homesteads on the road

2. The road is a through road that connects 2 rural highways

3. There were no signs indicating such

I think ironworker said it right "You would think they were the ones that fought their way North to the safety of Upper Canada in 1776 and in 1812."

These people aren't hurting for money, Large house, fancy vehicle, etc -- I just think they don't like "our kind" around.

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I would walk that road just to see what happens, but prepared for it. Even if it is a private laneway that doesn't give them the right to sick dogs on you. If you were injured I would say they are liable unless, the road is clearly posted as No Trespassing, even then they can ask you to leave, not assault you. I'm not talking about an old dingy wooden sign it has to be clearly posted. We live on a private laneway, that doesn't mean we can run dogs off leash or drive 100KM/HR. We have talked about posting it for years as No Trespassing. A big issue is who will force it and who does it include? The OPP won't come out to enforce it anyway, they say they have better things to do, I get that. There are dozens of local private laneways here and they will only come out if a crime has been committed, a fire or a person requires assistance.

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As long as you know its not a private road I think your fine.  There are lotsa private roads in some places.  The township I live in has almost 100 private roads.  Actually as I type this I live on a private road and have given the boot to a few people.   The private roads here all have signs and let people know. I've been on both sides as I have a few spots I go to that is not private yet a few folks think they own it all. 

Edited by ONbuckhunter
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42 minutes ago, DRIFTER_016 said:

Two words: Bear Spray!!!

Will stop those hounds in their tracks.

Then if the woman accosts you give her the same treatment (while recording video of course)  ;)

Now that there is the post of the month. :) 

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