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DIY Trading/Investing


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treat investing like a job...if you spend a lot of time watching stocks and trends and reading, you can make money at it...if you just throw money at hearsay...you will go broke.

Ive made a few plays in the last few years simply done on "ideas" that the general populous had not fully grasped yet.

The recession bail outs, BP oil spill, the legalization of weed to name a few.

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I started buying some stocks in January, someone recommended FAANG or Facebook//amazon//apple//netflix//google, these are the ones I bought and some marijuanna stocks. The idea with the fang stocks is to hold onto them long term but still check up to see how they are doing, and the pot stocks can be traded more frequently. The pot stocks are more risky .I think anybody who trades in pot stocks has their favourites, I have about 2 or 3.  I'll just add that the faang stocks and the pot stocks are 8 % of the money I have invested.






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The cool thing about online trading that I like is you can put a stop loss in or set a buy or sell at a certain price for the day/ week, if it hits that price, great, if it doesn't, it doesn't, no charge.

I had a couple companies that would fluctuate within a certain range and I would get in and out. Lots of fun!

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I bought some Canopy Growth (weed:tsx) this morning  and will sell it hopefully within 2 weeks , with a 20% gain. this is my favourite and I think it is still the biggest

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Been doing it for a year or so.....what I like to do is pick penny stocks that I think have potential and buy them.....I was in with Aphria at $0.73, I bought 1000 shares, they are now worth about $20....getting out as soon as they hit $25.00.....that is my down payment for my new boat!!!  Also bought BLO stock for under a dollar, they are $3.00 now and also another start up pot stock, which I am up $2.00 per share.....it is fun to watch these cheap stock grow into something worth while....I am currently prospecting some other penny stock that does oil extraction....


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2 minutes ago, dave524 said:

Weed stocks like bitcoin and other cryto currencies are FoMo driven, don't get burned.

You are way too late to the party if you are only interested in weed stocks now...the time to invest was a year+ ago. Everything else now is just Bull and inflated.

One of the most important parts of identifying a good stock? Look at its cost per earnings and actual evaluation...when it comes to weed stocks, somehow every single one of these companies would literally have to increase their revenue streams by over 1000% to even come close to realizing the value of their shares at this point...aka impossible.

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I do all my own investments.   Some mutual funds, some ETFs, some single stocks that I keep an eye on daily.  Options in the near future as well.   

I've made so much $$ off weed stocks dave524 would have a heart attack, lol.    They aren't going anywhere but you need to realize when they are over inflated and when they're not.

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Even Canopy the darling with 17 million sales should be $3.50- $4 .

At $35 don't get caught in the correction. It may never come back to $35. 

I'm very happy picking fruit. Started way before Justin getting elected.

Happy to be out.

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A good plan is to  use an investor to build a portfolio and then take a grand or so and play with it. If you pay with money you can't afford to lose you will get burned. An investment company is a 24/7 job for them and the information they have you will never get ahold of in time to save your assets. 



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20 minutes ago, G.mech said:

Many people have made small fortunes dabbling in the markets.  Unfortunately, most of them started with much larger fortunes.  


I remember a few years back when several guys were crying because they had lost a lot of money in the markets. I was one of the fortunate ones and got out before the down turn. Now because of my age I have moved my investments into things like TSFAs and GICs. they don't make a lot but what they do make is enough to supplement my other income and keep me comfortable.

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Rather than picking winners and losers, I would suggest that someone wishing to increase their exposure to the markets look at TSX and NYSE Index Funds, you would be surprised how many mutual funds and stocks don't perform as well as the stock market index, they have served me well the past 35 years and the diversification minimizes risk.

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On 2018-01-27 at 11:01 AM, Big Cliff said:


I remember a few years back when several guys were crying because they had lost a lot of money in the markets. I was one of the fortunate ones and got out before the down turn. Now because of my age I have moved my investments into things like TSFAs and GICs. they don't make a lot but what they do make is enough to supplement my other income and keep me comfortable.

TFSA's are an account and have nothing to do with risk. In fact, my highest risk investments are inside a TFSA but that's by choice.

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5 hours ago, dave524 said:

Rather than picking winners and losers, I would suggest that someone wishing to increase their exposure to the markets look at TSX and NYSE Index Funds, you would be surprised how many mutual funds and stocks don't perform as well as the stock market index, they have served me well the past 35 years and the diversification minimizes risk.

The US indices sure have done well lately.

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