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The I did something stupid thread NF


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I thought this topic might have some humourous tales to be told and who doesn't love a good laugh now and then.
I'll start;
I recently bought a leaf blower. I just got tired of raking leaves and sweeping the front of my house. My blower will also vacuum up loose debris, so I thought I would pick up the leaves along the garage door.
What I didn't check was under the leaves, which had me pick up and mulch one of my 90lb Labrador Retriever's poop bags.
I'll be SURE to check, before I decide to do that little trick again.

Feel free to confess your less than Einstein moves, I think we all could use a laugh these days!


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Last summer I had to use some survey equipment to do soil samples at the gold mine. The plot I was in was probably 15km into thick bush(I mean really thick swampy moose type area)


Takes me about two hours to get to the destination. Apon arrival I realised I didn't have the survey equipment???? I spent t the whole shift trying to find where it fell out of the gator.


By the time I found it I was completely lost. No cell connection and my hand held wouldn't even pick up a satellite.


I'm thinking I'm pretty screwed when I remembered I had a compass in my pocket the whole time


So that day I basically made $360 for getting lost and almost losing a $10,000 piece of equipment.


Pretty embarrassing at the safety meeting the next morning lol


*Oh, and when I got my bearings I was about 5 minutes from a road lol

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Bought a brand new Motorola 730 Bluetooth a few years back.

Took it home and spent over an hour trying to get my Samsung phone and

the Bluetooth to "pair up".

No way was that happening so I called the Motorola help line for assistance.


Explained my predicament to the Techie.

He sounded about 6 years old and he asked me how long I had charged the Bluetooth unit.


I said- Charge it???

He said yes, how long did you charge it before trying to pair it up with your phone.


Boy, did I feel duh... I hadn't charged it at all, didn't know I had to..


Plugged it in and charged it for a while and then it paired right up with my phone.

Did I ever feel, well, you know.

Moral of the story I guess is read the instructions or ask a 6 year old for help, lol lol..

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my parents recently borrowed my truck to haul something to the lake and when they returned i said to my mom you and dad are a piece of work, you borrow my truck and bring it back with only a quarter a tank of gas?


regardless i wasnt too impressed even when my mom swore that they filled up about 60km away from home, i wasnt buying it. The only part that was throwing me off was that my range was still reading 600km...i basically thought, whatever this thing is effed up just like the other problems ive had with my truck lately.


...but then i went to fill up my truck and oh low and behold, the guage goes from right F to left E not the other way around...i apologized to my mom after that one ahhahaa

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I know you said it's NF, but I was out fishing some heavy cover for bass this summer, hooked onto a good one but it was buried in the rice. I proceeded to grab my rod half way up to yank it out and ended up with a three piece rod rather than a one piece fave Shimano rod. I have never done that before! I'm sure I have other stories that will come to me.

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i once misunderstood a customer when they asked for a 3lb piece of beef tenderloin, somehow i had gotten it into my head that they wanted it ground, so i went through the whole process of explaining the price, and they said they weren't worried, they knew how much it was, so i went off to the back, trimmed a piece up, then put it through the grinder.


the look on their face when i brought out 3lbs of ground beef and was going to charge them $75/kg for it. boy, did i ever go into panic mode after that.....

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I use to do a lot of upland game bird hunting when I was younger and had Andy.


On one trip I was taking my son out with me; planning the trip was lots of fun: what should we use 12 G or 20 G. Since we were going for pheasant and grouse we decided on the 20s. We packed a nice lunch, loaded up the car: guns, check: amo, check: dog, check: and away we went. It was only a couple of hours drive which gave us time to have our coffee and plan our day.


The trip was beautiful, we got to our destination and the sun was just coming up, it was going to be a perfect day. I let the dog out to stretch while we were getting our gear on and within a minute there was Andy on point at the edge of the parking lot. I told Clifford to grab his gun and go bag the first bird of the day.


That's when the fun started, Clifford uncased his gun and pulled out his 20 gauge, opened the amo box and found out we had brought the box with 12 gauge shells instead of the one with the 20 gauge shells. Poor Andy couldn't understand why I would take him off a perfectly good solid point and not even try to shoot that bird.


The trip home was pretty quiet as you can imagine but it did add a new routine to later trips; confirm you have the right amo box for the guns you are going to use. :blush:

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Crazy busy day at the shop, phone was ringing off the wall and people stopping in; couldn't hardly get anything done.

Let this one car down off the hoist, after doing an oil change. Poured the fresh oil in, reached through the window and started the thing up. What the heck the oil pressure light isn't going out? Quickly shut the engine off, looked down at my feet and I was standing in a 5 Lt puddle of oil.

Yup between the phone calls and everything else going on; I forgot to spin the new oil filter on. My two other techs could barely hold in their laughter and for the next few weeks all I heard from them was "hey boss you got the filter on that thing?" or when I left the car for a minute, one of them would sneak over and spin a filter on when I wasn't looking.

Its bad enough doing something dumb; what makes it worse is having an audience. LOL



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Backed the boat into the water and kept wondering why it wouldn't come off the trailer and if it did, why it would just spin in one place. Didn't take long to figure out that I got distracted (had my young boy with one) and only took off the transom saver and one strap. The boat was still attached by one of the transom straps and that is why it was spinning. Luckily, my son wasn't old enough to realize what happened or I'd still be hearing about it.

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crap happens Joe. :lol:



I wonder if Terry has a story, or 1000,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :oops:

Well, I did kinda have Terry in mind when I thought up this topic, but I wasn't planning on outing him! LMAO!

Keep 'em coming folks... I put "NF" in the title, but I certainly would be happy to entertain some fishing related stupidity!


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Unbox a brand new musky lure in the boat. Unclip the current lure off my rod. Stare at the new lure in my hands, check it looks tuned, admire it, get sidetracked, get back to the lure and then toss it into the drink to get ready to lob out the first cast. OOPS... forgot to clip the new lure onto my line. Watch the new lure sink.


Last year I was in the market for a new trolling motor. Wanted a 24v 80lb. Someone posted on here that habitat for humanity had one for 1k brand new. I ended up buying it. Killer deal! Super excited, I spent a few hours uninstalling my current 12v motor and installing the new motor and wiring for 24v. Install everything and all looked to be hooked up well. I proceed to turn on the new motor and it won't work for some reason?? A few hours of troubleshooting everything and I still couldn't figure it out? All the while I'm talking to my buddy about how I am going to buy a hole saw attachment tomorrow to cut a hole for a new latch to create a new hatch up front to better fit my new 24v two battery configuration. I still could not get the new TM to work for some reason however? Lots of troubleshooting later, while on the phone with minnkota they ask me to just double check the sticker underneath the motor to ensure it was a 24v. "I'm sure it is the model you state, however let's just double check to be certain". Had a massive OH SH#$ moment when I read the sticker and kindly thanked them for their time and hung up. Turns out the new motor I installed was still a 55lber, not the 80lb 24V as advertised. 1K, two new batteries,new TM plug installed, 24V wiring and 6 hours later, I had basically installed the same power TM I had just uninstalled and almost cut holes in my floor. With the dream over, I sold the new TM and in haste reinstalled my old 55lber and rewired back to 12v. Good times!

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This one was dumb, not me but a coworker on the drill



We had this testing company working with us and every 5-10 or 15ft they'd need a sample to send off for testing.


So they used melted wax to cap the ends to keep the moisture content stable.


Well one day they super heated their wax pot and the wax caught on fire.


What's he do? Throws a big pile of water on it???? thing went up like a bomb!


Thankfully he was fine, and after a good half hour laugh I had to tell him the easy way to put out the fire....



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A few years ago I was doing speeding enforcement using a laser. I decided to pack up and move to another spot. I thought I had thrown everything in the back seat. When I got to the new spot I realized that the laser unit wasn't in the car. I drove back to the spot and found an $8000 laser smashed to pieces on the road... it was an interesting talk with the boss...

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A few years ago I was doing speeding enforcement using a laser. I decided to pack up and move to another spot. I thought I had thrown everything in the back seat. When I got to the new spot I realized that the laser unit wasn't in the car. I drove back to the spot and found an $8000 laser smashed to pieces on the road... it was an interesting talk with the boss...


I know the feeling all to well; but on the other side of the table, as the boss.

My one techs had just finished an oil change and brake service on a 1 year old Ford Edge. The hoist he was using will let an open hood of a vehicle touch the ceiling rafters; so he genitally lowered the hood. Well he forgot the hood wasn't latched not even on the safety and took it for a road test.

When he got back he sheepishly walked into my office. Ah Dan the hood of that Edge flipped open on the road test; the hood is buckled at the hinges and the windshield is smashed.

What do you want me to do.

I said nothing right now, I'll call the customer and explain.

Tonight after work, you come to my house.

That night he shows up at my house. I had a rib-eye steak supper with all the fixings ready for us. We sat and talked about what happened and turned it into a good night and to think of things NOT to do at work. LOL

Customer got the Ford fixed; I shelled out about $2500.00 for paint & body and he (Dave) is still my best employee.

OK maybe not so funny a story to tell; but if you were at my house that night you'd understand how Dave thought he was getting his walking papers, instead of a great meal and a few laughs.

The look on his face was priceless; like a puppy dog that knows something is wrong.



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I hate staff turnover; Dave has worked for me for about 23 years.

My junior employee has only been with me for 16 years

They both started with me as apprentices and haven't wanted to move on?

Now that's funny if you knew what kind of prick I can be, LOL



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