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Tipping the pilot on a fly in fishing trip

Big Cliff

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Ok, so we are soon to depart on our first ever fly-in fishing trip and I have a question for you pros.


Do you tip the pilot, if so on arrival at your destination or at the end of the trip when you are back at the base. What would be a reasonable tip and what sorts of things would you consider in coming up with that amount.



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If you're wet on disembarkment.. NO !!


Sorry Cliff, all I can offer other than HAVE FUN!!!!!


Irish you are quick! Do what is done on commercial flighs, just clap when you touch down!


Mike might be the one to ask on this one he flies a lot!

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Never, usually the trip is short and they don't take care of your personal needs. Nor are you paying cash where you tip to round off what is owed.


My mom in her old age is going tip crazy...20% to waitresses who are not the best. In her case it's a moral thing.


One situation I would consider tipping is if it is a clear bright day ask if they will fly over the lake to the spots you think might be good, they will do that. Probably should have tipped the pilot the one time I did ask for that and the guy did it. :(

Edited by scuro2
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First MANY of these pilots are independent contractors for the lodge you are staying in. This way if something would happen the lodge is not responsible.


With that said, if the pilot helps load and unload the plane yes a tip is in order. Now if the pilot helps carry your stuff to the cabin you are staying in then a larger tip is in order.


Let your conscience be your guidance and you will sleep well my friend.

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We all need to remember why tipping started. It is to acknowledge excellent service, above what is expected of the person providing said service. It was never meant to be a wage supplement; but it now seems to be the norm?

I'd say play the tipping thing by ear. If the pilot makes you feel at ease, is talkative telling you what and where you're flying over. I'd say yea give him at tip.

If he/she is anything like the pilot we had on a fly-in, well he had the personality of a door knob; functional but does/did nothing other. All he got from me was a great big AMF!



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We all need to remember why tipping started. It is to acknowledge excellent service, above what is expected of the person providing said service. It was never meant to be a wage supplement; but it now seems to be the norm?

I'd say play the tipping thing by ear. If the pilot makes you feel at ease, is talkative telling you what and where you're flying over. I'd say yea give him at tip.

If he/she is anything like the pilot we had on a fly-in, well he had the personality of a door knob; functional but does/did nothing other. All he got from me was a great big AMF!




Exactly Dan.


On my trip last year the guy who flew us in would no engage in any sort of conversation and was quite grumpy about everything. He did not receive a tip. The guy who picked us up was great. Very talkative and sociable. Not to mention his flying skills! Our average altitude was 350' due to some fog he was ducking around. He received a generous tip.


This pretty much goes for all tipping in general for me.

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On our last fly in with my bride, we waited for the pilot to show up on the dock. As we waited a young very pretty dock 16-17 year old girl came out to pump out the pontoons on the plane. I thought if we don't get a pilot soon I might have to go inside and ask the owner if the pilot forgot us or what........ :dunno:


After the pontoons were hand pumped out, she OK let's load the plane......great we got some help loading but still no pilot in sight..... :o


Finally after the plane was loaded she said, OK get in we are ready to...... :w00t:


I looked at my wife and she looked at me like WTH......... :blush:


Of course they always over load these planes but with a runway as long as the lake we finally got air born.... Nice, not too many air pockets and I enjoyed the scenery and flight.....my wife not so much.... :whistling:


Then came the landing and my wife closed her eyes......she couldn't look at all . . . :ninja:


We landed sooooo smoothly my wife didn't believe we were on the water until I finally convinced her to open her eyes. She said it was by FAR the best flight and the VERY BEST landing she ever experienced. :worthy:


And the pilot was the prettiest, friendliest pilot we EVER had...... :P


We both tipped her a dollar........ :sarcasm:

Edited by Mister G
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Yes.. but I suspect just an old fart (like I) that can't judge age with beauty!


I've flown over 200 young eagle flights (8 to 16 year olds).. the 10 to 14 year old girls by average are 75% better than the boys at taking control and maintaining level flight. I'd take a female commercial pilot over the men any day to get me safely where I wanted to go.. and no my wife pilot, nor her kid sister are looking over my shoulder!


When I get back North I'll have to ask Darren that owns Lakeland how often he gets tipped, when it's $775/hr to be delivered.

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