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Roe Bag

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Rental agreement states:

Boat removal is based on a mutually agreed date, providing there is reasonable access to the boat.

When I entered into the agreement I told him the only reason I was storing the boat was because of the renovations. He asked how long I thought I would need his services. A month or two? I said "you might as well keep it over the Winter that way I'm sure everything will be done. I'll just pick it up in March". There was no hesitation on his part.

Sadly I've been dealing with this same guy for many years. Spent a lot of money there. He's a reputable dealer.

First time I've had any grief. But, it will be the last.


Perhaps I'm naive, but I don't think access should ever be an issue. It should be up to them to maintain reasonable access. The real issue is the fact that they are greedy pigs. Overfill the space and then say "sorry 'bout your luck".


A crock and a half of you know what!!!!!


Ok so it's in black and white "mutually agreed date, providing there is reasonable access to the boat." You want it now and he doesn't agree that there is reasonable access to the boat. You might not like it but you did accept (and I would expect signed a contract).

Go in person and talk nice and see if you can help move a few tubs to get to yours...gotta try

I'm with Dara on this one, calling them greedy pigs and getting all upset isn't going to change it. Go and talk to the guy, I am sure that with this early spring there are going to be a lot more people wanting to get their stuff out of storage early. Perhaps you can work something out with the guy, might not be EXACTLY what you want but perhaps a reasonable compromise.

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If they weren't greedy pigs, reasonable access would be maintained.

Instead, they fill every usable inch and let the owners suck it up.

I'm sure you've signed on the dotted line without reading each and every word.


As stated above, I said: "keep it over the Winter. I will be back in March to pick it up".

Without hesitation he took my money.

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No. I expect him to store them in a ​reasonable fashion. ​So access is maintained. No one should be allowed to withhold someone else's property for their own convenience.


You want to talk unreasonable. ​How 'bout this? Pay $400 up front. But gee it's really not convenient right now. You'll have to wait! Maybe I can get to you by mid April. What was the $400 for? A patch of ground in a barn somewhere and a convenient for him, release date.


5:30 in the morning. Stomach is in knots. Haven't slept a wink.


OK so the guy stores all the boats so that everyone can get at their boat anytime they want it. Now add up the lost revenue from the boats that he can no longer fit into the warehouse. Take that number and add it equally to the remaining spots that are left. I can see an eaisy 40-50% increase in storage fees; I wonder how much people would be willing to pay for that privilege?



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Apparently some here are willing to be bullied. Like it or lump it. Take it or leave it.

That's bunk. It's mine and I should be able to remove it whenever.

Not on his or anyone else's terms. When I said to him "I'll be back in March" he should advised me then of any potential difficulties.

Instead, he holds all the cards. Money, boat and, if and when he's ready, a convenient release date.


If that doesn't stink, I don't know what does!

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Apparently some here are willing to be bullied. Like it or lump it. Take it or leave it.

That's bunk. It's mine and I should be able to remove it whenever.

Not on his or anyone else's terms. When I said to him "I'll be back in March" he should advised me then of any potential difficulties.

Instead, he holds all the cards. Money, boat and, if and when he's ready, a convenient release date.


If that doesn't stink, I don't know what does!

He is not bulling you he is following the contract you signed

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same here I am last boat in and first one out !!!!! about 10 boats in the barn where I store mine,and the farmer calls me when he is ready for my boat as once mine is in the doors are slid shut and not opened for any reason till spring....and he knows I call him usually end of march or shortly before depending on the year we are having....

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I don't sign a contract he is a local farmer guy I know up the road from where I live and he just wants cash in hand when you bring him your boat in the fall.....and its usually the same guys every year who store their boats there so most years I get thwe same spot too....

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He is not bulling you he is following the contract you signed


What contract is that? The one where he digs a hole. Buries it and waits for it to crawl out in the Spring.

The very least I would expect is maintain reasonable access for everyone. Not a lot to ask for $400.

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Still two weeks left in March, talk to the guy and let him know you'd like the boat before April.


All talked out. Even mid-April is only a ​Maybe.

​Owned boats for over 40 years. First time I ever rented storage.

Only because of the reno.

New house 29 years ago. There's never been aa car in the garage.

Only several boats.

Call me naïve. Gullible. Uneducated in the ways of the world.

Call it what you want, but it ain't right!

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That sucks,you pay a term amount,I can't believe they do not leave access for anyone to get there boat early? :wallbash: .Lessoned learned I guess.I have never heard of this last one in ,first one out crap? :dunno: .Good luck,I would be there and say I want my boat out by this day?.

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With a name like ROE BAG, I would think you would be busy fishing rivers and get the boat after they are done. LOL


Seems you got the short end here. Take it as a learning experince I say. Just think, next season you,ll have it in your garage. Positive.



Yes, I would be pissed as well, but, what ya going to do.

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With a name like ROE BAG, I would think you would be busy fishing rivers and get the boat after they are done. LOL


Seems you got the short end here. Take it as a learning experince I say. Just think, next season you,ll have it in your garage. Positive.



Yes, I would be pissed as well, but, what ya going to do.

Beating up steel is a long time passion of mine. Don't mind playing with them in the Fall and right up to December 31.

Spring time I like to leave them alone and let them do their thing. Love perchin', crappie and silver bass fishing in the Spring.

Walleye on Quinte when it opens. Then smallmouth. October is the start of steelhead for me.

Got the nickname because I used to tie bags for the whole crew I ran with. Only two of us left now.

Time marches on!

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Sorry but if I am reading this right and you were dealing with me right now you wouldn't see your boat until June!


So the guy is a greedy pig because he fills all the spaces he has and hasn't set it up so you can access your boat when "you" want; it's how he makes a living, empty spaces cost money! He must be doing something right if he has all those units stored there!


You said you have been dealing with him for years and never had a problem; to me it sounds like he must be a reasonable guy. All these years and never a problem before?


A couple of people have suggested going and talking to him; all you come back with is "it sucks, it aint fair, he's an..... well never mind you get the drift.


Seems like you have a few years under your belt so I would think you'd be smart enough to understand that a contract is just that. Was there anything in the contract that said "I'll pick it up in March"? If the winter had been like last year would you still have wanted to pick it up in the first two weeks in March?


I would love to meet you and get to know you because if I was to form an opinion based on what you have posted on this thread I'd expect to meet a spoiled brat (which I'm sure you aren't) but that's the way your posts are coming across.


Hope this ends up working out to your satisfaction buut I sort of doubt it!

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Roe Bag,you have a contract so at least you have something rather than a handshake which sadly today means nothing. The two things on your side is that you have a mutually agreed on date for removal, March, but if that's not written on the contract it means nothing, he said, she said. Now the question is what is meant by "reasonable access"? That's the tough one, how one person interprets it here is not what Roe Bag may interpret it. I want my boat, if you jammed your place up so that "reasonable access" isn't now possible or it's not reasonable to move 50 boats to get your boat accessible how is that Roe Bags problem? The owner of the facility should have taken steps to ensure access was "reasonable". So now it's on the owner but he refuses to make the boat "accessible" what recourse does one have other than to pursue a lawsuit in small claims court in the future. That doesn't get the boat out now though. And then the plaintive needs to show what is his loss. What if it was a charter guys boat and he planned on taking charters out as soon as ice out and the guy says nope, unreasonable access. The owner looses for sure I believe strongly. I might think Roe Bag might win in court for a portion of the storage fee because his monitory loss isn't quantifiable, that would be up to a judge. However a contract is only binding if there is a meeting of the minds and here there wasn't obviously so there is no contract according to some legal eagles. One would have to prove the owner knew exactly what was agreed to specifically releasing the property in March but now says no.


A good lesson to us all. I drive contractors, sellers, buyers or business associates bonkers sometimes. W5, who, what, when, where and why, then throw in how and we have a deal, otherwise I'll look to someone else.


This a good lesson for us all.

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Sorry but if I am reading this right and you were dealing with me right now you wouldn't see your boat until June!


So the guy is a greedy pig because he fills all the spaces he has and hasn't set it up so you can access your boat when "you" want; it's how he makes a living, empty spaces cost money! He must be doing something right if he has all those units stored there!


You said you have been dealing with him for years and never had a problem; to me it sounds like he must be a reasonable guy. All these years and never a problem before?


A couple of people have suggested going and talking to him; all you come back with is "it sucks, it aint fair, he's an..... well never mind you get the drift.




I'm sorry you even read this. Even sorrier for your reply! You have no clue. I don't think you really read this. Just picked out the highlights to find some crap to chuck. I spent much money there over the years making purchases. Not renting space! And, yes I was satisfied! Now he has me dancing to his tune. Packs everything in like sardines. Total disregard for access for anyone. Then covers his ass with an obscure little clause on the back of the page.

​Boat removal is based on a mutually agreed upon date providing there is reasonable access to the boat.


​Who's responsible for reasonable access. Sure as heck ain't me.


Spoiled brat indeed.


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