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river ice fishing safety, close call


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Straight up.


The wife is gonna give birth anytime now.


Im exhuasted with false labour.


The kiddos and wife headed off to town today so I went for a drive. Seen 3 or 4 fishing the river.


Thats it, my ice gear isnt even ready but im determined to head out for abit and just have fun. Even if its for two hours(on the river)


Lotsa holes drilled, checked em out. 7 to 8"




Brought out he old ski doo and all my gear. Drilled 6 or 7 holes.


(Weather had changed drastically from in the -30's to about -4ish)


I set up and drilled my last hole. The ice drops, thats normal on the river.


Then boom!


Im down, in the water. Sled down, tackle down, gopro, whatever else is gone.


About a 10 foot hole im guessing just collapsed.


Thank god I was wearing a floater suit and had my spikes.


I got out quickly(surprising giving the currerent) talk about a mind f...


Everything is gone and I think my season is done. Im guessing about 8 grand in gear gone(dont really care im alive)


The floater suit and spikes saved my life. I never even wet a line(barely)


Be safe people. Even 8" wasnt safe in this instance.


Im ok. Swallowed a little water and probably hit the er tomorrow if needed.


Be safe my friends...


Very very safe

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Like I said earlier today when you told me, DAMN lucky to be alive!

As for the gear, you never know some of the people you know and fish with there may snag the odd item or two and show up and drop them off at home (with luck)

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OMG my heart just about stopped with the thought of it! I am so glad you made it out safe, all I can think about is what would it have done to your wife and kids if you hadn't! Just goes to show that even someone with your skills and experience can get into trouble, thankfully you had the equipment necessary to survive it!


I hope you can recover some of your gear, the sled especially but as others have said "gear can be replaced".


Glad you are still with us!

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Holy cow Rick,glad you are here to tell the story. IMO,ice fishing rivers,no can do.I hope you can get some of your stuff back come spring.Agreed,maybe stay off the river this year.Seems you have a lot of good dry land things to do very shortly.Hope the little one comes real soon,good luck !!!!

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holy crap, glad you're here to post this warning. Good on you for having the foresight to wear the floater suit and bring spikes. I'll bet your wife gave you an earful after she hugged you long and close.


The ice that truly scares the hell out of me is river ice. Lakes usually don't have much current but river ice ? the river is always smoking downstream.


stay safe everyone

Edited by woodenboater
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Rick as said the main thing is you are still alive, thank God you had a floatation suit on , spikes etc


You can always replace material things, the sled might be salvagable in the spring


BUT the main thing is your alive and still able to embrace your family and will see the birth of your baby


This gave me chills reading that,,,,,,several years ago my couisin in Sudbury had a similar situation but not with ice,,,,he did not survive,,,,,,,,,3 days after his funeral his wife gave birth to their daughter,,,,he was 29



YOU HAVE AN :angel: looking out for you

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I cant multi quote on my phone so...


Feeling good today, some pain in my right lung area but im not sure if its ny lung or a strained muscle under my chest bone?

Ill be going to have it checked tomorrow at the dr.


This is a place ive been fishing alot for 7 years. Youde be amazed how thick the ice can get. Last year it was near 40". S ary thought, this is near the spot I hold my annual family day ice fishing derby in my fallen friends name. No go this year thats for sure. I could have easily have my kids with me as well, thank god i didnt.


Ive only ice fished a few small backlakes this season so my tackle box had more in it then it would normaly have. 2 trays of useless gear for hardwater, a tray of lipless cranks, a tray of jigs, and a tray of spoons(lotsa northland buckshot jigging spoons). Also had fillet knife, compass etc in there.


Just realized now i guess my fishfinder is gone too lol.


Few things to remember folks, wear your spikes around your kneck at all times.


Ince you fall in, dont fight it or panic, take a few good breaths and flip bellyside horizontally. The goal is to be calm and get out first try(dont panic because i guarantee itll take more than one try if you do)


Keep an extra set of clothes and towel in your vehicle.


Warn from the inside out. I know a hot shower is mighty tempting but dont do this.


Warm liquids are the best



If you have swallowed water or feel really cold or your heart rate isnt normal call an ambulance or 911 immediately.


And wear your damn float suits! I know they are expensive but the cost is little compared to your lives.


Mentally im a little shaken, but ok.


As stated I think Im done on the hardwater for the year


And thanks for all the kind words and to GBW and chris brock for the chats last night. Oh and for chris calling me an idiot! ??? classic brock! Classic

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That's wild Rick. Glad you're ok. That's quite strange as 8" of ice will normally support a car easily. There must have been quite the air gap under the ice so that the water was no longer supporting the ice. I've ice fished the Ottawa River tons and never had a problem, even in the current areas.

You know what they say about falling off a horse. I don't think you should stop ice fishing over it. If it's something you enjoy that much then go for it, just make sure of ice conditions.



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That's wild Rick. Glad you're ok. That's quite strange as 8" of ice will normally support a car easily. There must have been quite the air gap under the ice so that the water was no longer supporting the ice. I've ice fished the Ottawa River tons and never had a problem, even in the current areas.

You know what they say about falling off a horse. I don't think you should stop ice fishing over it. If it's something you enjoy that much then go for it, just make sure of ice conditions.



Drastic change in weather and possibly the water levels had dropped??? Or increased?


Its also possible with this years conditions I was fiahing on what I call "smash ice". Thats where small ice chucks follow the eddie and form together and its never as solid when this happens

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And thanks for all the kind words and to GBW and chris brock for the chats last night. Oh and for chris calling me an idiot! classic brock! Classic

It's all good, I'm glad you did decide to post for others to learn from your "lesson" here. your baby (and the rest of the family) need you so we are all happy it ended up with just the loss of items and not more! I'm NOT coming that way for the first time for sad reasons, but for good reasons! Edited by GBW
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???? yessir geoff!


Someone will snag up my tacklebag lol. It was closed.


I hope its me but if its somebody else id sure like to see the look on their face???


Im going to ER tomorrow, pain in my chest is just getting worse. I cant tell if its in my lung or in my muscle but its hurts like a ....


My whole body is sore actually, amazing how much energy one will use in a 2 minute period!

Edited by manitoubass2
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