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Finally - My Magazine Is Launched!! (And A Question)


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I can't even begin to tell you guys what it's been like these last few months. So many problems and unexpected setbacks, but I have persevered! :)


I'm thrilled to finally announce the launch of Canada Fishing Guide Magazine! This premier issue is available in digital format only, but going forward there are big plans. At some point in the new year information on how to subscribe will be released and going forward it will be available in both print and digital form.


For those who missed my earlier announcement the basic concept of the magazine will be to highlight interesting and unique angling destinations from coast to coast. Along with that there will be a good amount of more narrative pieces. Stories from some of the most gifted writers in the industry. It's exactly the stuff that I like to read and I'm hoping everyone else will too! You will never find a "how-to" style article in this magazine, that's just not me.


For members of this board you may be interested in knowing that Chris Brock's brother Colin will be a regular contributor with a piece called "Chronicles Of Fish". The man is both a natural born story teller and imo a diamond in the rough. He has a hugely entertaining story in this premier issue. :)


If I could I'd also love to tap into the great wealth of knowlege and experience that exists on this board. If ANYONE has a story they'd like to share drop me a line! Also if you do read this premier issue please message me at [email protected] Going forward I'll be publishing letters from the readership and ANY comments or thoughts either positive or negative are appreciated and needed!


Now my question. As most of you know I've always published my stories online and I love doing it. The online stories are a completely different animal as you're telling a tale with photos and video. Much different from what might be published in print.

Going forward I will continue to publish my online trip reports but I'm struggling mightily with whether I should wait until after the associated feature is published in the magazine.

What I publish in the magazine will definitely be different, but I'm wondering whether people buying the magazine would feel cheated if an online version of my story had been floating around on the net for several months?

Obviously there will be plenty of other writers contributing to the magazine so this question only applies to me.

How do you guys feel, should I wait until after the magazine is published to post my online trip reports?

Beyond that, here's the link for the magazine, hope you enjoy the read!











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I was wondering how you were going to work your online reports with magazine stories. If you keep the reports geared to a report, and the stories more of the story, I think you'll be ok, but like you said, if people can get an online version without spending money or subscribing, they will take the online version for sure.



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Congrats!! I'll be buying your premier edition for sure. Can I get it autographed?? Lol


I'm ok if you post reports after they are in the magazine. For me a delay of months is ok for that. I understand wanting to keep the "thunder" for your paid subscribers. Reports on here can be less detailed and geared more towards the fish porn.


I'm honoured to have fished with, and to have gone on a northern Ontario canoe adventure with you. I think it's awesome you are making a living following your dream! Keep it coming!!

Edited by ccmt
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I love reading about your latest adventure as soon as I possibly can, but from a business stand point, I don't think you should have the online reports competing with CFG. I would release them months after they come out in CFG, JMO. I know I'm cheaper than dirt, likely some others are too.


Also, I don't know if that was a good marketing strategy mentioning that Colin and I are related :). He's the younger brother who's more sensible and mature than his older brother. I love my brother's writing but I'm obviously biased.


Super cool Mike, sounds like everything is rolling along good!

Edited by chris.brock
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I was wondering how you were going to work your online reports with magazine stories. If you keep the reports geared to a report, and the stories more of the story, I think you'll be ok, but like you said, if people can get an online version without spending money or subscribing, they will take the online version for sure.



Thanks for the feedback Shane. Fact is the bulk of each issue will not be written by me, I'm just concerned about my stories. I've been leaning towards publishing my online reports after the mag is published though. I asked because that's not what I really want to do LOL!


I think you would be better off making your initial online report more of a teaser for the mag article.

Then once the mag article comes out release a full online report linked from the mag article or ezine.

Other people have suggested that, it may be the way to go.




Congrats!! I'll be buying your premier edition for sure. Can I get it autographed?? Lol


I'm ok if you post reports after they are in the magazine. For me a delay of months is ok for that. I understand wanting to keep the "thunder" for your paid subscribers. Reports on here can be less detailed and geared more towards the fish porn.


I'm honoured to have fished with, and to have gone on a northern Ontario canoe adventure with you. I think it's awesome you are making a living following your dream! Keep it coming!!

Thanks a lot Cliff! And I'm the one who's honoured (we really need to fish again :) ). If I wait until after the associated feature in the magazine is published that would mean potentially 10 months after the actual trip before I can post something detailed online.


What I WANT people to say is "post your trip reports right away online, I don't care" :lol:

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I love reading about your latest adventure as soon as I possibly can, but from a business stand point, I don't think you should have the online reports competing with CFG. I would release them months after they come out in CFG, JMO. I know I'm cheaper than dirt, likely some others are too.


Also, I don't know if that was a good marketing strategy mentioning that Colin and I are related :). He's the younger brother who's more sensible and mature than his older brother. I love the guy's writing but I'm obviously biased.


Super cool Mike, sounds like everything is rolling along good!


"Cheaper than dirt" LOL! Call me when you have a minute.

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Well Mike congrats on your venture. I'm involved in publishing a magazine, for Ontario Tourism. We do it both for Print and online . . . Our print run is huge so we do the print version first. We then post PDFs for the web site with links back to the advertisers and tourism for the products we have mentioned i.e. If we mention a lodge click on the name and it goes to their site . . . .while we are printing. There is also another method we use and it's called a flip book again with links to the advertiser. I'm not sure of the cost on this on or their target. But I can find out.

If you got ontariotravel.net you can see the publication and how the PDFs work, but you already know this

I would think if you go to print there is not to much you want to give away online for nothing. :) ads pay the bills in most cases.

Our case we pay for it but in the long run we attract tourists and they spend money . . .

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Good luck with new project Mike . Looks very promising

I think that you should still post reports of your trips on line . I believe that it will only help market you magazine and get more people interested in purchasing the mag.

Just like anyone in the fishing industry it's about proper marketing and getting your name out there as many ways possible.

Facebook, Instagram, forums ect.... Will only help create a buzz about your new venture

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At the time I am writing this, the counter at the bottom of the page reads 88,942,208 clicks. Think about it. You will have to walk a fine line between spam and storytelling - but if you manage to walk that line, and keep us entertained here, I strongly suspect your circulation will benefit accordingly. I suspect timing of the reports vs the magazine might be key to how you structure that

BTW - count me in for a subscription,


and good luck

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Congrats mike!


Thanks bud!


Would be great to hit a river with you again! Fishing the east tribs is boring. Lol

Let's do it!


Well Mike congrats on your venture. I'm involved in publishing a magazine, for Ontario Tourism. We do it both for Print and online . . . Our print run is huge so we do the print version first. We then post PDFs for the web site with links back to the advertisers and tourism for the products we have mentioned i.e. If we mention a lodge click on the name and it goes to their site . . . .while we are printing. There is also another method we use and it's called a flip book again with links to the advertiser. I'm not sure of the cost on this on or their target. But I can find out.

If you got ontariotravel.net you can see the publication and how the PDFs work, but you already know this

I would think if you go to print there is not to much you want to give away online for nothing. :) ads pay the bills in most cases.

Our case we pay for it but in the long run we attract tourists and they spend money . . .

Thanks for the great feedback! FWIW I've written regularly for Ontario Tourism's website. I actually just submitted two articles last month. Love those assignment, they're short, easy to write and the pay is ok. :)


Good luck with new project Mike . Looks very promising

I think that you should still post reports of your trips on line . I believe that it will only help market you magazine and get more people interested in purchasing the mag.

Just like anyone in the fishing industry it's about proper marketing and getting your name out there as many ways possible.

Facebook, Instagram, forums ect.... Will only help create a buzz about your new venture

Thanks bud. Like I personally don't think posting the online report before the associated feature in the mag is bad, but I'm thinking some people will. That's a good point though!


At the time I am writing this, the counter at the bottom of the page reads 88,942,208 clicks. Think about it. You will have to walk a fine line between spam and storytelling - but if you manage to walk that line, and keep us entertained here, I strongly suspect your circulation will benefit accordingly. I suspect timing of the reports vs the magazine might be key to how you structure that

BTW - count me in for a subscription,


and good luck

Thanks, appreciate it! For what it's worth if I post an online report then publish an associated feature in the mag later, there would be anywhere from a 6-12 month gap between the two.

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Definitely embargo your stories from online viewing for several months at least. I would also suggest only one from each issue. If too many free reports are out there, then subscribers might very well be ok with waiting a couple of months or whatever the embargo period is.


it might also mean posting only a few photos vs what you're doing now with your trip reports. Once it becomes a business, you need to make sure the paid subscribers are getting their money's worth and seeing paid content online might not make them happy.


Good luck and I'm sure you'll find the happy place where everyone is good.

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Definitely embargo your stories from online viewing for several months at least. I would also suggest only one from each issue. If too many free reports are out there, then subscribers might very well be ok with waiting a couple of months or whatever the embargo period is.


it might also mean posting only a few photos vs what you're doing now with your trip reports. Once it becomes a business, you need to make sure the paid subscribers are getting their money's worth and seeing paid content online might not make them happy.


Good luck and I'm sure you'll find the happy place where everyone is good.


Thanks for the feedback! My only answer to this is, the mag won't be all about me, each issue will feature a lot of other great writers. But I asked the question for a reason and I'm glad I did.



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Don't know where you find the time Mike, but all the power to you.


Ummmm... and so my $0.02


Not subscribing to anything anymore at this time myself, I would hope at some point to view the product before considering purchase. Others would maybe want that as well. A premier issue online would be a good gateway to that Mike. See what it's all about. Something to think over eh!


I agree with you 110% on your intended content. The "how-to's" have been done to death for me in publications, and the product pushing. Understand why many would like them but, any magazine I do pick up off the shelf I most often look for the travel destination pieces. Being a story teller, I like the escapism when being told or taken away on a story/trip. That's why it's great we still have a few people around online willing to share their realism and experiences, outside of much commercialism. Applaud the idea. Like the direction. You may not remember but yet you may, our conversation in a restaurant U.S. side one night back November 2009. Told you about Petri Hiel (Kingfisher) Germany. You've gone that direction somewhat yourself since then, and if you recall this, you'd know I envy your choices.


If you are serious about making the best profit you can, then it will be difficult to give things away for free, especially as you often do in the grand format here and elsewhere. Your saving grace if you continue to do so, may just come from the culmination of all other contributors who do not do the same. Much like with OOD in your past I'd guess, a hold out for first rights in order to be the fresh current resource is to the publications benefit. I think you objected to this with OOD, but down the road the shoe may need be worn on the other foot.


Like I commented before too Mike... BIG BALLZ. The time you put into work, fishing, fishing, fishing, travel, travel, planning, planning, planning, reporting, reporting and now this...??? Don't know how you do it and find time for sleep, let alone family. But you obviously must, and, you've always been the type to give things you're passionate about their full attention, 200%. So, I think if anyone can pull off a great launch and take this down some road of success, it's you man. You've put in the time and miles to prepare for it and it's gonna be interesting to watch the race.


Good luck Mike.

Edited by Moosebunk
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IMO you have four options.


1) Only people who pay get the articles, both past and current. To me, this might make the best business sense. However, it's hard to know how many new subscribers you would get by offering something for free.


2) Publish abstracts of each article online for free. Basically, a very short summary of the entire article. This is what we do in science. You get a basic summary of what the researchers did, but you have to pay to get the full article.


3) Publish ONE complete article for free near when the issue launches or shortly thereafter, I'd say 2 weeks max. Hopefully this will draw business.


4) Similar to three, but publish ONE complete article from the archive for free instead of a new article.


I wouldn't publish any of the older content online for free because access to archive issues is also something to sell. Unless, it's for advertising as per number four.


Of course, ultimately, this all depends on how you plan to attract new customers. This is a business now and you have to treat it as such, otherwise, why bother doing it?


Best of luck!

Edited by adempsey
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Hi Mike,

I havn't been on the board very much the last several months due to some personal stuff I'm dealing with.


I just read this news and just wanted to echo what many on the board have already said. Congratulations !!!! ....... it couldn't have happened to a more deserving guy.

When I first started reading your reports and stories here many years ago I always thought you should be publishing your articles but I am sure its a very tough business to get into and this just shows that your hard work and perseverance to achieve your dream can come true.


I much prefer reading fishing tales and reports rather than "how to's" and think from a business standpoint you should hold off on your online report until its published on your mag ... just my 2 cents


Anyways congrats again and all the best my friend !

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First....good luck!


As for your question, I do think paid subscribers will balk a bit if you put stories re: the same trip in both media.


However, you are now doing this, I think, as a livelihood. As such, you should focus on maximizing your business potential.


Me...I will gladly be a paid subscriber.


Just my 2 cents.

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Congrats Mike and I wish you nothing but the best you have showed us all here on ofc the love and passion you have for fishing and the great outdoors and I believe this magazine is going to be a huge success looking forward to the first issue going into print and subscribing to your magazine.


Cheers Mitch

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Don't know where you find the time Mike, but all the power to you.


Ummmm... and so my $0.02


Not subscribing to anything anymore at this time myself, I would hope at some point to view the product before considering purchase. Others would maybe want that as well. A premier issue online would be a good gateway to that Mike. See what it's all about. Something to think over eh!


I agree with you 110% on your intended content. The "how-to's" have been done to death for me in publications, and the product pushing. Understand why many would like them but, any magazine I do pick up off the shelf I most often look for the travel destination pieces. Being a story teller, I like the escapism when being told or taken away on a story/trip. That's why it's great we still have a few people around online willing to share their realism and experiences, outside of much commercialism. Applaud the idea. Like the direction. You may not remember but yet you may, our conversation in a restaurant U.S. side one night back November 2009. Told you about Petri Hiel (Kingfisher) Germany. You've gone that direction somewhat yourself since then, and if you recall this, you'd know I envy your choices.


If you are serious about making the best profit you can, then it will be difficult to give things away for free, especially as you often do in the grand format here and elsewhere. Your saving grace if you continue to do so, may just come from the culmination of all other contributors who do not do the same. Much like with OOD in your past I'd guess, a hold out for first rights in order to be the fresh current resource is to the publications benefit. I think you objected to this with OOD, but down the road the shoe may need be worn on the other foot.


Like I commented before too Mike... BIG BALLZ. The time you put into work, fishing, fishing, fishing, travel, travel, planning, planning, planning, reporting, reporting and now this...??? Don't know how you do it and find time for sleep, let alone family. But you obviously must, and, you've always been the type to give things you're passionate about their full attention, 200%. So, I think if anyone can pull off a great launch and take this down some road of success, it's you man. You've put in the time and miles to prepare for it and it's gonna be interesting to watch the race.


Good luck Mike.

Thanks bud, appreciate the thoughtful response. Don't remember you telling me anything about Petri Hiel, but I'm curious now. I can't remember what I had for breakfast yesterday so that's not too surprising LOL! FWIW I didn't object to the same issue with OOD at all. There's a related issue that I did have a problem with though. No regrets whatsoever about cutting ties with them, that was the impetus I needed to do this. There are very few people who can understand what my life is like and you are one of the few. Thanks for the words of encouragement! :)


IMO you have four options.


1) Only people who pay get the articles, both past and current. To me, this might make the best business sense. However, it's hard to know how many new subscribers you would get by offering something for free.


2) Publish abstracts of each article online for free. Basically, a very short summary of the entire article. This is what we do in science. You get a basic summary of what the researchers did, but you have to pay to get the full article.


3) Publish ONE complete article for free near when the issue launches or shortly thereafter, I'd say 2 weeks max. Hopefully this will draw business.


4) Similar to three, but publish ONE complete article from the archive for free instead of a new article.


I wouldn't publish any of the older content online for free because access to archive issues is also something to sell. Unless, it's for advertising as per number four.


Of course, ultimately, this all depends on how you plan to attract new customers. This is a business now and you have to treat it as such, otherwise, why bother doing it?


Best of luck!

Interesting perspective Adam thank you!! One thing that I know for sure, the online trip reports will be published online regardless just as they always have been. I was only trying to get a feel whether people might have an issue with the reports being posted before the associated feature in the mag. It seem pretty clear that they'll be published online afterwards.


Congrats, looks great!


I would save the goods for your paid subscribers.


Good luck!

Thank you sir!


Hi Mike,

I havn't been on the board very much the last several months due to some personal stuff I'm dealing with.


I just read this news and just wanted to echo what many on the board have already said. Congratulations !!!! ....... it couldn't have happened to a more deserving guy.

When I first started reading your reports and stories here many years ago I always thought you should be publishing your articles but I am sure its a very tough business to get into and this just shows that your hard work and perseverance to achieve your dream can come true.


I much prefer reading fishing tales and reports rather than "how to's" and think from a business standpoint you should hold off on your online report until its published on your mag ... just my 2 cents


Anyways congrats again and all the best my friend !

Thanks Julian, when you have time call me!


Do it like Hollywood:


Reports on OFC - write them like a Movie Trailer. Enough to add spice, etc. but not the full story.

Reports in Magazine - The Movie.

Thanks Adam!




First....good luck!


As for your question, I do think paid subscribers will balk a bit if you put stories re: the same trip in both media.


However, you are now doing this, I think, as a livelihood. As such, you should focus on maximizing your business potential.


Me...I will gladly be a paid subscriber.


Just my 2 cents.


Appreciate the feedback!

Congrats Mike and I wish you nothing but the best you have showed us all here on ofc the love and passion you have for fishing and the great outdoors and I believe this magazine is going to be a huge success looking forward to the first issue going into print and subscribing to your magazine.


Cheers Mitch

Thanks Mitch! :)

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I know you dont hunt Mike, but would you be willing to have a good hunting story added? The fishing, well we all know you have that covered. I could send you a couple of good stories of hunts pass,that Im sure you could edit with proper grammer and all. LOL


Best of luck with this.




Edited by Brian B
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