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An open letter to Justin

Big Cliff

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I find it really helps with my tinnitus that I've had for 20 years, few tokes, crank up the tunes and the sound of crunching Doritos and it totally disappears :rofl2:

I too use it for the exact same thing..I have been making my own RSO (weed oil) and eating a small rice sized bit every night before bed..I have never slept so well , I have lost weight and gotten off blood pressure pills for the first time since I was 30.. im 41 now. I have zero lifestyle changes..The only thing that has changed is the consumption of the oil.. For anyone that doesnt consider this a medicine I beg of you to do some simple research, you wont find any main stream media proof online so you will need to dig a little..The people are telling the stories. Big Pharma and the Doctors dont want you to know what this stuff really does.. Here is a short list that this oil will help with



It shrinks tumor cells (causes them to commit suicide)

Kills leukemia in the blood in the matter of weeks! If caught early enough

totally cures skin cancer lesions in days

Treats asthma if vaporized in a medical grade vape (not the ones the kids are using to get high)

Personally lowered my blood pressure

treats tinnitus

works as a good pain killer

Treats arthritis

Treats diabetes ( I personally know 2 guys in their 50's that have freed themselves of insulin dependence to live..

Treats and cures (in some cases) glaucoma


The list is long and im asking anyone that doubts this info above to do a little research.. Someone posted a video link above of Rick Simpson He is Canadian from Nova Scotia and has personally cured over 5000 people of disease while not charging a red cent for it.. Didn't take long for big pharma and the RCMP to shut him down.. Look up his web site its a great start if you want to learn..



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I too use it for the exact same thing..I have been making my own RSO (weed oil) and eating a small rice sized bit every night before bed..I have never slept so well , I have lost weight and gotten off blood pressure pills for the first time since I was 30.. im 41 now. I have zero lifestyle changes..The only thing that has changed is the consumption of the oil.. For anyone that doesnt consider this a medicine I beg of you to do some simple research, you wont find any main stream media proof online so you will need to dig a little..The people are telling the stories. Big Pharma and the Doctors dont want you to know what this stuff really does.. Here is a short list that this oil will help with



It shrinks tumor cells (causes them to commit suicide)

Kills leukemia in the blood in the matter of weeks! If caught early enough

totally cures skin cancer lesions in days

Treats asthma if vaporized in a medical grade vape (not the ones the kids are using to get high)

Personally lowered my blood pressure

treats tinnitus

works as a good pain killer

Treats arthritis

Treats diabetes ( I personally know 2 guys in their 50's that have freed themselves of insulin dependence to live..

Treats and cures (in some cases) glaucoma


The list is long and im asking anyone that doubts this info above to do a little research.. Someone posted a video link above of Rick Simpson He is Canadian from Nova Scotia and has personally cured over 5000 people of disease while not charging a red cent for it.. Didn't take long for big pharma and the RCMP to shut him down.. Look up his web site its a great start if you want to learn..



ya don't say :)


Always comes down to the last thing to try. :worthy:


then there are the ones who 'THINK' they know better :)

Edited by GbayGiant
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here is the American governments parent on cannabis..I find it ironic that the government patents it for medicinal use ,then denies it has any medicinal value what so ever


Cannabinoids have been found to have antioxidant properties, unrelated to NMDA receptor antagonism. This new found property makes cannabinoids useful in the treatment and prophylaxis of wide variety of oxidation associated diseases, such as ischemic, age-related, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. The cannabinoids are found to have particular application as neuroprotectants, for example in limiting neurological damage following ischemic insults, such as stroke and trauma, or in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and HIV dementia. Nonpsychoactive cannabinoids, such as cannabidoil, are particularly advantageous to use because they avoid toxicity that is encountered with psychoactive cannabinoids at high doses useful in the method of the present invention. A particular disclosed class of cannabinoids useful as neuroprotective antioxidants is formula (I) wherein the R group is independently selected from the group consisting of H, CH3, and COCH3

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I have no issues making it a drug and making it available to those prescribed it. I do have an issue making it a recreational drug. Why go down the path that alcohol has become ?Alcohol is a burden on the health care system and it can affect other people who do not drink think drunk driving alcohol fueled rage and other socially unacceptable actions. I do have concerns that in court it is hard to prove impaired and levels of impaired for people who have used cannabis. I also think that it should be processed into a pill and get rid of all of the gourmet type of atmosphere that it has become. It is now just as much fun as choosing cigars or a fine wine which is not a pharmaceutical atmosphere. Yes I also feel alcohol is a mistake and should be taxed 500% to make it less attractive since it will never be outlawed.



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I have no issues making it a drug and making it available to those prescribed it. I do have an issue making it a recreational drug. Why go down the path that alcohol has become ?Alcohol is a burden on the health care system and it can affect other people who do not drink think drunk driving alcohol fueled rage and other socially unacceptable actions. I do have concerns that in court it is hard to prove impaired and levels of impaired for people who have used cannabis. I also think that it should be processed into a pill and get rid of all of the gourmet type of atmosphere that it has become. It is now just as much fun as choosing cigars or a fine wine which is not a pharmaceutical atmosphere. Yes I also feel alcohol is a mistake and should be taxed 500% to make it less attractive since it will never be outlawed.



comparing Alcohol to Pot is sadly hilarious. :) but done none the less.


How many families has Pot destroyed?

How many people have died from Pot?

If these two questions can be answered with knowledge, that would be a great start!.




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comparing Alcohol to Pot is sadly hilarious. :) but done none the less.


How many families has Pot destroyed?

How many people have died from Pot?

If these two questions can be answered with knowledge, that would be a great start!.




I can answer that..

None and None.. The older generation will always have a tough time shaking the stigma that comes with cannabis. The alcohol comparison always gets me too.. Then there is the gate way drug one too that makes me wonder what people are thinking..I dont personally know anyone that smoked weed then decided to go do a hit of coke..kinda the opposite effect

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The gateway argument was a simple manipulation of a common question.


Same question, asked two different ways:


1) ask 1,000 heroin / crack / meth users if they started smoking pot first, and you will no doubt get a very high percentage say yes.

2) ask 1,000 pot smokers if they have since started consuming heroin / crack / meth and you will no doubt get a very high percentage say no.


Guess how the question will be asked, when manipulating information regarding use of marijuana as a "gateway" drug?

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What's all this about the older generation not accepting pot ? I'm 65, we had lots of it in the late 60's/70's, anyone one remember hippies and such, I'd honestly say it was more prevalent then than now, just had to smoke more of it , stuff today is like 10 times more potent.

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The gateway argument was a simple manipulation of a common question.


Same question, asked two different ways:


1) ask 1,000 heroin / crack / meth users if they started smoking pot first, and you will no doubt get a very high percentage say yes.

2) ask 1,000 pot smokers if they have since started consuming heroin / crack / meth and you will no doubt get a very high percentage say no.


Guess how the question will be asked, when manipulating information regarding use of marijuana as a "gateway" drug?

Beat me to it.


Logically thinking?

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The guy who lives next to me has depression and anger issues. He smokes a lot of pot that can't help with his depression but maybe with the anger?? . Almost 40 with no job and way . I just don't think it is a net benefit for everyone.. I Do wish I had access to medicine made from it without the high..

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The guy who lives next to me has depression and anger issues. He smokes a lot of pot that can't help with his depression but maybe with the anger?? . Almost 40 with no job and way . I just don't think it is a net benefit for everyone.. I Do wish I had access to medicine made from it without the high..

Your neighbour is a loser. He would still be a loser without pot. It would be booze or coke or meth instead if it wasn't pot.


At any rate, some people can't handle a car, but that doesn't mean we should all have our cars taken way.

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The comparison to pot and alcohol I am making is it cost the health care system and the legal liability is not defined. The drunk driver or a stoned driver are both impaired. The diminished capacity of the brain on drugs no matter what form either alcohol or pot has repercussions both to ones self and other innocent people around you. I have been around both people who are stoned and people who are drunk and there is no way you can say they are at 100% of there game while enjoying either one. I think pot as a medication is viable thing but to add another way to incapacitate ones self is socially self destructive. Now on a scale of 1-10 this is a 3 in things that are bad for society texting and driving is a 6.




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comparing Alcohol to Pot is sadly hilarious. :) but done none the less.


How many families has Pot destroyed?

How many people have died from Pot?

If these two questions can be answered with knowledge, that would be a great start!.




Quite a few families are ruined by spending food money on drugs. Children neglected because mom and dad are wasted. The elevation from pot to other drugs on some people wanting to forget their wasted life.


Deaths from smoking pot impaired people have accidents just because it does not say due to pot does not mean it didn't contribute to life costing mistakes.


Thinking that nothing bad happens to pot smokers is to hide from the negative side of something you want approved. Look at the issue with your eyes open weigh the bad with the good then make the decision to make pot a recreational drug. I personally do not have a dog in this hunt pot smoking nor alcohol have any room in my life both make me uncontrollable with any volume and I accept that .



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I know that pot has ruined a few lives, I know a family that have borrowed money from and stolen from almost every member of the family so they could buy their $300.00 or $400.00 a month in pot. I have seen them borrow money from friends, hock family jewlery for peanuts and never get it back, go to the food bank get what they can and sell it, send their kids to school without proper shoes or food...... all so they could buy their bag of pot.


Now, that being said; this same family would probably be spending it on booze (and they do some of that too) or cigaretts which they also do if it wasn't for the pot so it is unfair to claim that pot is to blame. They have just chosen a life style that they will live regardless of who else suffers.


I know another young man, never did drink, just doesn't like the stuff, use to fish and hunt all the time, loved being out doors and always worked hard; today you can't get him off the couch, he doesn't get excited about anything unless he is down to his last bud or vial of oil and even then it is like he is in a fog. You can tell me it doesn't ruin lives but I have seen it with my own eyes but to be honest with you I have seen a lot more lives ruined from booze than from pot!


I have smoked pot; YES, YES, it's true :o but I didn't inhale (well maybe a bit once in a while :angel: ). It was fun at the time but that was a long time ago before this stuff got so potent, heck we could smoke a joint and giggle and all was good.


A few years ago I took a couple of drags on a joint (I was in a drunken stupor at the time :whistling: , well at least that's my excuse) I was so wasted It scared the heck out of me and I haven't touched it since.


I do believe there is a place for it, I am told that it really helps with the nausia from chemo treatments and several people I know that suffer chronic pain say that without it their lives would be hell. As a recreational thing, well I think tobacco already does enough damage but I don't know if pot is any better or worse.


I do know that if it was legal a lot of people would grow their own, heck a half dozen good plants would probably produce enough to supply the average person for a year or two. Think of all the money the drug pushers would loose, heck they might even have to go get real jobs! But lets work a few numbers; 6 really good plants would probably yield 6 lbs of pot. 6 lbs of good pot = about $3000.00/lb = $18,000.00.


Well that would put all that extra money in famlies pockets and take it out of the drug dealers pockets. It would also save our police forces and courts huge amounts of money in trying to catch and prosecute people for having small amounts of pot and think of all the lawyers that would have their incomes reduced from being able to prosecute or defend pot users. OMG I think I am agreeing with Justin, they should leaglize it right now :thumbsup_anim:

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I think the government is happy to keep us arguing the relative harms of weed versus alcohol or tobacco, precisely because it misses the real issue.


The real issue is one of liberty.


If someone else can tell me I can't have weed because it's bad for me, then I can tell them that they can't have cheeseburgers for the same reason. Or they can't drive a car because emissions are bad for us (or any number of other examples). And we'd both be in the wrong. We live in a free society. I don't make your lifestyle choices for you, and you don't make mine for me.


Further, while we elect government to govern, I don't concede to them the right to make this choice for me either. The choice is inherently mine, and mine alone.

Edited by Dutch01
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I think the government is happy to keep us arguing the relative harms of weed versus alcohol or tobacco, precisely because it misses the real issue.


The real issue is one of liberty.


If someone else can tell me I can't have weed because it's bad for me, then I can tell them that they can't have cheeseburgers for the same reason. Or they can't drive a car because emissions are bad for us (or any number of other examples). And we'd both be in the wrong. We live in a free society. I don't make your lifestyle choices for you, and you don't make mine for me.


Further, while we elect government to govern, I don't concede to them the right to make this choice for me either. The choice is inherently mine, and mine alone.

I think the world of you and I love most of your posts but I think you need to take a closer look: Our "government" already dictates so many aspects of our lives and taxes and many more.


When you really look at it they already dictate so much of what we can or can't do! Seat belts, life jackets, safety kits in boats, motorcycle helmets, they tax the heck out of tobacco (but they also tax the heck out of stop smoking aids).


Such a contridiction, tax a woman's sanatiry supplies, tax food, it's almost to the point where they tax the water we drink and the air we breath, You need a licens to fish hunt, hunt certain species, own a gun, buy a property, sell a property get married, die.....


Our democracy is sounding more and more like a dictatorship every day!

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I think the world of you and I love most of your posts but I think you need to take a closer look: Our "government" already dictates so many aspects of our lives and taxes and many more.


When you really look at it they already dictate so much of what we can or can't do! Seat belts, life jackets, safety kits in boats, motorcycle helmets, they tax the heck out of tobacco (but they also tax the heck out of stop smoking aids).


Such a contridiction, tax a woman's sanatiry supplies, tax food, it's almost to the point where they tax the water we drink and the air we breath, You need a licens to fish hunt, hunt certain species, own a gun, buy a property, sell a property get married, die.....


Our democracy is sounding more and more like a dictatorship every day!

You are in a dictatorship, as we all our.


Its just fleeced much better then in the past

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I think the world of you and I love most of your posts but I think you need to take a closer look: Our "government" already dictates so many aspects of our lives and taxes and many more.


When you really look at it they already dictate so much of what we can or can't do! Seat belts, life jackets, safety kits in boats, motorcycle helmets, they tax the heck out of tobacco (but they also tax the heck out of stop smoking aids).


Such a contridiction, tax a woman's sanatiry supplies, tax food, it's almost to the point where they tax the water we drink and the air we breath, You need a licens to fish hunt, hunt certain species, own a gun, buy a property, sell a property get married, die.....


Our democracy is sounding more and more like a dictatorship every day!


I recognize that we live in a social(ist) democracy. I grumble about high taxes (like everyone else), but I am generally happy that I live in a safe, kind and generous country (many caveats to that statement but that's not the rabbit hole I'm headed down here). Yes, the government creates laws, but they have limits. First, we have a Charter of Rights and Freedoms that limits the laws government can pass. We also have a Supreme Court to rule on the constitutionality of laws passed by parliament. So the notion that a law is just because it's a law is a logical fallacy.


For example, you can do something legal that is immoral - ie. Bank CEO's getting bonuses after creating a global financial crash that hurt us all - and escape legal punishment. But you're still wrong. You can do the right thing, but still be breaking the law. I'm stretching for an example because I am pressed for time (BBQ is almost heated up!). I believe it was Peru that passed a law recently that said abortion is illegal under all circumstances, even a pregnancy that was caused by rape or threatens the mother's life. In this case, a women who chose to have an abortion rather than die is breaking the law, but in my opinion doing the right thing (who am I to judge her choice anyways?). At one time it was actually illegal to sleep with another man. Now that idea is anathema to current public opinion.


The point I am making is that there are issues where the government has no business telling me what to do, and I believe personal use of marijuana is one of those areas. I refuse to be told what I can and can't do on this issue. If that means I have to go to jail, you can be sure I will be appealing to the SOC en route to the slammer!


This is silly but what the heck:


When the cops came for the stoners,

I remained silent;

I was not a stoner.


When they locked up the drinkers and smokers,

I remained silent;

I was not a drinker or a smoker.


When they came for the meat eaters,

I did not speak out;

I was not a meat eater.


When they came for the hunters,

I remained silent;

I wasn't a a hunter.


When they came for me,

there was no one left to speak out.






We all have to speak out for each other. If one Canadian is not free, none of us are.

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"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."


Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


None are more free than those who are willing to fight for their rights. For even if you lose the fight, you went down swinging!


Dutch01, 2015

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