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An open letter to Justin

Big Cliff

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Derivatives are legal for med patients right now as of a few months back.

There was a 7 to 0 supreme court judgement for the sick! Which granted them that right.

It's not about getting high in this regard. Although most would like to think so. Specially the ones who do not know better and have never had to deal with an illness as such.

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How about this scenario...


"if" you had to make this choice? :)




would you rather have your daughter be in a room full of drunk guys.(it's legal after all) .while drunk herself?




with a bunch of reefer mad people ?


Which one do you feel would likely have the better outcome?


Should have some interesting opinions here!

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How about this scenario...


"if" you had to make this choice? :)




would you rather have your daughter be in a room full of drunk guys.(it's legal after all) .while drunk herself?




with a bunch of reefer mad people ?


Which one do you feel would likely have the better outcome?


Should have some interesting opinions here!


Neither. I'd hope I raise her better to never have to make that choice....



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So none of them hang out with anyone that drinks or smokes pot? Amazing, must be a great Baptist town.


Pretty sure it was a hypothetical question, since I asked the same one about 4 pages back and I'd sure rather IF the situation happened that my daughter was stuck in a house with some pot smokers than a bunch of guys drinking whiskey. Reminds me, I have a brother in law to go pay a visit to and show him what a beating really feels like.

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That clip was funny, laughed my ass off. Reefer madness is alive and well with some of the members on this site. Let me ask this to them. How do you feel about your gov't lying to you about this matter for the last 50 or 60 yrs

Wouldn't it be easier to ask what they haven't lied to us about in the last 50 or 60 years?

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So none of them hang out with anyone that drinks or smokes pot? Amazing, must be a great Baptist town.


Pretty sure it was a hypothetical question, since I asked the same one about 4 pages back and I'd sure rather IF the situation happened that my daughter was stuck in a house with some pot smokers than a bunch of guys drinking whiskey. Reminds me, I have a brother in law to go pay a visit to and show him what a beating really feels like.

Need a wingman?

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First link comes up with a Facebook symbol and linky no worky.

As for the second one, I'm not too reassured. I'm sure he can hold back enough to not hit the bong on parliament hill, but people don't "try" pot in their late 30's. They either do it regularly, or are casual recreational (ie: weekend) users at that age. Not what I had hoped for in a PM.

Im 36, just started a few months back

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Me neither. keep those scary people away.

Spooky people lol


Around these parts its almost hard to find anyone that doesnt smoke weed.


I know one meth head, about 20 alcoholics, about 100 people hooked on opiates illegally, and probably 100 more legally.


Guess which ones are functioning adults contributing to society and the work force?


Its funny how many people think pot smokers just sit around and get high all day


Actually im not even sure I know anyone that smokes that much weed


For my mom(rheumatoid arthritis sufferer) a gram lasts her well over a week.


A gram last me easily two weeks, if I smoke. Im just occasional. In fact ive actually had it mould before I smoked it all lol.

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And that doesn't bother you at all? I find it a little disconcerting that you're OK with that. But then think that a proper dose of good old fashioned elbow grease is going to get someone into the top tiers of society.


And as for hiding money, when people are living pay-cheque to pay-cheque, there isn't a whole lot of wealth to hide anywhere, now is there? When you have to hide your money out in the open just to make sure you can retire some day, there isn't really millions of dollars left to send to that Caymans. But of course, it's only fair that those people should be able to take advantage of loopholes while everyone below them plays by the rules.

I went from a gas pump jockey at the age of 14 to owning a plumbing company with lots of assets to draw on as I age. My first investment was stocks from my job pumping gas it was not wasted on pleasures. I have not sent a dime offshore which is legal but my retirement is secure. Sorry but with sacrifice comes reward with hard work comes reward. Ask the people who have made a million and lost a million and still managed to do it again. Not everyone will become rich but trying and sacrifices will always improve your quality of living. People who are check to check did not start out that way they had to spend more than they make. For some this was not their choice due to medical or other unplanned issue. Some abuse credit and remember the difference between being in debt and not is timing. If you do not have it do not spend it. If you spend it when you have it then you have no debt. I will be the first to lend a hand to the unfortunate however if you are not trying to better yourself then you will not get my help.



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I hear yah Art, been to hell and back a few times since getting married at 20 with $13.64 in my bank account and there's definitely no old money in my family. The last 5+ years of chasing Jen have almost taken me back to that $ plateau, and getting screwed for a quarter in the boat deal didn't help at all, but as you say never say never and you just claw your way back above board anyway you can muster. Smoking a few joints along the way didn't hinder the outcome and certainly didn't cost me anywhere near what the pharma equivalent would have! :canadian:

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I went from a gas pump jockey at the age of 14 to owning a plumbing company with lots of assets to draw on as I age. My first investment was stocks from my job pumping gas it was not wasted on pleasures. I have not sent a dime offshore which is legal but my retirement is secure. Sorry but with sacrifice comes reward with hard work comes reward. Ask the people who have made a million and lost a million and still managed to do it again. Not everyone will become rich but trying and sacrifices will always improve your quality of living. People who are check to check did not start out that way they had to spend more than they make. For some this was not their choice due to medical or other unplanned issue. Some abuse credit and remember the difference between being in debt and not is timing. If you do not have it do not spend it. If you spend it when you have it then you have no debt. I will be the first to lend a hand to the unfortunate however if you are not trying to better yourself then you will not get my help.



Art, that is a really good post!


My pops always told me, if you cant afford it in one cheque, well you cannot afford it. And pay cash, no debit.


But even then, unless your some sort of genious inventor, super math or technological savant, your never reaching the 1% unless your connected.


It might happen once in a blue moon, buts it is definitely not reality.


We are well off through hard work, education and planning, but in the real world we would never reach that "status"


Anyhow I really dont care either, as long as we are comfy and showing a good example /guidance to our children, im cool with that?

Edited by manitoubass2
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Me neither. keep those scary people away.

I actually have nothing against people smoking pot. Your free to ruin yourself however you like, drugs, alcohol, fill your boots. I choose neither, and somehow still manage to have a good time. I have had plenty of experience with those hooked on the harder drugs, and potheads aren't much harm in comparison. My neighbours are potheads, from the parents who keep the lights on, to the 40 year old loser son who lives in their basement and smokes his brains out. I hardly ever hear from them, and I seldom know they are around other than when I smell the smoke from their backyard. The guys I went to school with who got into the dope are still living in basement apartments and installing stereos. The guys who treated it as an occasional weekend pleasure have managed to do okay for themselves for the most part. Maybe they still do it, I don't ask. None of my closer friends are involved with drugs. None of them are booze hounds either, other than a social drink or 2. But we choose our friends. Look at the bright side, you chose the prime minister, and I'm pretty sure he smokes! Hopefully he'll be relatively harmless as well.

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I actually have nothing against people smoking pot.



Your free to ruin yourself however you like, drugs, alcohol, fill your boots. I have had plenty of experience with those hooked on the harder drugs, and potheads aren't much harm in comparison. My neighbours are potheads, from the parents who keep the lights on, to the 40 year old loser son who lives in their basement and smokes his brains out. The guys I went to school with who got into the dope are still living in basement apartments and installing stereos.

None of my closer friends are involved with drugs.

None of them are booze hounds either, other than a social drink or 2. the prime minister, I'm pretty sure he smokes! Hopefully he'll be relatively harmless as well.

are you sure ?

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Well, sure now you have me. I've taken the occasional Tylenol. You've rocked my position to the core. I've also never had to sit on my couch staring at a wall and shovel Doritos into my mouth one after another from having a couple Tylenol. Last time I smoked a joint I was maybe 16, and I'm pretty sure that was pretty much what happened. No thanks. Now if I ever have a medical condition that so severely effects me that I need relief, then screw it I'll be toking with the rest of you. Until that day... I'll pass.

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Can't say I ever sat on the couch stuffing Doritos in my mouth either... oh, but there was this one time at band camp! :whistling:


Everyone's human and entitled to their own opinions. Having friends that are still alive because they shrunk "non-operable" tumours by ingesting oil, and a daughter that fought to the end not doing so and me always thinking "what if she had" will haunt me for the rest of my life.


One indication of the medical swing would have been Leah asking Jen's Oncologist about a script for pot and him saying to Leah " be a good Mom, don't buy that crap from Health Canada and go out on Yonge St and buy her some good stuff".

Edited by irishfield
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