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Another Massacre in the US

Old Ironmaker

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I'm watching CNN and they are reporting a shooting at an Oregon Community College, 13 reported dead and 20 injured. Shooter reported dead. Not again......I pray for these souls This makes me sick to my stomach. The gun debate will continue.

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The US networks haven't interrupted programing for this. Is it that commonplace today? I am sick. Hold those kids extra tight tonight all. All speculation right now as to how the shooter was killed, so I won't say anything that CNN is speculating on. It is reported definitely that some students searched during the evacuation had handguns on them which is perfectly legal in Oregon. My kid would be carrying one if we lived down there that for sure.

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Don't know if it is confirmed or not but apparently the gunman was asking people their religon prior to shooting them. I am not sure what that really means and won't speculate but if it is true it might explain a motive.

I wonder how that would go after the first shots are fired! I was reading the online posts that were copied, some dark stuff people posted on there, so there's a couple more out there like him that were giving him advice...hopefully they can trace IP addresses

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He posted a warning to students in Oregon not to attend school today as well as a basic warning he was going to do something epic. So there was a warning. Are the feds down there and here too busy to not take domestic terrorism seriously? Apparently this is something that goes on with social media regularly. I don't envy the task that law enforcement has here or down south. The really sad reality was several people on line encouraged the shooter to do something. I just don't know where our societies world wide are going. From the nuclear threats from 3rd world countries with insane dictators with the ability to start a world war where no one can survive to the middle east disasters and the real threat of domestic terrorism. When I was a kid we had nuclear war drills, the Viet Nam war, Olympic terrorism in Munich but I never had to worry about going to school. I'm afraid some kid here will copy cat the more it happens down in the states, it happened in Alberta soon after the Columbine shootings.


Is it time to have armed soldiers everywhere in North America? It has been that way in Europe for years now. I remember how unsettling it was to see Police with machine guns in the airports and on public streets the first time I went overseas in the early 70's. It looks like it's time here. I am willing to give up "more" civil liberties if it will save a single childs life.

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Brutal, 20 year old kid wonder what went on in his mind for this to happen


These people fascinate me....I'd love to get inside their head to see whats going on in there?? I'd also like to retrace their steps to see what happened in there life to set them off?

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These people fascinate me....I'd love to get inside their head to see whats going on in there?? I'd also like to retrace their steps to see what happened in there life to set them off?

Know exactly how you feel, like what stuck with them they couldn't let roll off their back to get to this

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How have we failed the Bubble wrap generation.? Human DNA hasn't changed in 1 or 2 generations, or has it? How dismayed and desperate can a child feel to do this and do it regularly as compared to 20 years ago? Is their future so bleak that the only way to see themselves out is murder and suicide by cop? I know many young kids and they seem to be just fine. They are smarter, more informed, better educated than my generation yet most are very immature for their age compared to us Baby Boomers. Or is it just me? I knew exactly zero kids that were in therapy in their teens in the 70's and 80's. It seems to be common place today for kids to have seen a therapist at least once and I'm speaking from experience with nieces and nephews, God Children of which I have 6 and kids of friends. I don't think that's a bad thing and I know times have changed we seemed to be able to roll with the punches then. I just wish there was an answer, any answer. I saw an abrupt change in teaching and parenting 35 years ago, every kid got a " participation trophy", hell I watched kids soccer games 30 years ago where they didn't keep score because it wasn't about winning or loosing. I said then you have to be crazy. We weren't preparing them for real life, it's all about winning or loosing, one reason I stopped coaching Football. This thing has me deeply concerned. What can I do as Joe Citizen? What can any of us do? I was a Big Brother, coached minor and HS Football, but at 61 I don't know how I can make a difference today. We have many smart people here, what can we do collectively? How about an OFC scholarship program, or a OFC summer camp or mentoring program? I can't just sit here and watch CNN.

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How have we failed the Bubble wrap generation.? Human DNA hasn't changed in 1 or 2 generations, or has it? How dismayed and desperate can a child feel to do this and do it regularly as compared to 20 years ago? Is their future so bleak that the only way to see themselves out is murder and suicide by cop? I know many young kids and they seem to be just fine. They are smarter, more informed, better educated than my generation yet most are very immature for their age compared to us Baby Boomers. Or is it just me? I knew exactly zero kids that were in therapy in their teens in the 70's and 80's. It seems to be common place today for kids to have seen a therapist at least once and I'm speaking from experience with nieces and nephews, God Children of which I have 6 and kids of friends. I don't think that's a bad thing and I know times have changed we seemed to be able to roll with the punches then. I just wish there was an answer, any answer. I saw an abrupt change in teaching and parenting 35 years ago, every kid got a " participation trophy", hell I watched kids soccer games 30 years ago where they didn't keep score because it wasn't about winning or loosing. I said then you have to be crazy. We weren't preparing them for real life, it's all about winning or loosing, one reason I stopped coaching Football. This thing has me deeply concerned. What can I do as Joe Citizen? What can any of us do? I was a Big Brother, coached minor and HS Football, but at 61 I don't know how I can make a difference today. We have many smart people here, what can we do collectively? How about an OFC scholarship program, or a OFC summer camp or mentoring program? I can't just sit here and watch CNN.


Two things:


1) Parents really mess kids up. You know why they keep score at that soccer game? Because Johnny's dad thinks he'll be a superstar and wants everyone toknow it.

2) The availability of the internet has brought good things, but also a lot of horrible things like cyber bullying and instant access to horrifically graphic content.


Combine those two things, and you end up with kids who have no direction or discipline, who have been exposed to so much violence they have become desensitized.


Seriously, have you all watched some of the parenting that goes on these days? As a dude with two young kids, I see it all the time (thankfully not in my house and not amongst any friends, but just take a look around).

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Two things:


1) Parents really mess kids up. You know why they keep score at that soccer game? Because Johnny's dad thinks he'll be a superstar and wants everyone toknow it.

2) The availability of the internet has brought good things, but also a lot of horrible things like cyber bullying and instant access to horrifically graphic content.


Combine those two things, and you end up with kids who have no direction or discipline, who have been exposed to so much violence they have become desensitized.


Seriously, have you all watched some of the parenting that goes on these days? As a dude with two young kids, I see it all the time (thankfully not in my house and not amongst any friends, but just take a look around).

...oh hit the nail right on the head,society's failed miserably lately
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