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New and improved gun registry? NO!


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I just sold and gave away all my guns. I will never bash an honest gun owner ,weather for hunting or sport shooting. It,s our right. Follow the rules and law is more then I think we all need to do, We dont need to be govermented on this.


Yet as I type this, a house in Barrie was found with multy amount of restricketed guns and ammo, along with drugs .


This is what honest gun owners have to deal with. It,s a bigger picture then some think. The low lifes make the honest look the same. Those that hate guns see all this and say no more guns.


This is the battle that we, as a honest abiding group, have to deal with.

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Here is my opinion only and I respect that you may not agree with me but please see that all I want to do is reduce gun crime.


Ban hand guns and the sale and manufacturing of ammo for these guns all together. These things are were the majority of gun crimes are committed with so get ride of them all together unless you are law enforcement. If you can't get bullets then you can't fire a gun


For long guns, Register them and only allow the sale of the ammo for them that is for your gun. So no buying ammo that isn't the same caliber as the gun you have registered.


10 year prison term for firing a gun that is not registered to you or using a banned hand gun. ) 25 years if you use a gun in any violent crime wether it was fired or not.


I know it is a pain in the behind for all the regular, sane minded people that use guns for hunting. However this is really the only way I think you can prevent and eliminate most gun related crime.


As for the vote. I dislike politics as its all about greasing your friends who gave your party money. Political parties are the biggest crooks in this country. We need politicians with some ----- that do not have a hiding agenda and a whole bunch of paybacks to there money supporters. We need someone to run this country that will do whats best for Canada in the long run. The way it is now is all about how to get elected 4 years from now and not what is best in the countries interest 20, 50, 100 years from now.




I can't believe I just read that on a forum of fishing and often hunting folk.

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YES the Libs spent 2 Billion dollars and in the end the program was scrapped by the Cons who really wasted the money LOL... No question, though it was problematic and didn't work programs that are all stick and no carrot seldom do.


Now, If some of the money spent wastefully, went to people who fed their kids, put gas in their in the car at the local station, bought groceries, grabbed a hamburger at a restaurant I was cooking at and eventually paid their taxes is that really more or less wasteful than any other government spending?


If however it went into a corporate bank account in the Caymans then that somebody should be shot by each and every gun that was registered twice LOL


I personally have 2 family members who were PROUD of the fact that they had them "crats" going around in circles trying to register up their guns.... They mislead, misfiled and generally did everything they could do to make the process more difficult that it needed to be. Then they would have a wobbly pop or 6 and moan and complain about the high cost, of the program,..... You can't make this stuff up.... and NO we don't talk anymore.


The only 2 problems I had with the gun registry were very simple. Other than I never heard of a criminal sitting down to register a gun before they headed out on a crime spree. I did see the logic in enabling police to know if possible if there were guns in a home during a crisis too, though.


1) My first problem when I heard it about the NEW registry was.... When I bought my guns I had an FAC and I filled out the forms at the store to buy them. WHAT did I do that for if that paper NEVER went anywhere, the kid at Canadian Tire that watched me fill out the forms seemed so on the ball at the time?

2) If they wanted the guns registered that is great but stop with the stick and give out some carrot.... They should have PAID for it by giving the person they wanted to "voluntarily" register the guns, a same as CASH 20.00 tax credit for each gun and have the info sent in with their taxes.... Better compliance would have resulted and the CRA already had a friggin computer network that could HOLD the data and it is semi secure sorta LOL.


The only penalty if you didn't register and for whatever reason got caught with guns and or not properly stored guns but committed no other "offense" tack an extra 500.00 for each gun onto their taxes. CRA gets their money from honest folks so it would work. Also of course confiscate them and after 2 yrs let them buy them some other persons guns at auction if they want. Don't turn them into a "criminal" save the jail space and court time, hit them where it hurts honest people the most in the pocket book...


However, if you got caught with an illegal handgun or unregistered or stolen registered gun in the commission of a crime. Oops your bad and the next 10 yrs of your life are going to involve some very tense shower times, no time off, no early parole you did the crime you DO the time.

Spoken like a true Liberal

Edited by Mister G
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Here is my opinion only and I respect that you may not agree with me but please see that all I want to do is reduce gun crime.


Ban hand guns and the sale and manufacturing of ammo for these guns all together. These things are were the majority of gun crimes are committed with so get ride of them all together unless you are law enforcement. If you can't get bullets then you can't fire a gun


For long guns, Register them and only allow the sale of the ammo for them that is for your gun. So no buying ammo that isn't the same caliber as the gun you have registered.


10 year prison term for firing a gun that is not registered to you or using a banned hand gun. ) 25 years if you use a gun in any violent crime wether it was fired or not.


I know it is a pain in the behind for all the regular, sane minded people that use guns for hunting. However this is really the only way I think you can prevent and eliminate most gun related crime.


As for the vote. I dislike politics as its all about greasing your friends who gave your party money. Political parties are the biggest crooks in this country. We need politicians with some ----- that do not have a hiding agenda and a whole bunch of paybacks to there money supporters. We need someone to run this country that will do whats best for Canada in the long run. The way it is now is all about how to get elected 4 years from now and not what is best in the countries interest 20, 50, 100 years from now.



Another one spoken like a true Liberal....this is dangerous thinking.

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Another one spoken like a true Liberal....this is dangerous thinking.


Actually it is closer to NDP policy which they have conveniently taken offline recently, yeah right :wallbash: , don't believe party policy we don't mean it , just listen to the propaganda we spread at election time to get votes




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Just ban guns in the GTA...check them in at a station as you enter the city and check them out as you leave to go hunting.

No other reason for anybody to own a gun


Actually, it should be illegal for anybody in the GTA to ever be allowed to hunt...they have lots of grocery stores so there is no need.




Please understand...I don't mean a word of this...sorta :whistling:

Better yet, arm all citizens so the criminals don't have their way with us.

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Better yet, arm all citizens so the criminals don't have their way with us.

I know im the minority here but id much rather see this then gun registry (or hopefully never gun confiscation).


Now we do live in a good country but many people forget that the right to bear arms is also to protect citizens from a tyrannical government.

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An FAC, or PAL as it became, was your registration to allow you to buy or have a gun.

It cost you money and you have to fill in lots of forms to get one.


There is a record of you getting it.


I ask you, why would anybody go through all that to NOT get a gun


Stands to reason anybody with a PAL HAS a gun.


What good would it do the police to know the serial number before they come to arrest you


The criminal still won't have a PAL


Its only the so called Liberal govt that has to know every thing about you and run your life


Fear a government that fears your guns



Edited by Dara
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Better yet, arm all citizens so the criminals don't have their way with us.

There are several States where carrying a gun is quite common, I think FL is one of them. I would be interested in knowing how they stack up against Ontario as far a violent crimes are concerned.


To me it makes sense that if only the criminals have guns then they have little to fear except the police who I believe are often out numbered and in many cases out guned. If everyone carried a gun most criminals would think twice about walking into a bank or store and pulling a gun (well any of the smart ones would)..


Our government already DICTATES so much of our lives and then turn around and tell us that this is a democracy. I believe that what we have is just a dictatorship with many heads. Vote for whoever you want, they give themselves lavish pensions, raises, fill their friends pockets, lie, steal from us and spend our money to make themselves look good. Then they give us back a pittance of what they have already taken from us and try to make us believe they are doing something good for us!

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There are several States where carrying a gun is quite common, I think FL is one of them. I would be interested in knowing how they stack up against Ontario as far a violent crimes are concerned.


To me it makes sense that if only the criminals have guns then they have little to fear except the police who I believe are often out numbered and in many cases out guned. If everyone carried a gun most criminals would think twice about walking into a bank or store and pulling a gun (well any of the smart ones would)..


Our government already DICTATES so much of our lives and then turn around and tell us that this is a democracy. I believe that what we have is just a dictatorship with many heads. Vote for whoever you want, they give themselves lavish pensions, raises, fill their friends pockets, lie, steal from us and spend our money to make themselves look good. Then they give us back a pittance of what they have already taken from us and try to make us believe they are doing something good for us!


FL is one state that allows carry as well as Texas, Alaska and others.

There are a lot of violent acts all across the US. Alaska has more murders than Ontario does in a year with less than 700,000 people.

Having said that, the most violent place in the US is Chicago and they don't allow carry (open or concealed).

To me it seems that the problem exists with the US' way of dealing with background checks. The reason I believe you see much less gun violence in Canada is because of our laws regarding training and the PAL.

I would think if the US would introduce mandatory training and an acquisition type license there would be far fewer issues.


As it is you go into a gun shop and fill out the paperwork and a week later you come and pick up your gun.

Minor BG check and no firearms training needed.

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But let's look at the other day when a murderer was on the loose near Ottawa. People where told to stay in there house. Maybe a good time to dust off what you have to protect your family.




I could see everyone sitting by the front door pointing their gun at it, waiting for the door to come breaking down and kaboom. Sentence served.

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I could see everyone sitting by the front door pointing their gun at it, waiting for the door to come breaking down and kaboom. Sentence served.

Or some parinoid trigger happy nut killing their own son or daughter.


When our goverment takes away all our guns, they have nothing left to fear!

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