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Good on you Jean


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At the end of the second world war Canada had the 4th largest Navy and the 5th largest Airforce in the world, we are a nation of peace makers and that includes using force, when appropriate Not a nation of pacificists that the left has tried to spoonfeed to the younger generations so often most think it is true. Mulcair saying he would bring home the troops in the fight with ISIS is not something " MY Canada " would ever do.

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Here's the full letter:






"Today, with great sadness and shame, I am watching Mr. Harper’s cold-hearted reaction to the tragedy of refugees from Syria and Iraq. German Chancellor Angela Merkel has stepped up to the plate, and the world looks upon the generosity of her country with admiration. The same goes for Norway, Sweden and Finland, which have welcomed refugees and do not erect roadblocks to taking them in. Instead they get rid of roadblocks. But not Mr. Harper. He has shamed Canada in the eyes of Canadians and of the international community.

In my travels around the globe, I am regularly asked: What has happened to Canada? What has happened to the advanced, peace-seeking, progressive country Canada once was? What has happened to the country that was a model for peace and stability in a tumultuous world? These questions evoke great sadness in me.

I am sad to see that in fewer than 10 years, the Harper government has tarnished almost 60 years of Canada’s reputation as a builder of peace and progress. During all these years, government leaders, whether Liberal or Progressive Conservative, have sought to understand, engage and influence their international peers, including those with whom they disagreed. They did not try to embarrass or give other countries lessons in good behaviour. Rather, they patiently sought to convince others of the universal values that make our global community a better and safer place to live.

Of course, peaceful dialogue does not always work. War is sometimes unavoidable. But solutions should come from the world community working together – not from a handful of countries acting outside international institutions to which they belong."

Dave---note the last para.

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truth be told we send troops, weapons supplies and training to these people to defend protect and stand up for there own countrys, to run away and turn a blind eye to these aggresions is nothing more than a act of cowardice, true freedom is won by fighting if needed diplomacy when possible.

jean and the rest of the liberals are a bunch of pantloads

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Imo, IS will be very near impossible to defeat because it's not modelled on traditional armies/warfare (iow, rats and roaches will never be eradicated). there's also no snakehead to lop off. That they can blend in is a guarantee but still no reason to abandon refugees from Syria. Indeed, most Syrian refugees aren't the result of IS but the long and nasty civil war brought on by Assad. IS jumped into the fray when the West failed to support the FSA. but it's more complicated than that unfortunately...


We need a new paradigm to fight groups like IS and Al Qaeda (who now look tame by comparison).

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I was listening to a radio talk show last week about the refugee crisis and those complaining that Canada isn't doing her fair share.


The host said Canada has one half of one percent of the worlds population yet we accept 10% of the worlds refugees.


No idea if those numbers are correct but if they are I'd say we're most certainly doing our fair share.

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Harper is not abandoning Syrian refugees. He wants to be sure we have done our due diligence before allowing terrorists refuge along with those that are legitimate. That I applaud.


In order to defeat a faceless 21st Century enemy we need to do it covertly. Tanks rolling across deserts and Drones will not accomplish that.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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I don't think there is any question that Canada has a solid history of helping refugees when needed.


As for our current "fight" with ISIS, we supposedly fly 2% of the support missions or are they combat missions. That sounds great but what are the air missions accomplishing? While a ground war has NEVER been won without air superiority, NO war has ever been won from the air... So who are the troops on the ground we are supporting in the air war, what is holding them back for crushing ISIS?


As mentioned is ISIS something that can be defeated in the traditional sense of a war? Vietnam and other conflicts have proven it is pretty hard to beat a group that when they meet an overwhelming force they just chuck their guns and blend into country side until the overwhelming force leaves...


If ISIS were somehow stopped all together who or what takes over where they are now?


When the richest country in the region with the same religious majority as the majority of refugees won't take any..... umm what is that we don't understand about the issue?


The other thing is if it is a genuine refugee disaster in Syria why are there some reports showing that 72 percent of the refugees are men of fighting age, 15 percent are children and only 13 are women?



Edited by Canuck2fan
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Im for saying close the boarders and no more. Lets take care of our own. No one out there in any other country is going to help us. Hell, even our neighbour to the south are in trouble.


I say close our boarders NOW.



Canada can not save the world. We are in debt, yet we spend/send, millions of dollars to save people from other countries.


Dose that make sence to you all ?????????????

Edited by Brian B
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Brian I disagree with you 110%. Opening our borders to those that need a civilized country is who we are and always have been other than a few instances in our darkest history during WW2 with refugee Jews on boats from Europe being denied entry


. My grand parents came here in 1920's from Italy. If someone said no where would I be? You are wrong Brian, dead wrong, sorry.

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Im for saying close the boarders and no more. Lets take care of our own. No one out there in any other country is going to help us. Hell, even our neighbour to the south are in trouble.


I say close our boarders NOW.



Canada can not save the world. We are in debt, yet we spend/send, millions of dollars to save people from other countries.


Dose that make sence to you all ?????????????

I'm with you on this one, screen them, very very carefully. And when they don't get what they want here, then they run back home. One time only.

Edited by Fisherman
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My grandfather (1903) was allowed to come and "work" and nothing else, don't want to work get out. My parents in the early 60s were sponsored and came to "work" NO benefits allowed. They made it for many years on their own with two kids. WE followed their example and we paid our dues for 55 years. Contributed and never collected.

YET when I retire my benefits will be less than a person claiming to be a refugee! Am I wrong on this?

In my business there is NO Goverment pension plan and I have looked after myself. BUT why do we take care of others before the people who have paid in to it like me or my parents for over 50 years.


Canada keeps criminals better off than the people that pay taxes.


just listen to the three stooges jumping on the bandwagon looking for votes because of the refugee situation worldwide.


I spend less than I earn, why can't the government do the same?

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We aren't getting out of the Middle East no matter who is in power. They can rant and rail all they want while trying to get elected. When the rubber meets the road, we will stick with big brother, if we want to keep their shield and sword handy. This country has stayed strong and free for a long time under the shadow of our friends and cousins in the US. We are a very attractive place, and will walk lockstep with US interests to keep it that way. As for refugee's?? We have always extended a hand, and I don't see any virtue in opening the floodgates without figuring out just who your allowing in. We have a long history of helping others, sometimes you have to watch out for your own first.

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Brian I disagree with you 110%. Opening our borders to those that need a civilized country is who we are and always have been other than a few instances in our darkest history during WW2 with refugee Jews on boats from Europe being denied entry


. My grand parents came here in 1920's from Italy. If someone said no where would I be? You are wrong Brian, dead wrong, sorry.



You are talking many years ago Johnny, Im sure you can see and read the difference the way the world is today. There is a big difference from then and NOW.

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