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Please tell me if I was wrong..


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I used that type of markers on Lake Erie all the time, I was surprised at how many people tried to take them. Mine were homemade, and worked very well, I could drift a mile or more away from them and still see them using binoculars.


I never messed with anyone's markers, but i had a better understanding of the intent? It does seem extreme to blow up on someone though.

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If I found one that looked broken and abandoned I'd be liable to pick it up too. No one around, how would you know?


That guy also over-reacted for sure. I'm sure it was a super valuable piece of equipment that could never have been replaced... I had a guy start cursing and swearing at me once in front of his own kids when I told them they just wandered into the middle of my baseball game (that we paid the city to rent the field). for whatever reason he had trouble grasping that concept until I started acting impatient with him. "come on guys, lets go! We want to finish before dark!" (there are no lights at this diamond). Everyone was standing watching them/us. Some people just don't grasp the concept of other people existing in the world...

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Treats others the way they treat you, either with a suite and tie, and you talk calmly to difuse the situation, or with the flannel lumber jack coat, and baggy jeans, and there hat turned backwards, then you lay right into them, if that doesnt work jump into there boat and clean house,

Spoken like a true exterminator..lol

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sad sad deal. honest mistake I would say. I truly hope you had a goodday here on my home waters. as for jerks there seems to be more every year.


Thanks! And i do like your home waters this indecent notwithstanding. Generally I've found the people in the area (other fishermen, the marina, etc) very pleasant and helpful.


The old saying I don't agree with is "it takes all kinds...". I believe it should be changed to "we have all kinds"...

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They over-reacted big time. All that over a marker?? ha!


I don't have kids that age, so I'm not sure what I would have done in your situation, but my instinct right now would be to laugh at them, pass the marker to them and say... "sorry, but get over yourselves guys, seriously, bye"

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I see nothing wrong in what you did. People should not leave debris of any kind, whether temporary or not, in any body of water, or river. I pick up crap all the time.....how are you to know why it was left there?


Obviously left by a boatload of jerks. If they were participating in a " tournament", it only reinforces my extreme dislike of these events.

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It wasn't unattended. The OP said most of the boats had left.


Really? Not that I care one way or another but that's not what I read:


"During the late afternoon, after most of the boats had left for the day, we were trolling along and found yellow floating marker. You know, the old school way of marking a location where you caught fish or mark stucture.


I picked it out of the water and it was broken in the middle so I assumed that someone just left it there.. I decided to bring it aboard and dispose of it properly."


By the sounds of things there were no other boats anywhere near this broken floating marker.

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no, if most of the boats left. then not all the boats left just most


hell, I had a guy pick up mine 75 ft way. i zipped over and he said it was illegal to use and he was taking it, I explained to him and the other guy that there would be blood if he didnt drop it

turns out he thought it had many hooks on it , they used something like it in the ocean

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Really? Not that I care one way or another but that's not what I read:


"During the late afternoon, after most of the boats had left for the day, we were trolling along and found yellow floating marker. You know, the old school way of marking a location where you caught fish or mark stucture.


I picked it out of the water and it was broken in the middle so I assumed that someone just left it there.. I decided to bring it aboard and dispose of it properly."


By the sounds of things there were no other boats anywhere near this broken floating marker.


Correct, there were no other boats any where near it. I would say 1/2 km away was the closest. If there was a boat 75 yds away I would have yelled at them or i'm sure they would have yelled at me!

Edited by KraTToR
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Treats others the way they treat you, either with a suite and tie, and you talk calmly to difuse the situation, or with the flannel lumber jack coat, and baggy jeans, and there hat turned backwards, then you lay right into them, if that doesnt work jump into there boat and clean house,

I would of told the guy "Thanks man. I caught a 50" musky right beside it"

Lmao..... Well put!


My opinion, it was an honest mistake, no obvious ill intent, they were just meatheads. There's tons of em around. As much as you should have blown a hole thru the bottom of their boat, and take off laughing, you did well, and fessed up. You obviously were the bigger man in this situation. Cheers! And well done.

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Whenever I find myself in situations similar to that with my 10 and 7 year old watching, I am conscious of the fact that I am providing an example for my children by the way I react not the other peoples reaction.


After the fact I review the incident with my kids explaining what I thought about what I did, the others reaction and why I chose to react the way I did.


Respect this! But 'boy's close your eyes and cover your ears for a minute' is definitely in order here.

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I have GPS on my boat but sometimes like to mark a SHALLOW area with a marker because it's sometimes easier to relate to but they were wrong in the way they handled it.


This is just one of the reasons I gave up all tournament fishing years ago. It's too serious and sucks the fun out of it and I was one of those sucking the fun out of it....now I REALLY enjoy fishing with the same partner as I fished tournaments with as he feels the same way. We laugh and have a good old time while even catching a fish or two :)

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I'm sure if the OP thought for a second it was left on purpose he'd have left it. I was thinking the same thing as Mike B., I would never get that far away from a marker I dropped. Regardless, the meatheads in the other boat didn't have enough brain cells between the three of them to recognize an honest mistake and the fact there was a kid present. Live and learn. Forget about it, we're knee deep in morons these days.

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When someone gives me a hard time I always end it with this - I asked the guy if I could borrow his hat - he usually stops yelling and looks at me kinda funny - then I tell him I want to take a dump in it - then I walk away - leaving him standing there looking kinda silly -

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Reminds me of my bud's story, he launched his little boat while the guys ahead of him were fiddling with their gear and one of them wanted to fight him over it. He had the young lad so he was all apologetic and no way getting into a scrap. The guy says to his boy you should be ashamed of your dad he's a wimp and a coward. The kid says "I'm proud of my dad, Usually he'd beat you up and go to jail."

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