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What goes in your ice hole


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Funny story from Saturday.


Sitting in the shelter, i get a message from my girlfriend on my iphone 5. Phone is in my back pack placed behind me. I grab the phone, but it says it is too cold. So naturally i throw it down the front of my bib to warm up and keep fishing.


After a while I reach back to grab a bag of chips out of my bag behind me, the phone slips out of my bib, takes a weird hop and proceeds to slide 4 feet across the ice like a golf putt, right into my hole.


I guess there's a pike on island lake with a nice iphone 5.


Thank god i caught some fish or i would have snapped.


Whats the most valuable thing you guys have sacrificed to the fishing gods?

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Funny story. I was fishing on Upper Niagara this past fall. Ended up with a 44" musky at the side of the boat. My bro grab the cradle and ended up getting her inside of it. As I looked down my $300 prescription sunglasses fell into the water. I saw them going deeper and deeper so goodbye glasses. As this happened the musky jumped out of the cradle and was just hanging there by one hook. I manned up and grabbed that girl and brought her into the boat. I would of freaked if I not only lost my sunglasses, but my musky as well.

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Not down an ice hole; but I chuckle every time I think of this. Out in the boat with a buddy and his son; fishing was slow and this 8 year old was getting bored.

After a little while I said that we should maybe head in; buddy agrees and tells his son to pack up. Well the little guy got so excited about going in; his idea of packing up, was to pitch his dad's baitcast rod and reel into the lake. LOL

When we turned to see what the splash was; there's the little guy sitting in his seat all set to go, with that what's wrong look on his face.



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Not down an ice hole; but I chuckle every time I think of this. Out in the boat with a buddy and his son; fishing was slow and this 8 year old was getting bored.

After a little while I said that we should maybe head in; buddy agrees and tells his son to pack up. Well the little guy got so excited about going in; his idea of packing up, was to pitch his dad's baitcast rod and reel into the lake. LOL

When we turned to see what the splash was; there's the little guy sitting in his seat all set to go, with that what's wrong look on his face.





ahaha this is fantastic


my dad used to tie a piece of rope to our fishing rods and attach it to us just for this reason. Growing up in manitoba there were plenty of times big gators would come by and snap up our bait. I actually remember one time a fish taking the rod right out of my hands when i was 4-5 years old. Luckily the line broke off or i might have gone for a ride as well.

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Well, I have sacrificed three phones to the fishing gods (and numerous other items) over the last 10 or so years, one down the hole, one somewhere between the hut and shore, and one right beside my dock this summer.


I was fishing on a party boat in Florida about 20 years ago, having a super time and there was a pot for the biggest fish (a few hundred bucks). I hooked into a really nice grouper, it was easily the biggest fish of the day and putting up a great fight when suddenly my $400.00+ gold bracelet came undone and dropped into the ocean. Minutes later I lost the fish and let out a string of (not suitable for younger ears words). The guy beside me just looked at me and said "you got more upset about loosing that fish than you did about your bracelet"! I replied that the bracelet was insured, the fish wasn't!

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My phone comes with me but it stays inside my jacket in a zippered pocket. Keeps it warm too.


Ive lost glasses and a few combos. The glasses hurt, especially when you need them to drive back lol.


I havent done it in a long time however. But I did just replace my glasses as my others were 6 years old. My wallet is alot lighter thats for sure.


Even with insurance I paid $289 and my exam was $90 and not covered???


Total cost of my glasses was just shy of $700! OUCH!!

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My best one was tossing out the anchor as we were drifting over our spot and all I saw was the end of the rope pass right thru my fingers. I tossed it in the deeper water so it would grab when we drifted over the shoal!! Never found the end of the rope!!!

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Buddy of mine won a REALLY nice spinning reel in an ice derby. Next time we were on the ice he decided to swap the spool he had on for one with a different line on it, ie heavier or lighter, I forget which. He starts taking the front drag disc off the reel (which holds the spool in place.) I tell him, "Phil, you want to move away from your hole so you don't drop that down the hole." He looks at me, says, "No way" or something similar, then plop, roll, plunk, down goes his reel part straight down the hole.........


I MAY have said, "I TOLD YOU SO."


Years ago, fishing out of commercial ice huts on Simcoe, we snagged several items including a hole skimmer and a Coleman lantern. They were the old style huts with one gigantic hole in the centre of the hut, and I understand it was common practice for anglers to enjoy a few wobbly pops out in the shacks.... :whistling: The operator said there was any amount of stuff down there including minnow buckets, rods and reels, etc. Cell phones did not exist at that time, so there were none of those........


Yet another time out on Simcoe, over Beaverton way about 1983 or so, there was a hut operator who was a pretty tough chap, seems to me he had been in combat and had caught a bullet in the teeth (and lived). Anyways, at the end of the day he came out to pick us up with his sled, and there was blood all over the place. what the hell? When we asked him about the blood, he told us the group that was out near us were a bunch of gay men (we already knew that since one of them propositioned my buddy on the way out that morning) and anyways when he went to check on them, they were in the shack buck naked, smoking dope. One guy jumped down the ice hole and was sinking, when the hut operator grabbed the gaff and gaffed him through his cheek to pull him back into the shack.


So although I did not SEE the guy dropping down the ice hole, I am thinking that is the oddest "item" I ever heard of going down a hole. And I am here to tell you, a gaff wound to a cheek leaves a lot of blood.



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Many years ago on Simcoe the operator wanted a deposit for any beer yes beer that went out on the ice. IF any tootle or cap was missing tou lost the deposit!

Well I dropped a cap in the hole. I always carry a magnet with me so down it went and sure enough I got it back with much luck and trials. From then on I always carried an spare cap just in case.

On Nip we were given the third degree on dropping anything down.

I picked up almost all of his utensils during the night. he had very few words to say in the morning.

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Quite a few years ago, A good friend of mine was showing off his new camera to all us guys in 1 of Rob Hyatts rental ice huts on Nippissing. He pulls it out of his camera bag and as he turns, he bumps the frame holding the bunks in place and then this caused his camera to slip out of his hands. That bounced several times before it went "plunk" down the hole it goes. We even saw the splash of the water! Everyone was speachless and I remember buddy saying..."Oh my wife is gonna $#@#$%$ kill me!"


On Sunday as we were packing up, we were all chuckling about his mishap and then something caught my attention out of the corner of my eye. I take a second look and low and behold, there it is,,,, buddies brand new camera just a mere inch away from the hole. It didn't go down after all! To everyone's surprise, especially our friend, the camera was in perfect working condition.


The fortunate soul is on this site, you know who you are. LOL


Cheers, Ron...

Edited by Ron
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I went fishing on Saturday, set the otter up and while firing up the tank top heater the front guard pinged off and went straight down the hole, would have been ok if I'd been using my 8" auger, but was using a buddies 10"….oh well. Been online searching for a replacement, its off one of those Remington ones from CT, very hard to find one to order…can find but won't ship to Canada.



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Last season on the ice, my iphone fell out of my bib front pocket as well and bounced right into the hole. Happened in slow motion, I couldn't believe my eyes. I jumped onto my knees and blindly threw my hand down the hole up to my elbow...miraculously I wrapped my fingertips around something and pulled up my smartphone before it sank outta sight. Everything happened so fast, I couldn't believe my luck. Also spent $80 on a Lifeproof case just weeks before, money well spent. I'm super cautious any time using my phone on the ice now and never near open holes.

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While i have lost a phone while open water fishing, never down an ice hole....


Last year near the end of a pretty slow day on the lake, me and buddy were fishing in my pop up shanty a Shappel S3000 on a very windy day.


This is a suitcase style shanty that u fold two sides upright, then put a 2 pc pole across the top holding the sides upright, this pole across the top basically holds the whole thing together...Well a gust of wind somehow managed to pop the top pole apart, then both pieces of said pole bumped off our heads/fishing rods and manged to find there way into 2 of the holes. This of course caused the shanty to collapse on us and we barely had a clue what just happened....it wasn't until we looked into the holes and noticed we each had a half of the pole at the bottom before we realized.


The shanty was basically useless after that, i have fixed it with a pc of dowel in place of the poles but it just isn't the same....

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