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Event... My bad lol! That said we are being hammered still. I live 500-600 metres from Lake Ontario (Quinte) I can see the public launch from the end of my driveway.....


Sometimes the lake protects us.... Other times it dumps on us because of it.... We're being hammered as I type this..... And in my opinion its time! We need the snow in the bush



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Well, I broke my shovel this morning! I finished up my drive and headed across the street to do my neighbours driveway as she not capable. I have developed a real hate for interlocking driveways! Dang shovel kept catching the stones while I pushed like heck! Snapped the blade in half!

The sun just came out here a few minutes ago, so it won't be long now G.


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Yea I miss my plow truck; NOT!!!!! LOL


When I had my shop in a stand alone building, it was great having it there and at the house after a big snow fall. The part I didn't like is the friends and neighbours who would come knocking. Hey Dan, can I ask you a favor and then whine in the spring because their lawn got a bit tore up with my blade?

But now like most city slickers, I pay common area at the shop for snow removal and I have my trusty snow blower for the driveway at home. I just need to get the wife out there to learn how to use it, not like she doesn't; but a case of convenient memory loss has been working for her. LOL



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Well, this storm gave me a work out. Broke my snow shovel last night, and rebuilt it. Today I snapped the thing in 2 just as I was finishing the driveway. No Red Green fix this time. Guess I'll go out and find a new one before the next blow.

Breaking your shovel is a little extreeme isn't it? Didn't stop the snow did it? :whistling:

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It rains in the summer and snows in the winter.........it's been doing that for millions of years....now if you reverse that trend, you have reason to "stay tuned" to the weather reports.


What has changed in the last 20 - 30 years is the 24/7/365 news channels we now have.......they need to report "something" all the time and the CHEAPEST reporting to do is the weather report. They also want to the public to believe if you "stay tuned" to their channel they could save your life....and unfortunately many seniors now fall for this CRAP ! ! !


I now DVR the 6 o'clock news so I can fast forward through the stupid report......errrrrrrr weather forecast...LOL

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I don't have enough of a scientific background to discuss this global warming thing so won't. I can tell you that when there are storms they are more intense and more frequent than when I was a kid. Talking to a Dock Foreman at Arselor Dofasco in Hamilton the incidents of "High Winds" that shut down their Ore bridges are 5 times more frequent of what they were 40 years ago. I keep a log of fishing outings here on Erie. We were not able to get out because of high winds more times last summer than the previous 5 years all together.

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I don't have enough of a scientific background to discuss this global warming thing so won't. I can tell you that when there are storms they are more intense and more frequent than when I was a kid. Talking to a Dock Foreman at Arselor Dofasco in Hamilton the incidents of "High Winds" that shut down their Ore bridges are 5 times more frequent of what they were 40 years ago. I keep a log of fishing outings here on Erie. We were not able to get out because of high winds more times last summer than the previous 5 years all together.

Weather is a funny thing!


Im not all that old but the weather here is just strange.


Normally we had hot humid summers, decent amounts of rain, some windy days but the winds almost always stopped at night.


The winters were nothing crazy but we always had tonnes of snow. I have old pics somewhere of hopping off my grandpas roof for fun and it was like a 2ft drop lol.


Last winter was insane cold with moderate snow levels. Not too much but man it seemed -30 and colder for weeks on end.


This year we have 6" off snow on the ground, last week it rained three times. One day was +12.


Its just my observations nothing scientific. But it is neat to see the changes bi it good or bad.


When my grandpa died he had logs of weather and rainfall that he used for his gardening.


I kept it and read through some of it, not all, its pretty boring lol. But i got the jest the weather was much more stable in those years long gone by

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I don't have enough of a scientific background to discuss this global warming thing so won't. I can tell you that when there are storms they are more intense and more frequent than when I was a kid. Talking to a Dock Foreman at Arselor Dofasco in Hamilton the incidents of "High Winds" that shut down their Ore bridges are 5 times more frequent of what they were 40 years ago. I keep a log of fishing outings here on Erie. We were not able to get out because of high winds more times last summer than the previous 5 years all together.

I've have the complete opposite experience on getting out fishing on Erie....was a excellent year fishing wise and just about every time (a lot) that I planned to fish we fished. Not many trips at all cancelled because of high winds.


Weather now (winter) seems about normal to what it was when I was a kid (long time ago). However, last year and this year seems more harsh I believe because before last winter we had about 5 years of MILD winters and were getting use to them and I believe we were starting to expect them (mild winters).


Also the constant "bad weather coming" reports on TV / radio have folks worried a lot more then 30-40 years ago. Back then we just took it on the chin that day, pick ourselves up and went to work / school that morning.

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Nice & sunny over my way too, infact it's a beautiful day.


Gonna head out shortly and clean up a bit of snow I couldn't get with the blower the other day.


Been an excellent winter in the Kawarthas without too much snow, at least my end, and I'd guess we've received as much snow in the last week or 2 as we've got all winter so far. Hard to tell for sure but I doubt there's a foot on the ground total.

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I agree with u Fisherman


The weather station staff, some of them have become preverbial whinners. "O it's minus 20 so u want to bundle up, skin can freeze in just a matter of seconds" or "It's a good day to stay inside with a cup of hot chocolate and a good book" aaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Or they say "O we almost have winter beat, when they have only had it for 6 or seven weeks lol


Some people love winter, no smog, pollution, blackflies...


Winter starts here in early October , the pond freezes over by the 12th to 15th , and we can still ice fish in early May.


At minus 47 there are people still bike riding to work, WHAT would the weather station say about that lol


Then they complain that its to hot in the summer , stay inside with airconditioning, limit your outdoor activities sheeesh........


Thanks Fisherman U are not alone :tease:

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