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Missing my OFC family here is what I have been busy with


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Well I have not posted much as we have been totally swamped with our lure orders and Now bump board orders along with family life and real work life. I have been keeping a eye on the board but just have not posted much I usually get a chance to look at the board when Im on break in my transport. Here is a report from last week when we made a big push into the USA market with our lures.


After years of great support in Canada and a fast growing customer base in the USA Danna and I decided it was time we booked a show south of the boarder. January 2014 I talked with Doug Reuter who was starting a NEW show for Chicago and it was going to be bigger and better I booked a booth we were so excited for the entire year.

With this being our first show over there we went through what we were informed were the correct channel’s from U.S. customs (CPB) well not totally the correct things happened. 12 hours before we were to cross the boarder we were informed that the shirts were not allowed into the USA. This was crazy as the place I get them from orders them from the USA so they have already been there Oh well leave all shirts at home lets go. NOPE still more hassles after 12 hours on and off the phone were kind of good to go.

The Chicago 2015 shirts that never made it Yes we have lots for sale LOL

We get to the boarder and are flagged to go to Xray then the dock for inspection no biggie we get that all taken care of and are on the way to Chitown for what should be a 5 hour drive to the hotel NOPE the blizzard and blowing snow extend that drive to around 10 hours no biggie were still positive and dead tired.

Does not look to bad but its totally ice covered not fun

Dead stopped getting into Chicago area

This was not bad on the way home the trailer was totally covered but i was t odead tired t osnap a pic.

Good night tomorrow is set up
Since we were not in early Thursday we had to set up Friday morning up at 5 am have breakfast then head to the show for 7am get the booth set up and tour the show before the crowds get here at 2pm.

We were lucky to have John Cowan schedule a business meeting in Chicago for the same weekend so he came out to help us run the booth for Friday and Saturday along with his good friend Tim O’riley. Tim makes a nice glide/swim bait that he was selling in our booth for the weekend.

I was extra happy with the comments that we were hearing about the quality of our lures that has been my goal from day one to always give the best product we can and it was well received in Chicago. Our bump boards were also getting great comments and we sold a bunch I cant wait to get more pics of big slime on them this season.

We did a interview with Muskie first its hard to hear as we were so busy we had to do it with customers in the booth.


Muskies Inc came over and bought a bump board for one of their auctions so I gave them some extra baits to help raise money for their club its always great to give back no matter what side of the boarder were on.

The reports were 10,000 through the door over the weekend


I did not keep track of the people at our booth but it was always busy Friday and Saturday, Sunday was slow after noon as the packer NFL game had started and most were in the bar watching or went home to watch it.

All I can say is I am truly blessed to have a awesome family to go through this trip out and back with me.

I am also so lucky to have such great support from across Canada mainly in Ontario but all the way to our friends out on the east coast. Thanks you all who have helped us grow. I will not start to point out people as I don’t want to leave anyone out. You have all helped us grow in one way or another.

Cheers and we will see you all at the Muskies Canada odyssey April 25th

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Keep making quality gear, and treat people they way you do, and you will rise to the top, Mike! My son and GF both caught new PB's on handlebarz this year to boot! We love em! Gotta get me one of those sweet bump boards now too!



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Congrat's Mike, your display at the show looked fantastic! There's no doubt in my mind your company will be a success.

Thanks Mike we have been growing steady year after year we just let things happen as they will and we have amazing support


great stuff for sure

Thanks Terry


Great stuff Mike!

Thanks Pete


Great Stuff for sure Mike// Might be time to give up playing truck driver :whistling::sarcasm::rofl2:

That would be great to be able to support a steady paycheck or at least slow down on driving


Keep making quality gear, and treat people they way you do, and you will rise to the top, Mike! My son and GF both caught new PB's on handlebarz this year to boot! We love em! Gotta get me one of those sweet bump boards now too!



I hear you there dad told me never cheap out keep up your quality and you will have great success. Shoot me the pics if you can as I hope to update my website soon. [email protected]


Great set up your got there Mike!! That's quite the trip.

Looking forward to picking up my bump board in April at the show and my list of baits is up around 25 now haha

Jeff we can get them done no problem the Odyssey is a great show. I just wish we had enough volunteers in Muskies Canada to host it every year. Maybe one year out east like Kingston area then the original the next. It takes a lot of work and a strong dedicated core of people to pull it off.



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So cool that you got to do the Chicago show. A great guy making a great product. I hope the Aussie did didn't scare too many customers off.

Dan it was great and John was worried about wearing his team Canada jersey I told him if people did not come over because of that they would not buy from a Canadian any way. But if they left because of his accent that I can understand LOL.


Looks good! Your son has the look of "My dad has the coolest job!!"


Why the heck are you wearing shorts?

LOL I wish he thought that he is still in the conversion stages he likes to help out but not full time yet he was having a blast taking in all the seminars and cruising the booths.


Looks really good Mike :good:



That is super cool Mike.

Do I get too be on the pro team?

Well you don't think that there is a conflict there you better sleep with one eye open LOL (JK for the ones who don't know that we are friends)


Well done Mr Parker


Hard to believe your children are growing up so fast.

Thanks Phil yes they are growing fast its so crazy


Good job Mike thanks for crossing the border even if it is a pain in the butt. There are a lot of good people down South that chase the Muskies and with your products we got half a chance to catch them.




Art your so correct we have many repeat customers that are from the mid west and the south east that have heard about us through musky hunter and the web sites I'm on we felt it was our time to come out and meet them face to face and it was AWESOME.


Great display Mike the black background with the bling makes those lures standout,

we are looking at some new material as that stuff has lasted us many years we will be sticking to the black and maybe adding some lights on top


What a wonderful report!

Thanks Cliff


Doesn't seem like work when you follow your passion. Thanks for the read and best of luck going forward.

LOL I wish it was always easy going but at times it sure is work but I love it and if I did not love it I honestly am not sure I would be this far. If this was full time it would be easier as the tough days are the ones after 10 hours or so on the road then still having to put time in. No complaints from me my biggest reward is still pictures and stories people share with their fish on our baits.

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That's just awesome Mike, congrats to you!!!

Thanks Joey you better talk to that better half he is trying to start something LOL


Wow !!!! That's too cool mike !!!! Amazing ..... Keep up the great work Thumbs way up !!!!!

Thanks were pushing forward


Very good report. I'm happy you did well. From a customers point of view your booth looks fantastic! Your graphics are amazing!

Thanks we were going for a first impression point for the shows as each year we set up we try to add something or change it a bit to keep it fresh


Well done Mike. Congrats to you and your family.

Thanks Brian

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Mike congratulations, really impressive, I am sure you are proud of yourself and your family.


Your t shirts that we ordered last year turned a few heads at the dock and the fishing section of the CTC up here in Yellowknife


Could u pm me about the prices again, the shirts have had a lot of use :Gonefishing:



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